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A number of terms have been used to describe knowledge needed for teaching, one of which is subject knowledge. How knowledge for teaching is conceptualised in teacher education prioritises some knowledge bases over other knowledge bases. Further, knowledge prioritised by student teachers is influenced by socialisation prior to and during an initial teacher education course and priorities for student teachers as they develop as teachers. Previous research in physical education teacher education points to the pre-eminence of content knowledge above other knowledge bases. The purpose of this study was to look at what knowledge is prioritised by student teachers, school-based mentors and university tutors working on three secondary physical education initial teacher education courses in England. Results showed that content knowledge was seen as having greater importance for student teachers and mentors, but university tutors generally conceptualised subject knowledge more broadly, suggesting that it should be seen as covering a number of knowledge bases needed for teaching. These results are discussed in relation to socialisation processes in education and phases of development. Although there is a clear physical education focus to this work, it is possible that student teachers learning to teach other subjects may also focus excessively on subject content knowledge above other knowledge bases.  相似文献   
As part of a major study of classroom environment conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), primary and secondary teachers were asked the degree of responsibility they felt for various aspects of their teaching, such as the content and the way they taught, assessment practices, student progress and interactions with parents.The countries involved in the study were Australia, Canada (Ontario and Quebec), Hungary, Israel, the Netherlands, Nigeria, the Republic of Korea, and Thailand. When considered as a total group, the highest proportions of teachers felt responsible for the amount of homework set, followed by classroom organization and use made of tests. Less than half the teachers felt responsible for deciding on student progress and only a quarter for the topics they taught.When comparisons were made across countries, most teachers in Israel, Australia and Ontario, about half the teachers in Quebec, Nigeria and the Republic of Korea, and minorities of teachers in Hungary, the Netherlands and Thailand felt generally responsible. Possible links between teacher responsibility and professionalism are suggested.
Zusammenfassung Primar- und Sekundarlehrer wurden im Rahmen einer von der International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) durchgeführten größeren Studie betreffs der Gestaltung des Klassenzimmers über den Grad der Verantwortung, den sie für verschiedene Aspekte ihrer Lehrtätigkeit empfanden, befragt; so z. B. über Inhalt und Art des Lehrens, Bewertungspraktiken, Fortschritt der Schüler und wechselseitigen Einfluß mit den Eltern.Die in die Studie einbezogenen Länder waren Australien, Kanada (Ontario und Québec), Ungarn, Israel, die Niederlande, Nigeria, Südkorea und Thailand. Der größte Teil der Lehrer, als Gesamtgruppe betrachtet, fühlte sich für die Menge der gestellten Hausaufgaben verantwortlich, gefolgt von der Einrichtung des Klassenzimmers und der Durchführung von Klassenarbeiten; weniger als die Hälfte der Lehrer fühlte sich für die Beurteilung des Fortschritts der Schüler verantwortlich und nur ein Viertel für die von ihnen unterrichteten Themen.Bei Ländervergleichen stellte sich heraus, daß sich die meisten Lehrer in Israel, Australien und Ontario, ungefähr die Hälfte der Lehrer in Québec, Nigeria und Südkorea und nur wenige Lehrer in Ungarn, den Niederlanden und Thailand allgemein verantwortlich fühlten. Es werden mögliche Verbindungen zwischen Verantwortlichkeit der Lehrer und Professionalismus angedeutet.

Résumé Dans le cadre d'une étude majeure du milieu scolaire conduite par l'Association internationale de l'évaluation des résultats scolaires (IEA), on a demandé aux enseignants du primaire et du secondaire quel est le degré de responsabilité qu'ils éprouvent á l'égard des divers aspects de leur travail, tels que le contenu et la méthodologie qu'ils emploient, les techniques d'évaluation, la progression des apprenants et les interactions avec les parents.Les pays impliqués dans cette étude étaient l'Australie, le Canada (Ontario et Québec), la Hongrie, Israel, les Pays-Bas, Le Nigeria, la République de Corée et la Thailande. Considérés comme un groupe entier, la majorité des enseignants se sentaient responsables de la quantité de devoirs à faire à la maison, puis de l'organisation de la classe et enfin de l'utilisation faite des tests. Moins de la moitié des enseignants se sentaient responsables de la décision de la progression des élèves et seul un quart des maltres disaient être responsables des thèmes qu'ils enseignaient.Les comparaisons faites entre les pays ont révélé que la plupart des enseignants en Israel, en Australie et dans l'Ontario, environ la moitié des maltres au Québec, au Nigeria et en République de Corée, et quelques groupes insignifiants en Hongrie, aux Pays-Bas et en Thailande se sentaient responsables généralement. On mentionne ensuite les liens qui peuvent éventuellement être établis entre la responsabilité et le professionnalisme de l'enseignant.
