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Three hundred College students read a 760 word text under one of two instructed perspectives. After full recall, an additional recall (squeeze) was requested under either the same (unchanged) or the alternative perspective. The first recall confirmed earlier results: a strong bias towards perspective related ideas. The second recall yielded substantial additional material. It was expecially effective in recalling alternative perspective related ideas and this most markedly so if the instructions were to recall using the alternative perspective. These results confirm and complement the results of Anderson & Pichert (1978) in so far as it is both the chance of a second recall as well as the change in perspective that raises the amount of recalled material.  相似文献   
Despite the growth of distance education, little systematic knowledge is available concerning the ways in which students use the distance teaching materials provided to them. Using the diary as the data‐gathering instrument and a sample of twenty‐five students, answers were sought to several questions on the ways in which students use the materials, especially in relation to use of time, the range of materials consulted, the self‐assessment activities undertaken, and the sequence in which materials are studied. The results are summarised and discussed. While these have an interest specific to the Institute of Advanced Education at James Cook University, it is felt that they may also be of interest to the wider distance‐teaching community, since this was an A.S.P.ES.A.‐sponsored project.  相似文献   
Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) is a system for monitoring the progress of and evaluating instructional program effectiveness for students with learning difficulties. Although a large amount of research has been conducted on CBM, little has focused on the interpretation and use of the data for instructional decision-making, despite the fact that it is data use that leads to performance gains. In this study, we examine factors affecting the interpretation of CBM data. Specifically, we examine the effect of CBM graph patterns on ease of graph interpretation. Thirty college/university students completed a two-part study in which they viewed various slope-to-goal and slope-to-slope patterns of CBM-graphed data and answered decision-making questions. Response times and accuracy were measured. Results revealed that graph patterns differed in terms of ease of interpretation. Differences depended on the type of question. Implications for interpretation and use of CBM data for decision-making are discussed.  相似文献   
Increasingly, telematics is being used for distance education in Australia. Two forms of telematics, audiographics and live interactive television, are described. Audiographics involves two telecommunications links, one which connects computers via modems and a second link which provides an audioconferencing medium through a normal telephone connection. Live interactive television involves the combination of a one-way television signal with a toll-free callback telephone enabling students to communicate directly with the teacher during program transmission. Research and evaluation studies indicate that the interactivity currently implemented via telematics is minimal and that it does not support higher-order cognition among students. In light of our investigations and contemporary cognitive learning theory, a number of dimensions of effective interactive learning with telematics are suggested: (a) collaboration, (b) generative learning, (c) contextual engagement, (d) personal autonomy, and (e) motivation. His research interests include instructional technologies and developing effective learning environments for open learning and distance education. His specialist areas include evaluating technology-rich learning environments, electronic user performance support systems and interactive learning systems.  相似文献   
Epistemology is a conceptual template for how we think about the world, and the study of how we come to know the world around us. The world does not dictate unequivocally how to interpret it. This article will explore this position on the fluidity of epistemic constructs through two prominent philosophical perspectives, those being derived from the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Michael Foucault, respectively. These insights will be used to more deeply unfold the current situation for Aboriginal students within dominant approaches to mathematics curriculum in Australia, and the subsequent approaches to the inclusion of Aboriginal knowledge and epistemologies. It is suggested that the epistemic constructs most valued and thus credited as conveyors of ‘truth’, and therefore positioned as powerful forms of knowledge within dominant curriculum and education policy, are those derived from Western, Eurocentric origins. This privileging of particular epistemological constructs over others is reinforced unconsciously through the articulation of educational goals deemed most appropriate, or ‘socially just’, for the Aboriginal student population. The place of Aboriginal knowledge within such constructs is therefore reflective of broader ideation around the role of education within society and its failure to challenge existing structures of power and injustice.  相似文献   
For Socrates, as he appears in Plato's dialogues, the process of discussion is essential for preparing human beings to lead a moral life. Only through discussion, Socrates maintains, can we be led to an understanding of such concepts as wisdom, courage and justice. The author of this article believes that the Socratic notion of the moral value of discussion is still valid. In support of this view, he examines two recent works:Dialogues on Moral Education by John Wilson and Barbara Cowell, andMoral Education, Secular and Religious by John L. Elias. Finally, the author suggests how the Socratic concept of dialogue might be used in moral education today.
