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In this article Roland Sintos Coloma argues for the relevance of empire as an analytical category in educational research. He points out the silence in mainstream studies of education on the subject of empire, the various interpretive approaches to deploying empire as an analytic, and the importance of indigeneity in research on empire and education. Coloma examines three award‐winning books, Lawrence Cremin's The Transformation of the School: Progressivism in American Education, 1876–1957, John Willinsky's Learning to Divide the World: Education at Empire's End, and David Wallace Adams's Education for Extinction: American Indians and the Boarding School Experience, 1875–1928, in order to delineate the heuristic spectrum of the use of empire in educational research. These texts are put in conversation with the interdisciplinary fields of American, postcolonial, race/ethnic, and indigenous studies where questions of empire have received considerable attention. Ultimately, mobilizing empire as an analytical category will enable researchers, policymakers, and educators to establish new connections and dispute long‐standing views about discursive, structural, and affective dynamics at local, national, and global levels.  相似文献   
Most research on bullying in schools has focussed on characteristics of bullies or victims, and their families. Relatively little has investigated the school's contribution to pupil bullying. Information was obtained from teachers in 22 Norwegian primary schools on bullying and 3 aspects of professional culture. The school highest in bullying had significantly worse scores on all professional culture variables than the school lowest on bullying. The results are discussed with reference to the possibility that improvement in professional culture may contribute to less bullying and overall improvement in behaviour. In turn, these may be prerequisites for improvement in academic standards.  相似文献   
This study investigated the contents of children's attitudes toward the elderly and compared these attitudes with the children's attitudes toward young people.

The Children's Views on Aging (CVOA) questionnaire was administered to 256 latency‐aged (8‐10 year‐old) children. The children were white and black, male and female, and came from both rural and urban backgrounds.

The children's responses to the CVOA were analyzed quantitatively using chi‐square and t‐tests. The results showed that children had some negative perceptions of the aging process, but positive views of the older person. Comparison of the children's attitudes toward older people and young people showed that the children's attitudes were more negative toward older people in the potency dimension of attitude but more positive toward older people in the evaluative dimension. The findings suggest that children's attitudes toward aging are complex and diverse. Important implications for educational practice are discussed.

