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Earlier studies [Mallow, J. V. (1994). Gender-related science anxiety: A first binational study. Journal of Science Education and Technology 3: 227–238; Udo, M. K., Ramsey, G. P., Reynolds-Alpert, S., and Mallow, J. V. (2001). Does physics teaching affect gender-based science anxiety? Journal of Science Education and Technology 10: 237–247] of science anxiety in various student cohorts suggested that nonscience majors were highly science anxious (SA), regardless of what science courses they were taking. In this study, we investigated science anxiety in a cohort consisting mostly of nonscience majors taking general education science courses. Regression analysis shows that the leading predictors of science anxiety are (i) nonscience anxiety and (ii) gender, as they were for different cohorts in the earlier studies. We confirm earlier findings that females are more SA than males. Chi-square analysis of acute science anxiety shows an amplification of these differences. We found statistically significant levels of science anxiety in humanities and social science students of both genders, and gender differences in science anxiety, despite the fact that the students were all enrolled in general education science courses specifically designed for nonscience majors. We found acute levels of anxiety in several groups, especially education, nursing, and business majors. We describe specific interventions to alleviate science anxiety.  相似文献   
In this study positive affective states, experienced by users of a one-hour learning program, in a hypermedia learning environment were assessed. It was expected that a positive mood would occur during learning that would be correlated with high training/learning success. Furthermore, the experience of flow was used to indicate whether the challenges and skills were balanced. The results showed that the users of the training program were put into a positive mood. About a quarter of the users experienced flow. Positive moods were associated with higher training success and positive affect was correlated with total knowledge and content knowledge. An association between flow and training success was not observed. The perceived probability of success did not influence learning but a high perceived probability of success was considered as comparably more pleasant than a low perceived probability of success. The results are discussed in the context of self-directed learning.  相似文献   
Students’ attitudes and anxieties about science were measured by responses to two self-report questionnaires. The cohorts were Danish and American students at the upper secondary- and university-levels. Relationships between and among science attitudes, science anxiety, gender, and nationality were examined. Particular attention was paid to constructivist attitudes about science. These fell into at least three broad conceptual categories: Negativity of Science Toward the Individual, Subjective Construction of Knowledge, and Inherent Bias Against Women. Multigroup confirmatory factor analyses revealed that these dimensions of constructivist attitudes were equally applicable and had the same meaning in both cultures. Gender differences in mean levels of constructivist attitudes were found; these varied across the two cultures. Constructivist beliefs were associated with science anxiety, but in different ways for females and males, and for Danes and Americans. In agreement with earlier studies, females in both the US and Danish cohorts were significantly more science anxious than males, and the gender differences for the Americans were larger than those for the Danes. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for reducing science anxiety by changing constructivist beliefs.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of visual context information on skilled motor behaviour and motor adaptation in basketball. The rules of basketball in Europe have recently changed, such that that the distance for three-point shots increased from 6.25 m to 6.75 m. As such, we tested the extent to which basketball experts can adapt to the longer distance when a) only the unfamiliar, new three-point line was provided as floor markings (NL group), or b) the familiar, old three-point line was provided in addition to the new floor markings (OL group). In the present study 20 expert basketball players performed 40 three-point shots from 6.25 m and 40 shots from 6.75 m. We assessed the percentage of hits and analysed the landing position of the ball. Results showed better adaptation of throwing performance to the longer distance when the old three-point line was provided as a visual landmark, compared to when only the new three-point line was provided. We hypothesise that the three-point line delivered relevant information needed to successfully adapt to the greater distance in the OL group, whereas it disturbed performance and ability to adapt in the NL group. The importance of visual landmarks on motor adaptation in basketball throwing is discussed relative to the influence of other information sources (i.e. angle of elevation relative to the basket) and sport practice.  相似文献   
A survey was conducted of primary schools and the communities they serve in the two anglophone provinces of Cameroon in 1974/75, as part of a programme of research preceding curricular reform in that country. It has become necessary for Cameroonian education to adapt under development pressures, and the government, before initiating reforms, decided to devote two years to research. The underlying premisses were that in an agrarian society improved conditions must come through improvements in the agricultural sector; that primary schools can contribute to rural development, and that the educational sector must contribute to the cost of education. Primary schools were not to be studied in isolation but as part of their communities. The environmental survey therefore became basic to the research programme. Data were sought on a wide range of topics including infrastructure, crafts and trades, agricultural systems and methods, ranking in the community, decision-making processes, and customs relevant to the life-cycle. In all twenty-four information topics were isolated, and data collected on these topics from more than one source in the course of travel including 10,000 km by Landrover and 1000 km on foot. The data were collected from a stratified random sample of schools/communities, using interview schedules, questionnaires and check lists. Analysis of the data took place partly in the field and partly in Germany, the point being stressed that data to be processed must from the start be related to the capacity to analyse them. To take advantage of computing facilities the SPSS programme package was used, and in the final analysis three main techniques were employed: multiple linear regression, multidimensional crosstabulation, and subgroup analysis. Expenditure excluding salaries totalled US $ 14,800.
Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprogramms als Vorstufe zur Curriculumreform in Kamerun wurde 1974/75, in zwei english-sprechenden Provinzen des Landes eine Erhebung über Primärschulen und die zugehörigen Gemeinden durchgeführt. Es hat sich als notwendig erwiesen, das Bildungswesen unter Entwicklungsdruck umzugestalten, und die Regierung beschloss, vor der Einführung von Reformen zwei Jahre für Forschung einzusetzen. Die zugrundeliegenden Voraussetzungen waren wie folgt: In einer Agrargesellschaft können bessere Bedingungen nur durch Verbesserungen im Agrarsektor geschaffen werden; Primärschulen können zur ländlichen Entwicklung beitragen; und der Bildungssektor muss einen Beitrag zur Deckung der Bildungskosten leisten. Das Primärschulwesen sollte daher nicht in Isolierung, sondern als Bestandteil der betreffenden Gemeinden untersucht werden. Somit wurde die Umweltuntersuchung zur Basis des Forschungsprogramms. Die Datenerhebung erstreckte sich über einen weiten Themenbereich, u.a. Infrastruktur, Handwerk und Gewerbe, Landwirtschaftssysteme und -methoden, Rangordnung in der Gemeinde, Entscheidungsprozesse und mit dem Lebenszyklus zusammenhängende Gebräuche. Insgesamt wurden 24 Informations-themen erstellt, für die auf ausgedehnten Reisen — 10.000 km mit Landrover und 1.000 km zu Fuss — Daten gesammelt wurden, und zwar aus einer geschichteten Zufallsstichprobe von Schulen/Gemeinden. Als Erhebungsinstrumente wurden Interviews, Fragebogen und Kontrollisten verwendet. Die Datenanalyse wurde teils an Ort und Stelle, teils in Deutschland vorgenommen, wobei betont wird, dass zu verarbeitende Daten von vornherein auf die Analysemöglichkeiten abgestellt werden müssen. Um von Computern Gebrauch machen zu können, wurde das SPSS Programmpaket benutzt. Für die Schlussanalyse wurden drei Techniken angewandt: mehrfache lineare Regression, mehrdimensionale Kreuztabellierung und Untergruppenanalyse. Die Kosten ausschliesslich der Gehälter beliefen sich auf US $ 14.800.

Résumé Une étude sur les écoles primaires et les communes où se trouvent ces écoles fut faite dans deux provinces anglophones du Cameroun en 1974/1975, comme partie d'un programme de recherche qui précède la réforme du curriculum dans ce pays. Il est devenu nécessaire que, sous la pression du développement, l'éducation camerounaise soit remodelée et le gouvernement, avant d'instaurer les réformes, a décidé de dévouer deux années à la recherche. Les prémisses fondamentales étaient, que dans une société agraire, on ne peut améliorer les conditions que par des améliorations dans le secteur agricole; que les écoles primaires peuvent contribuer au développement rural et que le secteur pédagogique doit contribuer aux frais de l'éducation. Les écoles primaires ne devraient pas être étudiées isolément mais comme partie constituante de leurs communes. L'étude sur le milieu deviendrait donc la base pour le programme de recherche. La recherche de données s'étendit sur un grand nombre de thèmes comprenant l'infrastructure, l'artisant et le commerce, les systèmes et méthodes de l'agriculture, l'ordre hiérarchique dans la commune, les processus de décision et coutumes importantes au cycle de vie. En tout, vingt quatre thèmes d'information furent élaborés, on recueillit les données de ces thèmes au cours d'un long voyage — 10.000 kms par Landrover et 1.000 kms à pied. Les données furent recueillies à l'aide d'un échantillon au hasard stratifié des écoles/communes. Pour ceci, on se servit d'interviews, de questionnaires et de listes de contrôle. L'analyse des données eut lieu en partie sur place et en partie en Allemagne, en soulignant le fait que les données à traiter doivent dès le début pouvoir être aptes à être analysées. Afin de pouvoir se servir du computer, on utilisa le paquet du programme SPSS. Pour l'analyse finale on employa trois techniques: la régression multiple linéaire, la cross-classification multi-dimensionnelle et l'analyse sous-groupe. Les frais à l'exclusion des salaires s'élevèrent à US $ 14.800,-.
Udo Moenig  Minho Kim 《国际体育史杂志》2018,35(15-16):1531-1554

The popular discourse about Asian martial arts has often been surrounded by an aura of esotericism, so pervasive that it even influenced the academic discussion to some degree. Moreover, nationalistic motives to promote certain martial arts narratives often prevail. This article focuses on the frequently flawed philosophical and historical discourse surrounding the Asian martial arts. In particular, this study concentrates on the academic discussions of the Japanese and Korean martial arts, and the search for a philosophical framework compatible with historical narratives. The Japanese created a romantic but also nationalistic martial arts narrative that aligned with the ideals of the Meiji Restoration. This romanticized image was naively accepted in the West, often imported along with esoteric ideas of the East. And, as most modern Korean martial arts originated in Japan, the Korean martial arts discussion aligns with that of Japanese martial arts, and this alignment has been a point of heated dispute. Discussions of Korean martial arts reflect a search for a definitive identity of the Korean martial arts community as well as the desire to establish a martial arts tradition independent of those of Japan as well as China. However, the discourse has often been influenced by western, albeit biased and perhaps faulty, historical views, and ideas about martial arts traditions.  相似文献   
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