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In Experiment 1, four groups of rats were initially trained on a discrimination which established a stimulus as a signal for reinforcement. That signal was then presented during subsequent partial reinforcement training in a way that could potentially interfere with retrieval of the memory of nonreinforcement (SN) on the preceding trial either because (1) thestorage and retrieval contexts for SN were different (retrieval failure hypothesis), or (2) the memory of reinforcement produced by the signal acted as a competing memory (competing memory hypothesis). Experiment 1 supported the competing memory hypothesis. In Experiment 2, we investigated the effect of stimulus change on the capacity of the context to retrieve a competing memory of a temporally remote reinforcement event with which the context was strongly associated. Retrieval of a competing memory was impaired by differences between the storage and retrieval contexts in a manner analogous to the effect of context on retrieval of a reinforcement event memory from an immediately preceding trial.  相似文献   
This paper explores how data-driven practices and logics have come to reshape the possibilities by which the teaching profession, and teaching professionals, can be known and valued. Informed by the literature and theorising around educational performativity, the constitutive power of numbers, and affective responses to data, it shows how different US educators experienced, and came to embody, new forms of numbers-based accountability. Drawing on interviews with teachers, and school- and district-level leaders, as well as relevant school-based documents, it is argued that such data are now both effective (i.e. they change ‘what counts’ within the profession) and affective (i.e. they produce new expectations for teachers to profess data-responsive dispositions over actual educative practices). This prevalence and use of data have combined not only to change teaching into a ‘data profession’, but also to change teachers into ‘professors’ of data.  相似文献   
Since its introduction five years ago (1974), 113 articles or papers have appeared regarding the WISC-R, including empirical investigations of its nature, as well as its comparability with a variety of other measures of intelligence and achievement, including the WISC. While not all this research has been carefully done, two general conclusions can be derived from the review. First, although the WISC-R involves modification in administration, design, and presentation of items, as well as a complete restandardization, the literature substantially suggests that it remains very similar in nature to its predecessor, the WISC. Investigations of factor analytic structures, standard errors, reliability coefficients, and subtest intercorrelations support the conclusion that individuals perform on the WISC-R largely the same as they do on the WISC. The second conclusion points out (with few exceptions): consistently lower scores were obtained on the WISC-R than on several other measures, including the WISC, the WAIS, the Slosson Intelligence Test, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, and the Stanford Binet, which was revised shortly before the WISC. These lower scores on the WISC-R may be due to a variety of influences, including examiner variance, an artifact of design leading to inflated scores on the WISC, and finally and most obviously, the restandardization of the scale. The amount of literature that has appeared over the five-year period suggests that practitioners and researchers are as interested in learning about the WISC-R as they were about the WISC. Despite this fact and the conclusion that the WISC and WISC-R are substantially similar, the present authors encourage caution in the overgeneralization of findings until additional literature develops.  相似文献   
Four experiments assessed visual short-term memory capacity in 4- to 13-month-old infants by comparing their looking to changing and nonchanging stimulus streams presented side by side. In each stream, 1 to 6 colored squares repeatedly appeared and disappeared. In changing streams, the color of a different randomly chosen square changed each time the display reappeared; the colors remained the same in nonchanging streams. Infants should look longer at changing streams, but only if they can remember the colors of the squares. The youngest infants preferred changing streams only when the displays contained one object, whereas older infants preferred changing streams when the displays contained up to 4 objects. Thus, visual short-term memory capacity increases significantly across the first year of life.  相似文献   
The factors that explain why teachers are ableto accurately predict their students' futurereading ability were examined in a longitudinalstudy from first- to third-grade in childrenexposed to poverty (N = 170). Teacher ratingswere similarly based on both their students'emergent literacy skills and classroombehavior. Meanwhile, the influences ofclassroom behavior on later variability inreading skills were much less than, and almostcompletely redundant with, prior emergentliteracy. Virtually all of the shared variancebetween teacher ratings and later readingskills was explained by prior levels ofemergent literacy. Implications of the resultsand future research were discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract There has been little research into thesis supervision despite numerous testimonies asserting its critical importance in higher education. From the studies which have been carried out, it is evident that there are two main issues contributing to student dissatisfaction and low completion rates. One is the feeling of isolation expressed by students. The second, and most widely reported, is the nature of the relationship between supervisor and student. This paper describes an innovative programme of supervision which helps resolve the first of these issues. It also reports a preliminary study into the allocation of students to supervisors on the basis of the cognitive styles of both parties. Although, at this stage, there is no clear‐cut evidence to demonstrate the benefits of a ‘matching’ approach, it is suggested that a focus on the interaction between student and supervisor, using qualitative methods, rather than on the individuals themselves, may prove fruitful.  相似文献   
Two experiments investigated the nature and etiology of the reduced activity in the presence of shock produced by prior exposure to inescapable shock. Previous experiments have demonstrated this deficit in the presence of gridshock. However, gridshock hurts less if movement across the grids is reduced. It is thus unclear whether the inescapable-shock-produced deficit represents a facilitation of learning to reduce movement across the grids in order to alleviate pain or is an “unconditioned” reduction in movement in response to shock. The first experiment tested these possibilities by examining the effects of inescapable shock on subsequent movement during shock delivered via fixed tail electrodes to freely moving subjects. Inescapably shocked subjects still moved less in response to shock than did escapably shocked and restrained control subjects. Experiment 2 examined the possibility that this deficit occurs because unconditioned movement in response to shock during pretreatment diminishes after a few seconds, the reduction then being adventitiously reinforced by shortly ensuing shock termination. Activity during inescapable shock was closely monitored by ultrasonic motion detection. Although activity did decrease across trial blocks, the required within-trial patterns did not occur. Shock-elicited activity did not diminish after a few seconds of shock, but remained unchanged across the 5-sec shock presentations.  相似文献   
According to item response theory (IRT), examinee ability estimation is independent of the particular set of test items administered from a calibrated pool. Although the most popular application of this feature of IRT is computerized adaptive (CA) testing, a recently proposed alternative is self-adapted (SA) testing, in which examinees choose the difficulty level of each of their test items. This study compared examinee performance under SA and CA tests, finding that examinees taking the SA test (a) obtained significantly higher ability scores and (b) reported significantly lower posttest state anxiety. The results of this study suggest that SA testing is a desirable format for computer-based testing.  相似文献   
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