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Unlike most studies on gender and learning, which use general theoretical frameworks (and instruments) on student learning, this article investigates the Epistemological Reflection Model which has been developed from a gender perspective. This cognitive development model includes four hierarchically ordered ways of knowing, and two patterns of reasoning within each of these ways of knowing. The patterns of reasoning are assumed to be gender-related and can be described, in general terms, by using the concepts of connectedness and autonomy/separation. To extend the model's validity, the authors investigated this model by making use of interviews in one study and questionnaires in another. In the interview study, the patterns of reasoning turn out to be gender-related, especially with the patterns supposedly more often used by men. In the questionnaire study, on the other hand, the patterns of reasoning do not turn out to be gender-related. In the discussion section, these results are interpreted and the model is discussed in detail.  相似文献   
明清时期,因为毗邻广东的地缘优势,大量粤商进入上思经商,他们不仅建立起自己的同乡会馆,还把家乡的神明一并带入以祈求平安,并借此维系同乡情谊,凝聚群体力量,充分表明了两广之间经济交流以及文化交流是十分密切的,  相似文献   
论高校隐性思想政治教育载体构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于实施隐性思想政治教育必须依赖一定的我体来完成,而人们对这种载体却认识不全面、研究不透彻,势必影响其有效推进.研究发现,正确认识载体的基本概念、厘清载体的形态类别,有助于加强载体的构建;着力打造校园文化、人际关系、网络、传媒、“活动”等五类载体,是载体建设的有效举措.  相似文献   
运用文献梳理、实地调查和目的抽样对江苏省8位体育非物质文化遗产项目的传承人进行半结构式访谈,在对传承人行为动机进行质性分析的基础上,研究体育非物质文化遗产项目的传承路径.结果显示:1)对于项目最初的喜欢和选择是传承人坚守传承的动力源;2)"身份"、"责任心"、"认同感"是传承人传承行为的条件和保障;3)"荣誉感"是传承人参与项目和传承行为的"价值追求";4)在传承路径上,除政府支持、专家研究以外,更需要项目所在地的乡村宗族组织、大学生村官以及对传统文化富有热忱的退休教师、干部等群体借助传统节日等文化活动平台,最终实现体育非物质文化遗产项目文化共同体的自我救赎,构建民族传统体育文化传承的"价值共同体".  相似文献   
In this article we discuss the social competence students should acquire to participate in society in an adequate manner. The focus is on social competence as an educational goal and on the question of how to evaluate the efforts of schools in enhancing the social competence of their students. First, a review study is presented of research on the social competence or pro-social development of students. Two perspectives figure in the literature on the meanings of social competence in modern society: an 'educating for adulthood' perspective and an 'educating for citizenship' perspective. Each emphasises different aspects of the social competence youngsters need to develop and follows a different line of thought in considering the task of education in enhancing social competence. In the second part of this article we select the components of social competence that should form part of the development of children and young people in a democratic society. We question what instruments are necessary to assess educational results in the field of social competence. On the basis of the review study we also analyse what type of instruments are currently available and what problems have been identified in measuring educational results in the field of social competence. The article concludes with a discussion of the normative character of the concept of social competence.  相似文献   
音乐作品有文学性构思和哲理性构思,它们都来源于生活,反映生活,二者既有联系又有区别。欣赏音乐,注意把握文学性构思和哲理性构思的联系和区别,是提高音乐欣赏能力不可忽视的因素。  相似文献   
在世界经济全球化与区域经济集团化的时代背下,越南结合经济社会发展实际开辟符合具体国情的社会主义道路,在越南共产党的正确领导下,实施以"经济为中心"的革新发展战略,结合北部落后贫困山区的实际实施有效的发展政策,各族群众生产生活条件有所改善,边民科学文化素质明显提高,民族关系和谐,经济、社会、文化、教育、医疗等基础设施建设力度加大,北部山区呈现了边疆稳定、社会发展、民族团结的良好局面。文章仅以越南北部山区两个边陲瑶族村寨为个案调查,重点开展北部山区贫困状况的实地调查,分析越南边境地区经济社会发展现实基础,了解越南国家为加快北部少数民族和民族地区经济社会发展所实施的发展政策。  相似文献   
伴随着全球经济一体化发展的步伐,金融开放已成为金融发展的必然趋势。虽然我国金融业改革和金融创新步伐不断加快,但短期内以间接融资为主的融资方式却难以改变,而银行业的开放又处于金融开放的最前沿。本文通过对新经济环境下国有商业银行的金融风险进行分析.提出了如何运用金融工程来防范商业银行的金融风险。  相似文献   
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