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Radiology (imaging) and imaging-guided interventions, which provide multi-parametric morphologic and functional information, are playing an increasingly significant role in precision medicine. Radiologists are trained to understand the imaging phenotypes, transcribe those observations (phenotypes) to correlate with underlying diseases and to characterize the images. However, in order to understand and characterize the molecular phenotype (to obtain genomic information) of solid heterogeneous tumours, the advanced sequencing of those tissues using biopsy is required. Thus, radiologists image the tissues from various views and angles in order to have the complete image phenotypes, thereby acquiring a huge amount of data. Deriving meaningful details from all these radiological data becomes challenging and raises the big data issues. Therefore, interest in the application of radiomics has been growing in recent years as it has the potential to provide significant interpretive and predictive information for decision support. Radiomics is a combination of conventional computer-aided diagnosis, deep learning methods, and human skills, and thus can be used for quantitative characterization of tumour phenotypes. This paper discusses the overview of radiomics workflow, the results of various radiomics-based studies conducted using various radiological images such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron-emission tomography (PET), the challenges we are facing, and the potential contribution of radiomics towards precision medicine.  相似文献   
Previous research has established a close link between students'conceptions of learning, approaches to study and learning outcomes.Until recently, there have been few studies of lecturers' approaches toteaching in higher education and their relationship with conceptions ofteaching. This study aimed to characterise the alternative approaches toteaching of university lecturers, and to examine the relationshipbetween lecturers' approaches to teaching and their conceptions of goodteaching. This study adopted an open naturalistic approach. Seventeenlecturers in three departments in a university were selected forinterview based on their rank, years of teaching and industrial orprofessional experience. Lecturers were interviewed individually abouttheir conceptions of good teaching, motivational strategies andeffective teaching. The interview records were then content analysed bythe two researchers of the study. The study found that (a) it waspossible to characterise lecturers' approaches to teaching with onemotivation and five strategy dimensions; (b) the conceptions of teachingof the lecturers were best described by two main orientations oftransmissive and facilitative teaching; (c) lecturers who conceivedteaching as transmitting knowledge were more likely to usecontent-centred approaches to teaching, while those who conceivedteaching as facilitative tended to use learning-centred approaches. Thestudy concludes by suggesting that fundamental changes to the quality ofteaching and learning are unlikely to happen without changes tolecturers' conception of teaching.  相似文献   

In recent years, flipped learning has attracted much attention around the world. This instructional approach is appealing because it can free up class time for knowledge application activities with help from the instructor and peers. However, its implementation can be fraught with challenges. Student disengagement in out-of-class activities, for example, is one of the major challenges of flipped learning. The purpose of this study is to examine whether gamification can enhance student engagement in a flipped course. A comparison study was conducted, involving two classes of undergraduate students in an Information Management course. The results indicated that students in the gamification-enhanced flipped learning group (n?=?48) were more likely to complete the pre-class and post-class activities on time than those in the non-gamified flipped learning group (n?=?48). Students in the gamification-enhanced flipped learning group also produced higher quality artifacts than the non-gamified flipped learning group in the pre-class thinking activities. Moreover, students in the gamification-enhanced flipped learning group scored significantly higher in the post-course test than did their non-gamified counterparts.  相似文献   
The pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) in early 2020 has led to tremendous disruptions in education systems worldwide, including the closure of majority of education institutions and the shifting from face‐to‐face learning toward remote learning. More than 70% of the world's student population were affected by such a disruptive event, inclusive of undergraduate students in their final year preparing their research project. Senior students in Food Science generally perform laboratory‐oriented research project, which can be problematic due to the closure of laboratories and universities. I wrote this article to give an insight into conducting final year research projects from home amidst the COVID‐19 crisis based on my personal experience as a research supervisor. The research methods discussed include literature review, analysis of secondary data, survey research, simple food processing, remote sensory evaluation, and glycemic index analysis. Regardless of the type of research chosen, consistent guidance and support from a research supervisor toward the student, both academic and moral, appears to be a fundamental factor determining the success of the student in completing his/her final research project, particularly during these difficult times.  相似文献   
An understanding of mechanical waves is a pre‐requisite for the study of many topics in advanced physics, and indeed in many other disciplines. There have been many research studies in mechanical waves, all of which have revealed that students have trouble with the basic concepts. Therefore, in order for teachers to prepare appropriate instruction for their classes, it is useful to diagnose their students' conceptions—if possible before they enter class. It is for this purpose that many diagnostic instruments have been developed, often in the form of multiple‐choice tests. In this study, we have used the open‐ended Wave Diagnostic Test to develop a multiple‐choice conceptual survey in an evolutionary manner. The two‐year development procedure included open‐ended surveys and interviews involving 299 Thai students and 88 Australian students. The final version, called the Mechanical Waves Conceptual Survey, has been administered to 632 Australian students from high school to second‐year university and 270 Thai high school students. Standard statistical analyses show that the survey is reliable and valid. Further validity checks, including consultation with experts, were also carried out. The survey has four subtopics—propagation, superposition, reflection, and standing waves—and the teachers can choose the subtopics relevant for their students. In this paper we also demonstrate the use of a typical survey question to test students' conceptual understanding and identify common alternative conceptions.  相似文献   
