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There exists bias among students that learning organic chemistry topics requires rote learning. In this paper, we address such bias through an organic chemistry activity designed to promote argumentation. We investigated how pre-service science teachers engage in an argumentation about conformational analysis. Analysis of the outcomes concentrated on (a) pre-service teachers’ understanding of conformations of alkanes (b) the nature of the pre-service teachers’ discourse; (c) the quality of pre-service teachers’ argumentation; and (d) pre-service teachers’ spatial ability. Various measures were used to trace (a) conceptual understanding through the answers in the writing frames, (b) the nature of the pre-service teachers’ discourse using two different codes, (c) the quality of pre-service teachers’ argumentation by counting the number of episodes with higher-level argumentation, and (d) spatial ability by Spatial Ability Test. The results showed that high performing groups had multiple rebuttals in their argumentation and low performing groups had problems in evaluating the credibility of evidence. Furthermore, we observed that spatial abilities play an important role in pre-service teachers’ engagement in argumentation. The findings help understanding of how to further enhance pre-service teachers’ conceptual understanding and engagement in argumentation regarding organic chemistry concepts.  相似文献   
We present a new and innovative interface that allows the learner’s body to move freely in a multimodal learning environment. The Situated Multimedia Arts Learning Laboratory (SMALLab) uses 3D object tracking, real time graphics, and surround‐sound to enhance embodied learning. Our hypothesis is that optimal learning and retention occur when learning is embodied, multiple modalities are recruited, and learners are allowed to be highly collaborative. We present two geology studies in a high school setting. In the layer cake scenario, students learned more after three days of building and discussing depositional layers in SMALLab than would be expected from a simple retest effect. In the contour mapping scenario, students learned significantly more after creating and discussing maps in the SMALLab environment for three days, compared with a group that received three days of regular instruction with hands‐on projects. We contend that embodied, collaborative, virtual environments have much to offer STEM learners, and the learning gains transcend those that can be expected from more traditional classroom procedures.

SMALLab: Virtuelle Geologiestudien mit Hilfe der Ausdrack verliehenen Gelehrsamkeit mit Bewegong, Geräusch und graphischer Darstellung

Wir zeigen eine neue und innovative Schnittstelle, die dem Körper des Anfängers erlaubt, sich frei in einer multimodalen Lernumgebung zu bewegen. Das situierte Multimedia Kunst‐Lern‐Labor (SMALLab) benutzt 3D‐Objektverfolgungen, reale zeitgraphische Darstellungen und Rundum‐Klangkulissen, um das erzielte Lernergebnis zu verbessern. Unsere Hypothese ist, dass optimale Lern‐ und Merkergebnisse erzielt werden, wenn “zu lernen” Ausdruck verliehen wird, mehrfache Verfahrensweisen ausgewählt sind, und Lernenden erlaubt wird, hoch kooperativ zu sein. Wir legen zwei Geologiestudien in einer High‐School Einstellung vor. Im “Schichtkuchen”‐Szenario lernten Studenten in drei Tagen mehr depositionale Schichten in SMALLab zu bauen und zu erörtern, als von einer einfachen Nachtestwirkung erwartet werden würde. Im Konturangleichungsszenario, lernten Studenten bedeutend mehr nach dem Entwerfen und Erörtern an drei Tagen von Landkarten in der SMALLab Umgebung, verglich mit einer Gruppe, die drei Tage regelmäßig Anweisungen bei der praktischen Projektarbeit erhielt. Wir behaupten, dass kooperative, virtuelle Umgebungen viel dazu beitragen, STEM‐Lernern Lerngewinne anzubieten, und dass sie jene übersteigen, die von mehr traditionellen Klassenzimmerverfahren erwartet werden können.

SMALLab: étudier virtuellement la qéologie en passant par un apprentissage incorpe comportant le mouvement, le son et le graphisme

Nous présentons un nouvel interface innovant qui permet au corps de l’apprenant de se déplacer librement dans un environnement d’apprentissage multimodal. Le Laboratoire d’Apprentissage des Arts Multimedia en Situation (SMALL) utilise le repérage des objets en 3D, du graphisme en temps réel, et une sonorisation enveloppante, ceci pour renforcer l’apprentissage « incorporé ». Notre hypothèse, c’est que l’apprentissage et la rétention sont les meilleurs lorsque l’apprentissage est « incorporé », lorsqu’on fait appel à des modalités multiples et lorsqu’on permet aux apprenants d’être des collaborateurs actifs. Nous présentons deux études de géologie dans un contexte de lycée.Dans le scénario du gâteau fourré, les élèves ont appris davantage après trois jours de construction et de débats sur les couches de sédimentation au SMALLab que ce qu’on pourrait attendre d’un simple effet de contre essai. Dans le scénario de cartographie des courbes de niveau les élèves ont appris nettement plus après avoir crée et débattu pendant trois jours sur les cartes dans l’environnement du SMALLab si on les compare à un groupe qui a reçu trois jours de formation traditionnelle avec des réalisations concrètes. Nous soutenons que les environnements virtuels, collaboratifs, « incorporés » offrent beaucoup de possibilités aux apprenants de Science et de Technologie et que les gains cognitifs dépassent ceux que l’on peut attendre des protocoles de classe plus traditionnels.

