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There is a large population of children with speech, language and communication needs who have additional special educational needs (SEN). Whilst professional collaboration between education and health professionals is recommended to ensure an integrated delivery of statutory services for this population of children, formal frameworks should be developed for the exchange of information during identification and assessment of needs and planning of intervention strategies. In this study an audit was carried out to examine practical and conceptual issues which might arise in a piloted communication system between educational psychologists and speech and language therapists. Whilst it was found that 62.8% of newly referred children with SEN had some history of co‐existing communication and education needs, it was shown that duplication of work exists and communication is onerous. It was also shown that schools were not fully informed about children’s needs. Joint commissioning of services is required to facilitate individual practitioners in collaborating to serve the needs of these children.  相似文献   
Research Findings: The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale–Revised (ECERS-R) is widely used to evaluate the quality of early childhood education and its association with child development. However, the psychometric properties of the ECERS-R are not well established. Consequently, in this study we tested 3 different factor solutions of the ECERS-R using models sourced from the existing literature (featuring 1-, 2-, and 3-correlated-factor solutions) and applying confirmatory factor analysis to data from the epidemiological sample of the Embu Pre-school Mental Health Study (n = 1,292 children). Alternative measures of child education quality (such as teacher-to-child ratio) were also analyzed. The confirmatory factor analysis returned good fit indices for both the unidimensional and 3-correlated-factor solution models. Practice or Policy: This study showcases different applications of the ECERS-R, both the full and shortened versions. These findings are particularly important for improving ECERS-R guidelines for researchers, professionals, and policymakers.  相似文献   
This study examined the associations among maternal depression, mothers’ emotional and material investment in their child, and children's cognitive functioning. Middle-class Chilean mothers and children (N = 875; 52% males) were studied when children were 1, 5, 10, and 16 years (1991–2007). Results indicated that highly depressed mothers provided less emotional and material support to their child across all ages, which related to children's lower IQ. Children with lower mental abilities at age 1 received less learning-material support at age 5, which led to mothers’ higher depression at child age 10. Mothers’ low support was more strongly linked to maternal depression as children got older. Findings elucidate the dynamic and enduring effects of depression on mothers’ parenting and children's development.  相似文献   
In February 2003, RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, commenced delivery of a Computer Science diploma and degree programme using mixed mode delivery to 250 university students in sub‐Saharan Africa, through a World Bank funded project designed for the African Virtual University (AVU). The project is a unique experience made possible by collaboration and co‐operation between Australian and African partners and incorporating a student‐centred philosophy and mixed‐mode delivery. The project also has an ongoing commitment to building African capacity for online development and delivery of courseware through a defined capacity building programme for the University of Dar es Salaam, (UDSM), which will take over the project in 2007. This paper discusses the relevant philosophies of the major partners in the project, outlines the components of the mixed mode delivery strategy and identifies the successes and challenges uncovered in the first year of operation.

Enseignement par méthode mixte : Une étude de cas sur les cours par correspondance de sciences d’informatique en Afrique

En février 2003, l’université RMIT de Melbourne en Australie a réalisé un projet pour l’Université Virtuelle Africaine (AVU) fondé par la Banque mondiale qui a permit à 250 étudiants d’universités de la région sous‐saharienne d’Afrique d’obtenir un grade universitaire en sciences d’informatique en participant a un cours par correspondance. Ce projet est une expérience unique qui a été rendue possible par une collaboration et coopération entre des partenaires australiens et africains et par l’incorporation d’une philosophie orientée sur les étudiants et d’assistance par méthodes mixtes de diffusion. Ce projet à une obligation permanente d’améliorer la productivité africaine du développement en ligne et de la diffusion de matériaux de cours en ligne, ce qui est effectué par un programme d’augmentation de la productivité défini pour l’Université de Dar es Salaam (UDSM), qui va assumer ce projet en 2007. Cet exposé décrit les philosophies principales des partenaires de ce projet, esquisse les composants de cette stratégie de diffusion à méthode mixte et identifie les succès et les défis découverts lors de la première année d’opération.

Unterrichten kombinierter Methoden: eine Fallstudie zum Fernstudium der Computerwissenschaften in Afrika