Zusammenfassung Für Sokrates, wie er in Platos Dialogen erscheint, ist der Prozeß der Diskussion wesentlicher Bestandteil der Vorbereitung des Menschen auf ein moralisches Leben. Sokrates behauptet, daß wir nur durch Diskussion an ein Verständnis von Begriffen wie Weisheit, Mut und Gerechtigkeit herangeführt werden können. Der Autor dieses Artikels glaubt, daß der sokratische Begriff des moralischen Wertes der Diskussion immer noch Gültigkeit besitzt. Zur Unterstützung dieser These untersucht er zwei kürzlich erschienene Werke: Dialogues on Moral Education (Dialoge zu moralischer Bildung) von John Wilson und Barbara Cowell und Moral Education, Secular and Religious (Moralische Bildung, weltlich und geistlich) von John L. Elias. Zum Schluß unterbreitet der Autor Vorschläge, wie das sokratische Konzept des Dialogs heutzutage in der moralischen Erziehung Verwendung finden könnte.

Resumen Para Sócrates, tal como se presenta en los diálogos platónicos, el proceso de discusión es fundamental en la preparación de los seres humanos para llevar una vida moral. Sócrates sostiene que sólo la discusión nos podrá guiar hacia el entendimiento de conceptos tales como sabiduría, valor y justicia. El autor de este artículo sostiene que la noción socrática del valor moral de la discusión sigue teniendo vigencia. Corroborando este punto de vista, examina dos obras recientes:Dialogues on Moral Education, de John Wilson y Barbara Cowell,y Moral education, Secular and Religious, de John L. Elias. Al finalizar, el autor sugiere la forma en la que el concepto socrático del diálogo podría aplicarse en la educación moral de nuestros días.

Résumé Comme Platon l'transcrit dans ses dialogues, le processus de la discussion était pour Socrate essentiel dans la préparation des hommes à un mode de vie moral. Il insistait sur le fait que ce n'est qu'à travers la discussion que nous pouvons accéder à la compréhension de concepts tels que la sagesse, le courage ou la justice. L'auteur de cet article expose que la notion socratique de la valeur morale de la discussion est toujours valable. Pour soutenir ce point de vue, il analyse deux ouvrages récents:Dialogues on Moral Education de John Wilson et Barbara Cowell, etMoral Education, Secular and Religious de John L. Elias. L'auteur conclut en suggérant des formes d'application du concept socratique du dialogue dans l'éducation morale d'aujourd'hui.
There is a growing expectation that schoolteachers should not only act as educators by delivering the national curriculum, but also be more involved as tier one mental health professionals. In this role they are expected to assume some responsibility in the early identification of children's mental health problems and to refer these children for appropriate support as required [NHS Health Advisory Service. (1995). Together we stand: The commissioning, role and management of child and adolescent mental health services. London, UK: HMSO]. In this paper, we examine teachers’ experiences in light of these expectations and in the context of greater inclusion. We undertook in-depth interviews, to explore teachers’ views on competency and training in mental health management. Our findings indicate a widespread perception that teachers feel inadequately prepared to manage pupils with mental health needs. The findings are discussed with reference to the changing role of the teacher, current education policy and teacher training.  相似文献   
We examined how social network (SN) groups contribute to the learning of chemistry. The main goal was to determine whether chemistry learning could occur in the group discourse. The emphasis was on groups of students in the 11th and 12th grades who learn chemistry in preparation for their final external examination. A total of 1118 discourse events were tallied in the different groups. We analyzed the different events that were found in chemistry learning Facebook groups (CLFGs). The analysis revealed that seven types of interactions were observed in the CLFGs: The most common interaction (47 %) dealt with organizing learning (e.g., announcements regarding homework, the location of the next class); learning interactions were observed in 22 % of the posts, and links to learning materials and social interactions constituted about 20 % each. The learning events that were ascertained underwent a deeper examination and three different types of chemistry learning interactions were identified. This examination was based on the theoretical framework of the commognitive approach to learning (Sfard in Thinking as communicating. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008), which will be explained. The identified learning interactions that were observed in the Facebook groups illustrate the potential of SNs to serve as an additional tool for teachers to advance their students’ learning of chemistry.  相似文献   
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