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Twenty domestic Muscovy ducks were trained to traverse a runway for food reward. Subjects were then randomly assigned to treatments. In one treatment, subjects received six nonrewarded trials followed by six rewarded trials every day for 12 days; and, in the other treatment, subjects received six rewarded trials followed by six nonrewarded trials every day for 12 days. These successive acquisition and extinction (SAE) treatments were selected because different extinction rates on the nonrewarded trials are expected on the bases of previous research performed with rats. Analyses of variance revealed the former treatment yielded significantly greater resistance to extinction than did the latter treatment. It was concluded that ducklings performed similarly to rats in the above SAE situation.  相似文献   
While much criticism has been leveled at graduate education in major United States colleges and universities in the recent past, this study investigated the style and format variables related to preparation of the dissertation and associated matters. The results of this study indicate that a significant amount of introspective evaluation of the dissertation process and product has taken place over the last five years. Technological advances, quality concerns, and increased student involvement in the preparation process have been recognized and incorporated into new dissertation requirements, and a trend toward decentralized monitoring of dissertation preparation is evident from the results. Also presented are comparative information and data contrasting current practices with those reported in a 1975–76 survey of the same population. In both cases the response rate for the survey was greater than 85%, thus providing a very definitive picture of the current status of dissertation preparation.  相似文献   
A curriculum modification was designed to increase the general reasoning ability of kindergarten children who were lagging in cognitive development. The new instructional program was tested with 22 kindergarters who scored in the lowest 9% on the EAS measure of general learning and reasoning ability taken from SRA's Survey of Basic Skills. The experimental children were given “learning set” instruction on unidimensional classification, unidimensional seriation, and number conservation for four months. They received the instruction in groups of six for 15 minutes two or three times per week during the time usually reserved for mathematics. Control children received the normal mathematics instruction, also in groups of six, for matched sessions. The experimental children made twice the gains of the control children on the EAS measure, and matched their gains on reading and mathematics achievement. It appears that integrated “learning set” training on these three Piagetian concepts may be a potent tool for aiding kindergartners who are falling behind their peers in cognitive development.  相似文献   
One hundred and eighty-one teacher training students sat three attitude measuring instruments to investigate the relationships between attitudes to self, attitudes to others and attitudes to educational practices. Clinical studies within the ambit of Rogerian psychotherapy suggest that a relationship between self and other attitudes should be positive. Substantial and statistically significant positive correlations, in the order of p<0.01, emerged consistently in this study between attitudes to self and attitudes to a range of others and to progressive child centred educational practices. Self acceptance level would seem to be an index of attitudes to a wide range of others. This relationship provides a principle of utmost importance for human relationships since the application of psychological processes to enhance the self concept should facilitate as a corollary a decrease in interpersonal tensions and inter group conflict. This relationship is of particular consequence in the teaching context since teaching is a sharing of self with others. The results of the study suggest that those with low self acceptance prefer (p<0.01) to avoid close encounters with pupils and prefer a more traditional formal teaching style.  相似文献   
Little responding develops to a conditioned stimulus (CS) that is placed in a random relation to an unconditioned stimulus (US). However, if the USs not preceded by that CS are themselves signaled by another stimulus, then the CS does come to elicit responding. This result has been attributed (e.g., by Durlach, 1983) to the signal’s blocking of conditioning to background cues that otherwise would prevent conditioning of the CS. However, Goddard and Jenkins (1987) have suggested the alternative that signaling the USs promotes responding due to the adventitious creation of periods of signaled nonreinforcement. Two experiments were conducted to assess this alternative, involving an autoshaping preparation in pigeons. In Experiment 1, little responding to a keylight CS presented in a random relation to a food US occurred, despite the explicit presentation of a discrete noise signaling periods of no food in the intertrial interval (ITI). Experiment 2 was designed to replicate the procedure of Goddard and Jenkins, in which an auditory stimulus extended throughout the ITI of a random schedule, terminating only prior to extra USs and during the CS. Contrary to their findings, little responding developed to the target CS. However, responding did develop when the sound-free period occurred only prior to the extra USs. These results offer little support for the hypothesis that signaled periods of nonreinforcement promote responding on random schedules. However, they are consistent with the view that signaling of ITI USs acts by preventing conditioning of potentially competitive background cues.  相似文献   
This article uses data from several elementary school classrooms in Chicago on how students learn to calculate, and reviews similar data from a number of developing countries to examine the strengths and limitations of using the mathematical knowledge which students develop on their own outside of formal schooling to increase the amount, range and power of mathematical knowledge which is acquired through formal schooling. In so doing it attempts to reconcile the views of those who believe that the key to improving elementary school quality lies in improving the technology of instruction and those who believe that it lies in a deeper understanding of the mental life of children. It concludes by arguing that the quality of elementary schooling can be improved through skilled management of the environmentally acquired knowledge which students bring to instruction, if this knowledge is transformed through pedagogic and curricular interventions into a set of portable intellectual skills.
Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel werden Daten von einigen Chicagoer Grundschulklassen zu den von Schülern zum Rechnenlernen benutzten Methoden verwertet. Anhand ähnlicher Daten aus einigen Entwicklungsländern wird überprüft, ob es von Vorteil oder Nachteil ist, das außerhalb des Schulunterrichts entwickelte mathematische Wissen zu verwenden, um den Umfang, die Reichweite und die Fähigkeit des durch die formale Bildung gewonnenen Wissens zu erweitern. Dadurch wird versucht, die oft vertretene Meinung, der Schlüssel zur Qualitätsverbesserung in den Grundschulen läge in der Verbesserung der Instruktionstechnologien mit dem Standpunkt derjenigen in Einklang zu bringen, die glauben, es läge am tieferen Verständnis der Denkweise von Kindern. Der Artikel schließt mit dem Argument, daß die Qualität des Grundschulunterrichts durch geschicktes Handhaben des durch die Umwelt erworbenen Wissens, das die Schüler zum Lernen anregt, verbessert werden kann, wenn dieses Wissen durch pädagogische und curriculare Mitsprache in eine Reihe tragbarer intellektueller Fähigkeiten verwandelt wird.

Résumé Le présent article se sert des données fournies par plusieurs classes élémentaires de Chicago sur la manière dont les élèves apprennent à calculer, et examine les données similaires de plusieurs pays en développement pour analyser les points forts et les points faibles de l'exploitation des connaissances en mathématiques que les élèves acquièrent seuls en dehors de l'école formelle pour renforcer la quantité, la portée et l'intensité du savoir mathématique qui est acquis à l'école formelle. Pour ce faire, on tente de rapprocher les vues de ceux qui croient que la clé de l'amélioration de la qualité de l'école élémentaire réside dans l'amélioration de la technologie et de ceux qui pensent qu'elle réside plutôt dans une plus grande compréhension de la vie mentale des enfants. L'auteur de cet article conclut en montrant que la qualité de l'enseignement fondamental peut être améliorée grâce à une gestion experte du savoir acquis localement que les élèves apportent dans leur éducation, à condition que ce savoir puisse être transformé par des interventions pédagogiques et curriculaires en une série de compétences intellectuelles valables.
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