SMALLab: como estudiar geología virtualmente a través de un apprendizaje “encarnado” incluyendo movimientos, sonido y grafismo

Aquí presentamos un nuevo interface innovador que permite al cuerpo del alumno moverse libremente dentro de un entorno de aprendizaje multi‐modal. El Laboratorio de Aprendizaje de Artes Multimedia en Situación (SMALLab) utiliza la localización de objetos 3D, el grafismo en tiempo real y un sonido envolvente para realzar el aprendizaje «encarnado». Nuestra hipótesis es que los mejores niveles de aprendizaje y retención aparecen cuando el aprendizaje está «encarnado», cuando muchas modalidades están involucradas y cuando los discentes tienen une fuerte capacidad de colaboración. Aquí presentamos dos estudios de geología dentro de un contexto de enseñanza media. En el escenario del «pastel relleno» los alumnos han aprendido más al final de tres días de construcción y debate sobre las capas sedimentarias que lo que se puede esperar de un efecto de segunda prueba. En el escenario de cartografía de curvas de nivel, los alumnos aprendieron mucho más después de tres días de creación y de debate sobre mapas en el entorno del SMALLab en comparación con un grupo que había recibido tres días de aulas regulares con proyectos prácticos. Sostenemos que los entornos virtuales «encarnados» y colaborativos pueden ofrecer mucho a los alumnos de Ciencias y Tecnologías y que los beneficios cognitivos superan lo que se puede esperar de prácticas más tradiconales en el aula.  相似文献   
The relationships among school adjustment, victimisation, and gender were investigated with 284 Turkish children aged between five and six years. Teacher Rating Scale of School Adjustment, The Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire, and Peer Victimisation Scale were used in this study. Analyses indicated that children's behaviour problems and victimisation variables were significant predictors of the school adjustment of children while controlling for gender.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable Turkish version of the Friendship Activity Scale (FAS). Both the English and Turkish versions of the FAS were administered to 36 students to check for language equivalence. The Turkish version of the FAS was then administered to 226 students to ensure internal consistency, and to 61 students to test re-test reliability. The FAS and Adjective Check List (ACL) were administered to 49 students to check concurrent validity. There was a significant relationship between the English and Turkish versions of the FAS (r?=?.78), and there were no significant differences between the two measurements (p?<?.05). Cronbach Alpha Reliability of the FAS for the Turkish sample was .86. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient of the repeated measurements of the FAS appeared to be sufficiently high (.89), and there were no significant differences between the mean values of two interval measurements (p?<?.05). The FAS significantly correlated with the ACL (r?=?0.58). The total item correlations of the FAS were acceptable, ranging between 0.26 and 0.65. In conclusion, the FAS appears to be a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the behavioral intentions of Turkish elementary school children, and their commitment to initiating a friendship with a peer with a disability.  相似文献   
This study aimed at investigating differential effects between group counselling and group guidance in conducting a ‘Coping with Stress Training Program’ for 24 Turkish university students. The dependent variables were coping with stress, irrational beliefs and optimism. A 3 × 2 design (treatment sequence by repeated measures) was applied. As a result of the treatment no significant difference was observed between the two experimental groups in any of the variables tested in the study; however, both experimental groups differed significantly from a control group in respect to coping with stress. With regard to the within-group comparisons, irrational belief tendencies in both experimental groups decreased significantly, while the level of optimism of the counselling group and the problem-focused stress coping tendencies of the guidance group increased significantly. Based on the findings, it was considered that the program for developing coping skills for stress might best be implemented in a group guidance format especially in Turkey where there are limited physical resources, a low number of staff to run programs and a high number of students in need of help.  相似文献   
This study analyzed the relation between incidents of at-home accidents and the assistance in daily activities of women age of 65+ living in the area of Dikmen Akp?nar Health Care Unit in Ankara-Turkey. Of the women, 49.2% had experienced a home accident in the last 12 months. More than half of these accidents were caused by falling. Women over the age of 65 who were dependent with regard to daily activities had a significantly higher level of accident percentages. As the age and the dependence level in daily activities increased, the ratio of accidents increased.  相似文献   
Research in Science Education - The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the case-based learning (CBL) method used in “biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),” which is a...  相似文献   

This study was planned to determine the opinions of individuals aged 65 years and older on “aging in place” and was conducted with 506 elderly individuals living in the Çankaya district of Ankara. In order to determine the level of satisfaction of the elderly with the environment they live in, the “Aging in Place Scale,” consisted of 15 items and three sub-dimensions, was used. In the study, the score received from the scale indicates the level of satisfaction of elderly individuals with the environment they have lived for a long time. In the study, the elderly were observed to receive scores well above the averages in all three sub-factors, and this situation demonstrated that their satisfaction levels were high. There was no statistically significant difference between the Aging in Place Scale and its sub-factors scores of the elderly and gender and housing ownership. A statistically significant difference was found between the “Attainable Social Support” sub-factor and the level of education and income, and Aging in Place Scale, “Perceived Social Support” and “Physical Competence” sub-factors with living situation. Furthermore, in the study, the relationship between marital status and Aging in Place Scale, its all sub-factors were also statistically significant. The obtained results were discussed within the framework of the studies in the literature, and suggestions were made to individuals, the related institutions and organizations for elderly individuals to age in place successfully.  相似文献   
Erduran  Sibel 《Science & Education》2021,30(2):205-208
Science & Education -  相似文献   
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