The development of teacher professional learning communities (PLC) has attracted growing attention among practitioners, policy-makers and researchers. The aims of this study were to identify typologies of professional learning teams based on measures of professional learning engagement, and assess their linkages with teachers’ value orientations. Based on data obtained from 408 professional learning teams in Singapore schools, cluster analysis identified three types of professional learning teams: highly engaged, moderately engaged and less engaged. These three profiles differ mainly in terms of level of endorsement for the four measures of professional learning engagement (collective focus on student learning, collaborative learning, reflective dialogue and shared values and vision). Results revealed that highly engaged professional learning teams reported the highest levels of endorsement for all four engagement measures. Teachers among the learning teams in the highly engaged profile reported a significantly higher level of uncertainty avoidance than those in the moderately engaged and less engaged profiles. Teachers in the less engaged profile also reported a significantly higher level of power distance than those in the highly engaged teams. Multinomial logistic regression analysis found that team power distance and team uncertainty avoidance were significant predictors of engagement profile membership. The implications for fostering effective teacher development through more systematic support of PLC are discussed.  相似文献   
Research on the sex-role problems of gifted adolescents rarely lifts its sight beyond Western developed countries, making generalizations to the Third World suspect. The present study, by exploring the relationship between gender and adjustment among gifted adolescents in Singapore, hopes to extend the consideration of developmental sex-role issues to a society different from the West. Specifically, it reports that Singaporean gifted girls, like some of their Western counterparts, had difficulty in reconciling their giftedness with societal notions of femininity.Conceivably, this conflict placed them on the threshold of stress, leaving them more vulnerable than the gifted boys to adjustment problems. In addition, having internalized the gender stereotypic view that academic excellence was less important to them than to the boys, the gifted girls might inadvertently put ceilings on their own achievements. The paper concludes with several remedies for educators, counsellors, and parents to help gifted girls embark upon their road to self-fulfilment.
Zusammenfassung Forschungen über die Probleme begabter Jugendlicher bezüglich geschlechtsspezifischer Rollen erfassen selten Zielgruppen außerhalb der entwickelten westlichen Länder. Demnach wird jede Übertragung auf die dritte Welt fragwürdig. Diese Studie beabsichtigt, mit einer Untersuchung über die Beziehungen zwischen Geschlecht und Anpassungsfähigkeit unter begabten Jugendlichen in Singapur, den Kontext der Debatte über entwicklungsbezogene geschlechtsspezifische Rollen auf eine nicht-westliche Gesellschaft zu erweitern. Insbesondere wird berichtet, daß begabte singapurische Mädchen es ebenso wie westliche Mädchen schwierig finden, ihre Begabtheit mit gesellschaftsüblichen Begriffen der Weiblichkeit zu vereinbaren. Es wäre durchaus möglich, daß dieser Konflikt sie bis an die Schwelle des Stresses bringt, so daß sie für Anpassungsprobleme anfälliger als begabte Jungen sind. Indem sie die geschlechtstypische Ansicht verinnerlichen, daß wissenschaftlicher Erfolg für sie weniger bedeutsam ist als für Jungen, könnten die begabten Mädchen ihren eigenen Leistungen unbewußt Grenzen setzen. Der Artikel endet mit verschiedenen Vorschlägen, wie Pädagogen, Berater und Eltern begabter Mädchen dazu beitragen könnten, daß diese Mädchen zu ihrer Selbsterfüllung finden.

Résumé La recherche sur les problèmes liés au rôle des sexes des adolescents doués porte rarement son regard au-delà des pays industrialisés occidentaux, rendant les généralisations au Tiers Monde suspectes. En étudiant le rapport entre les sexes et l'adaptation chez les adolescents talentueux de Singapour, la présente étude espère étendre l'examen des problèmes de développement liés au rôle des sexes à une société différente de celles du monde occidental. En particulier, elle relate que les filles douées de Singapour, comme certaines de leurs homologues occidentales, ont des difficultés à concilier leur talent avec les notions sociales de fémininité. II est concevable que ce conflit les ait mises sous pression, les rendant ainsi plus vulnérables que les garçons doués aux problèmes d'adaptation. Par ailleurs, ayant assimilé le point de vue stéréotypé des sexes selon lequel l'excellence scolaire est moins importante pour elles que pour les garçons, il se peut que les filles douées fixent, par inadvertance, un plafond à leurs propres performances. Cet article conclut en proposant quelques remèdes aux éducateurs, conseillers et aux parents pour aider les filles capables à s'engager dans la voie qui leur permettra de s'accomplir.
The compliance of a badminton racket is an important design consideration, which can be better understood by studying the deflection behaviour of the racket during a stroke. Deflection can be measured using direct methods, such as motion capture or high speed video, or by indirect methods, which then require a mathematical model in order to calculate the deflections from indirect measures. Indirect methods include strain gauges and accelerometers. Here, racket deflection is measured directly using motion capture and compared with deflections calculated from strain gauge data using a beam model. While the elastic behaviour is better calculated from strains than measured by motion capture, it is not possible to extract the whole motion of the racket from strain data. Motion capture is therefore also necessary to determine the rigid body velocity, in order to put the elastic velocity (as calculated from strains) in perspective.  相似文献   
Learning Environments Research - The study examined the factor structure, reliability and validity of a Chinese version of the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (C-CLES), an instrument for...  相似文献   
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