Despite increasing concern about student writing at the tertiary level there has been little empirical research into the nature and extent of the problem in Australia. The writing skills of three samples of university students in different courses were assessed using the multiple choice English Skills Assessment (ESA) test, and two other measures developed by the researchers: a detailed error checklist and wholistic ratings. The error checklist was intended to supplement as well as complement the skills areas covered by the ESA. On average, students responded correctly to 86 per cent of the ESA test items and made a total of 21 errors per 1000 words when writing narrative. The checklist enabled the detection of important deficiencies in writing not identified by the ESA, particularly in some areas of punctuation and sentence structure. Some different emphases are indicated for the testing of writing skills at the university level.  相似文献   
Higher education policies related to quality assurance are implemented in many countries. The purposes of such policies are to ensure the provision for high-quality education, university accountability and transparency in the use of public funding and meeting the needs of the diverse stakeholders. The current Australian Higher Education Quality Assurance Framework was implemented in the year 2000. It can be described that the framework has been enjoyed by universities, academics and other providers in Australia. This paper provides a brief history of quality assurance, its evolution in higher education in Australia and current changes and trends in quality assurance in other developed countries. It then provides an analysis of the success and deficiencies of the current framework used in Australia and suggestions which may be helpful in the development of the new framework. The analysis includes the thoughts of the three authors based on their experience in managing quality and reviews in seven different institutions and the views of more than 40 participants who are staff members from 25 Australian universities.  相似文献   
This study looks at the impact of the recent changes in teacher training at an East Sussex Secondary School where teachers have responsibility for mentoring initial teacher trainees (ITTs.) While this has provided an opportunity to become more involved in the preparation of new teachers, a chance to change focus and, to a certain extent, increase job satisfaction, the speed of change has presented some practical difficulties and problems in implementing and fulfilling the role. Specific reference is made to Physical Education as the nature of the work in this area can pose unusual problems. The 'partnership' between the school and the Higher Education Institution is examined to ascertain the extent to which mentors feel that they are being adequately supported.

The information gained was collected through informal interviews with colleagues in school and Higher Education Institutions. This information has been analysed and forms the basis for some recommendations for partnerships' in initial teacher training.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the role of the current student experience questionnaire in gaining student views on their educational experiences while studying at a research-intensive university in Australia. In particular, the paper focuses on the experiences of engineering students. The paper goes on to examine the areas of best practice and those identified for improvement by students. A number of areas identified by engineering students as needing improvement fall within the teaching dimension; in particular, issues relating to feedback to students and clarity of explanation. Finally, the paper outlines some of the actions that have been taken by the university and the Faculty of Engineering based on the results.  相似文献   
This paper reports the development of an instrument to assess the support needs of students with a disability in regular classes. The instrument was developed by a University-based research team on behalf of the New South Wales Department of Education and Training, and was used as the basis for providing funding support for over 12,000 students in the year 2000. The developmental process was robust in that it was based on three types of information: assessment approaches being used in other locations; expert judgement by Departmental officers; and statistical analyses of data obtained using an initial form of the instrument. Statistical analysis was based on a final form of the instrument consisting of 11 focus areas structured into three domains - physical needs, learning needs, and social needs of students. These domains had good construct and face validities and high score reliabilities.  相似文献   
A mathematical problem is defined here as a question not dependent on specific syllabus content, and one sufficiently new to the student such that it cannot be solved by a previously known method. With increased attention being paid to this type of mathematical problem solving at the primary school level, the need for reliable and valid methods of assessment has become more apparent. This paper reports the results of using a new problem solving test, developed for use in the upper primary school, with 371 students in Years 4,5 and 6 at government schools in Melbourne. Particular attention is given to the effects of year level, sex and the method of test administration on student performance for different types of items and different problem solving processes. The performance of Year 4 students was generally lower than that of other students, but differences were small for most items and processes between Years 5 and 6. Although most of the differences in performance between the sexes were not significant, the girls had higher scores than the boys for the total score, for all processes and for all items except the spatial item. The method of administration was important for performance, especially for the girls. The marking schedule developed enabled high intra- and inter-marker reliabilities to be obtained.  相似文献   
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