This study formed part of Ronald Marks’ doctoral dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, 1980.  相似文献   
This investigation examined step-by-step kinematics of sprint running acceleration. Using a randomised counterbalanced approach, 37 female team handball players (age 17.8 ± 1.6 years, body mass 69.6 ± 9.1 kg, height 1.74 ± 0.06 m) performed resisted, assisted and unloaded 20-m sprints within a single session. 20-m sprint times and step velocity, as well as step length, step frequency, contact and flight times of each step were evaluated for each condition with a laser gun and an infrared mat. Almost all measured parameters were altered for each step under the resisted and assisted sprint conditions (η2 ≥ 0.28). The exception was step frequency, which did not differ between assisted and normal sprints. Contact time, flight time and step frequency at almost each step were different between ‘fast’ vs. ‘slow’ sub-groups (η2 ≥ 0.22). Nevertheless overall both groups responded similarly to the respective sprint conditions. No significant differences in step length were observed between groups for the respective condition. It is possible that continued exposure to assisted sprinting might allow the female team-sports players studied to adapt their coordination to the ‘over-speed’ condition and increase step frequency. It is notable that step-by-step kinematics in these sprints were easy to obtain using relatively inexpensive equipment with possibilities of direct feedback.  相似文献   
Despite a large body of literature about fan violence issues, research investigating perceptions and dynamics in potentially violent situations, called critical incidents (CIs), is missing. This qualitative study examined the perceptions and dynamics of CIs involving ultra football fans. Fifty-nine semi-structured interviews with individuals (fans, police officers or security employees) involved in eight CIs were conducted and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The assessment of legitimacy of an out-group’s actions strongly influenced the perception of a CI, which is in line with the Elaborated Social Identity Model. Informative intergroup communication about the own intentions seemed to increase perception of legitimacy, while arrests of fans due to pyrotechnics were perceived by fans as illegitimate. The local fan culture, e.g. the fans’ use of pyrotechnics for their support, is relevant for the understanding of this assessment of legitimacy.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Seit Erlangung der Unabhängigkeit bemüht sich Guinea-Bissau, ein neues Bildungssystem zu erarbeiten, das sich vorwiegend auf die während der Kampfperiode in den befreiten Zonen gewonnen Erfahrungen stützt. So wurde 1977 anläßlich der Verlängerung der Primärschulzeit um zwei Jahre (von 4 auf 6 Jahre) in der Tombali-Region im Land Balante ein Experiment mit integrierten Volksbildungszentren (CEPI) eingeführt. Der vorliegende Artikel ist ein Bericht über die dabei gemachten Erfahrungen. Er stellt die grundlegenden Prinzipien des CEPI heraus: Mitwirkung der Erwachsenen an der Ausarbeitung von Bildungsprogrammen; Abwechslung von Schulbesuch der Kinder (4 Tage) und Leben in der Gemeinschaft (die drei folgenden Tage); Verbindung von Bildung und Umwandlung. Erste Bewertungen haben gezeigt, welches Interesse die Landbevölkerung diesem neuen Bildungssystem entgegenbringt, das zur Zeit auf zwei andere Regionen des Landes ausgeweitet wird. Allerdings erwachsen dabei neue schwierige Probleme, vor allem das der Ausbildung von Lehrkräften, die imstande sind, das ursprüngliche, in der Experimentierungszone praktizierte pädagogische Konzept zu reproduzieren, ohne es in seiner Natur zu verändern, sowie das Problem der Artikulation des CEPI im Rahmen des übrigen Bildungssystems.
Since Guinea-Bissau attained independence, it has endeavoured to define a new system of education inspired chiefly by the experience gained in the liberated zones during the period of armed struggle. Thus, when primary education was extended by two years (from 4 to 6 years), an experiment with Centres of Integrated Popular Education (CEPI) was launched in 1977 in the region of Tombali in the Balante area. The present article gives an account of this altogether novel experiment. It underlines the basic principles of the CEPI: to involve adults in the elaboration of educational programmes; to introduce an alternation of school (where the children spend four days) with the community (where they spend the three following days); to link education with transformation. First evaluations have shown the interest taken by farmers in this new education system, which has now been extended to other regions of the country. However, major problems continue to arise, especially that of preparing new educators capable of reproducing the original pedagogical approach followed in the experimental zone without distorting it, and the problem of articulation of the CEPI with the rest of the educational system.

Résumé Depuis son accession à l'indépendance la Guinée-Bissau s'efforce de définir un nouveau système d'éducation s'inspirant notamment des expériences faites dans les zones libérées pendant la période de lutte armée. C'est ainsi qu'à l'occasion de la prolongation de la scolarité primaire de deux ans (6 années au lieu de 4) une expérience de Centres d'éducation populaire intégrée (CEPI) a été lancée à partir de 1977 dans la région de Tombali en pays Balante. C'est le compte-rendu de cette expérience tout à fait novatrice qui fait l'object de cet article, qui met en évidence des principes de base des CEPI: associer les adultes à la définition des programmes de formation, pratiquer une alternance entre l'école (où les enfants passent 4 jours) et la communauté (où ils passent les 3 jours suivants), lier la formation et la transformation. Les premières évaluations entreprises ont montré tout l'intérêt que portaient les paysans à ce nouveau système d'éducation et son extension est aujourd'hui en cours dans deux autres Régions du Pays. D'importants problèmes continuent cependant à se poser et en particulier celui de la formation des nouveaux éducateurs capables de reproduire sans la dénaturer la démarche pédagogique originale mise en oeuvre dans la zone expérimentale, et le problème de l'articulation des CEPI et du reste du système éducatif.

Ce texte a pour base deux études réalisées pour l'Unesco:Les méthodes et techniques de la participation au développement (Division de l'Etude du Développement); etLes programmes nationaux de jeunesse axés sur l'emploi: Situations, problOmes et perspectives (Division de la Jeunesse).  相似文献   
AESA President-elect Roland Sintos Coloma (Northern Kentucky University) and the 2018 Program Committee are pleased to announce the theme for the 2018 Annual Meeting.  相似文献   
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