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道先生开的铺子,远邻近舍,家家熟知。这家小店,出售各种各样的零星百货,老老少少,都来光顾,选购各自所需的用品。货架和店柜上的商品,琳琅满目,美不胜收。小乔伊每天放学以后,就逛进这家小店东张西望。他爱看那些烟斗,其中有一只特别惹他注目。每当他回家路过这里,总要盯它一阵,而且一见了它就目不转睛,心想:“总有那么一天,我会长大成人,可以抽抽烟斗,就像这只。”他记不起父亲是啥模样,但是他知道父亲准是抽烟斗的。小乔伊伸出手去摸了摸那只烟斗,又用一根手指在烟斗杆上轻轻地摩挲(māsā)着。他老是在想:他长大了,就可以去工作,他的母亲…  相似文献   
松树在它的绿房子里,放了一把竖琴,一把金色的竖琴。别人都看不见,只有风看见了,乱弹几下琴弦,给竖起耳朵的野兔听。琴声!美@艾琳·费雪 @王世跃  相似文献   
Computers are integral to medical practice, education, and research. While medical students learn computer skills during their training, many practicing physicians do not have the same computer experience. To familiarize this group with the exciting developments in medical informatics, the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library and Department of Computer Medicine at the George Washington University Medical Center organized a workshop "Introducing Your Office Computer!" for attending physicians. The workshop featured a short lecture/video presentation on computer applications in medicine followed by a "computer fair" of five computer applications. Eleven physicians attended the workshop. Feedback was very positive; many called later to request more detailed instructions on using the programs demonstrated. It was a valuable experience for the staff, and new bridges were built between departments and clients.  相似文献   
我们脚上穿的鞋子,是压抑、痛苦、美丽、创造力的载体,在很大程度上暴露了我们的性格以及对生活的态度。鞋子的演变和社会文化、性别、财富、地位的发展息息相关,并呈现出一些美好奇妙的时尚潮流。本书娓娓道来鞋履发展历史,体现了女性过去、现在、以及将来是如何逐步被鞋履塑造的。  相似文献   
多萝·布什为其父——美国前总统老布什撰写的传记《我的父亲 我的总统》,堪称迄今首部完整的老布什传,亦是第一幅色彩层次丰富的老布什肖像画。这本书也像一条河,涌动着布什家族许多鲜为人知的个人经历与家庭往事。  相似文献   
近年来,一些捏造事实、以讹传讹、欺骗受众的虚假新闻层出不穷,媒体一次次成了叫喊“狼来了”的牧羊人,且毫不在乎,因为话语权掌握在他们手中。为了收视率,为了发行量,为了名利双收,话语权一次次被滥用,尤其在新闻舆论监督中,滥用话语权现象更是屡有发生,最集中体现在媒体对于新闻事实的评论之中。  相似文献   
An outreach project which juxtaposed technology (Grateful Med) and a human intermediary (a circuit librarian) to serve health professionals in a rural area of Illinois is described. The five goals of the project were: promote Grateful Med as a clinical tool; introduce circuit librarianship to Illinois; heighten the awareness of health professionals to the value of timely information services; increase the visibility of the resource library; and evaluate the impact of the two components, Grateful Med and circuit librarianship. While the project was well-received and enjoyed short-term success, sustaining the same level of information activity post-project has not been achieved. Insuring utilization of health information by remote health professionals may be characterized as a Sisyphean task.  相似文献   
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