Im Februar 2003 begann die RMIT Universität in Melbourne in Australien mit Hilfe eines durch die Weltbank gegründeten Projekts für die Afrikanische Virtuelle Universität (AVU) mit einer kombinierten Methode der Wissensvermittlung 250 Studenten aus der unteren Sahara‐Region in Afrika die Teilnahme an einem Fernstudiumsprogramm mit einem Abschluss in Computerwissenschaften zu ermöglichen. Bei diese Projekt handelt es sich um eine einzigartige Erfahrung, die durch die Zusammenarbeit zwischen australischen und afrikanischen Partnern ermöglicht wurde und die die auf Studenten ausgerichtete Philosophie und die kombinierte Form der Wissensvermittlung einbezieht. Dieses Projekt hat die ständige Verpflichtung, die afrikanische Leistungsfähigkeit der Online‐Bildung und die Verfügbarkeit von Kursmaterialien zu verbessern, und zwar über ein definiertes Aufbauprogramm für die Universität Dar es Salaam (UDSM), die dieses Projekt 2007 übernehmen wird. Dieser Bericht erläutert die relevanten Kernphilosophien der Hauptpartner des Projekts, beschreibt die Komponenten der kombinierten Methode der Wissensvermittlung und identifiziert die Erfolge und Herausforderungen, die im Laufe des ersten Jahres erkannt wurden.  相似文献   
This paper provides an overview of a group of science graduates who applied for a secondary postgraduate certificate in education course in an Institute of Higher Education (IHE). The paper describes how applicants for initial teacher education are selected for the course and the ways in which graduates perceive and understand the criteria used in the selection processes. Graduates were tracked during their course by monitoring withdrawals and performance on the written and practical teaching elements of the course. The study focuses on the reliability of the selection process as measured by the number of candidates who complete the course successfully. The study compares the performance of the different ethnic groups represented in the cohort. The findings suggest that there are differences in performance between ethnic groups. We discuss possible reasons for these differences. Cet article donne un aperçu au sujet d'un groupe de diplômés en sciences qui se sont présentés pour un stage de formation professionelle de pédagogie (PGCE) dans un établishment d'enseignement supérieur (IHE). L'article décrit comment les candidats qui veulent s'inscrire au stage sont sélectionnés et les moyens par lesquels ils perçoivent et comprennent les critères employés dans la méthode de sélection. Les stagiaires ont étésuivis de près; en contrôlant ceux qui ont démissionéet aussi bien le progrès des autres dans les éle´ments écrits et pratiques du stage. L'étude se concentre sur l'efficacité de la méthode de sélection en tenant compte du nombre des candidats qui auront réussi à compléter le stage. L'étude fait aussi une comparaison entre les résultats des groupes éthniques différents représentés parmis les stagiaires et conclue que ces groupes fonctionnent différemment. Nous discutons des explications possibles pour ces différences. Este artículo ofrece una perspectiva general sobre un grupo de licenciados de ciencias que solicitaron para cursar estudios de pedagogía segundaria en un Instituto de Enseñanza Superior (IHE). El artículo describe como los candidatos son seleccionados para el dicho curso y como ven y entienden los criterios empleados para el proceso de selección. Se siguió a los estudiantes durante el curso, observandose el número de los que lo abandonaron y como llevaron los otros a cabo las partes prácticas de enseñanza y las teóricas. El estudio enfoca el proceso de selección y de fiabilidad, midiéndose según el número de estudiantes que terminaron el curso con éxito. El estudio compara la actuación de distintos grupos étnicos. Los resultados indican que existen diferencias de actuación que se pueden achacar al origen étnico. Discutimos las razones que pueden causar estas diferencias. Dieser Artikel bietet ein Überblick über eine Gruppe von HochschulabgängerInnen naturwissenschaftlicher Fächer, die sich für einen PGCE Kurs an einem universitären Institut bewarben. Der Artikel beschreibt wie Anwärter für die Lehrerausbildung ausgewählt werden und wie die Auswahlskriterien von den Bewerber verstanden werden. Hochschulabgänger wurden in bezug auf Ausscheidungs-und Erfolgsraten in schriftlichen und praktischen Kurselementen überprüft. Der Hauptpunkt der Studie liegt in der Zuverlässigkeit des Auswahlprozesses gemessen an der Zahl der Absolventen. Die Studie vergleicht das Abschneiden verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen eines Jahrgangs. Die Resultate deuten darauf hin, daß zwischen den verschiedenen ethnischen Gruppen Unterschiede bestehen. In diesem Artikel diskutieren wir mögliche Gründe für diese Unterschiede.  相似文献   

The British government's proposals for the reform of primary initial teacher education (ITE), including the transfer of major responsibility to schools, are examined in the context of their plans for more centralised control over the curriculum and the imposition of traditional methods of teaching. A model of appropriate objectives for school‐based primary ITE is outlined and an alternative concept of partnership based on co‐operation between higher education institutions and schools put forward. Implications of the reforms for primary schools are considered. In an attempt to make sense of the government's proposals, the apparent contradiction between its commitment to an educational market and the actual concentration of power in its own hands is explored. The reforms are shown to be part of a sustained attack on education professionals, and to illustrate how market relations may be used to promote the dominance of the central state by fragmenting opposition.  相似文献   
Using Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) figures on the 96 Research Extensive Institution in academic year 2007?C2008, we employ panel data from academic year 1984?C1985 to 2007?C2008 to identify revenue-expenditure relationships. Although we consider a wide range of functional expenditure categories, we focus our analysis on instructional and research expenditures because these categories tie most closely to the core missions of research universities. Results suggest tight relationships between some revenue and expenditure categories for some institutions. For public universities, these relationships tend to follow expected paths. For example, a large proportion of tuition revenues tend to be spent in the functional category of instruction. Private universities evidence a somewhat different pattern, with revenues generally expended in the pursuit of merit aid and research. This suggests that private universities strategically deploy revenues from a wide variety of sources to secure particular students and to conduct research activities. However, the ways in which universities and IPEDS classify faculty work raises some questions about the transparency of various categories, and suggests that some current conceptions of how revenues are expended on research and instruction functions may be less than straightforward.  相似文献   
This article presents a case study of selection for graduate study at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in the Netherlands. The VU developed and implemented an assessment instrument for students with a vocational Bachelor degree wishing to pursue a Master’s programme at the university. This instrument is new in the egalitarian higher education culture of the Netherlands. It focuses on the differences between higher vocational and academic education and makes them measurable. The article will focus on some aspects of the implementation process, the results of the first round of evaluation and on implications for Dutch and other universities.  相似文献   
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