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女孩和男孩在儿童期和前青春期患抑郁症的比率是相等的,但是一进入青春期,女性的抑郁症比率却是男性的两倍.本文回顾了相关的研究,讨论青春期女性与成人不同的、独特的临床症状,以及造成这种差异的发展因素.  相似文献   
Associations between experiencing child maltreatment and adverse developmental outcomes are widely studied, yet conclusions regarding the extent to which effects are bidirectional, and whether they are likely causal, remain elusive. This study uses the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, a birth cohort of 4,898 children followed from birth through age 9. Hierarchical linear modeling and structural equation modeling are employed to estimate associations of maltreatment with cognitive and social‐emotional well‐being. Results suggest that effects of early childhood maltreatment emerge immediately, though developmental outcomes are also affected by newly occurring maltreatment over time. Additionally, findings indicate that children's early developmental scores predict their subsequent probability of experiencing maltreatment, though to a lesser extent than early maltreatment predicts subsequent developmental outcomes.  相似文献   
一、物理试卷综述 1 通读2007年北京高考理综物理试题,我们欣喜地看到,命题人在今年的命题设计中,做到了三贴近(贴近时代、贴近社会、贴近学生的生活),坚持了三个有利的原则,即"有利于高校选拔有学习潜能的新生,有利于中学推行素质教育,有利于扩大高校办学自主权"的命题原则,在考题立意上强调注重学生的素质与能力的考查,真正体现了"以能力测试为主导,考查考生对所学相关课程基础知识,基本技能的掌握程度和综合运用所学知识分析、解决实际问题的能力"的理科综合命题指导思想,试题注重对学生科学素养的考查,关注科学技术与社会经济的发展和环保(STSE),有利于激发学生学习科学的兴趣,形成科学的价值观和养成实事求是的科学态度.  相似文献   
花椒籽的开发应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
花椒籽中富含油脂,是一种潜在的油料资源.花椒籽中不饱和脂肪酸的含量较高,特别是α-亚麻酸,油酸,亚油酸的含量高迭57.5%~87.9%.作为α-亚麻酸的来源之一,花椒籽因资源丰富,价格低廉,药用和商业价值高等优点,越来越受到人们的重视.  相似文献   
从5年来北京地区物理高考试题类型与难度变化上看,北京市高考出题思路已有从精英选拔向倡导大众化大学教育转变的发展趋势.然而分析考生在各类试题的得分数据不难发现,目前中学物理教学仍未适应这一变化,存在诸如未能均衡面向全体学生,教学形式单一,忽视基础物理观念梳理与学生知识结构的更新等一些尚待解决的问题.  相似文献   
目的 了解大学生的焦虑症状,探讨人格倾向与焦虑症状的关系,为干预研究提供依据.方法 采用艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)和焦虑自评量表(SAS)对湖北省长江大学300名大学生采用无记名方式,进行问卷调查.结果 大学生的焦虑症状显著高于常模.大学生的焦虑与神经质有相关(.268★★P<0.01),与精神质有相关(.367★★P<0.01),与掩饰有相关(-.170★★P<0.01);大学生的内外向与神经质有相关(.369★★P<0.01),与精神质有相关(.133★P<0.01);大学生的神经质与精神质有相关(.286★★P<0.01),与掩饰有相关(-.276★★P<0.01).结论 大学生焦虑症状较为普遍.帮助大学生养成健康的人格,降低大学生的焦虑感,是当前高校心理健康教育工作刻不容缓的任务.  相似文献   
由霍松林主编,漆绪邦、梅运生、张连第联袂撰写的《中国诗论史》(150余万字,黄山书社2007年1月出版),作为国家教委“八五”重点科研资助项目及国家“十一五”重点图书出版规划项目,出版后受到了学界的高度关注,给予很高的评价。我们认为,这部巨著的成功之处在于它对中国本色诗论的学理性深度透视和扎实严谨、求真求精的文风。求源:中国本色诗论文化的追问“各种文明喜欢把它们之前的古老文明奉为祖宗;古老文明的魅力增添了源泉的神圣性。”[1]因此,对古老文明的研究是人类永恒的课题。近20余年,中国古代文论的现代转换或中国古代诗学的现代…  相似文献   
通过实验的方法,将"发现"式的学习理论应用教学实践.实验表明:实验班的学生在篮球专项技术、操作思维能力、身体素质及运用篮球知识和技术解决问题的能力等方面明显高于对照班."指导式发现教学"可使初学者尽快地掌握正确的技术动作,缩短技能形成所需要的时间;可使学生在学习技术动作的同时,深入系统地掌握理论知识;可培养学生运用知识进行观察、分析、判断能力,养成主动的学习习惯.  相似文献   
This paper explores errors in college students' writings and provides a practical guide in helping students identify and classify their own errors.  相似文献   

R. S. Peters never explicitly talks about wisdom as being an aim of education. He does, however, in numerous places, emphasize that education is of the whole person and that, whatever else it might be about, it involves the development of knowledge and understanding. Being educated, he claims, is incompatible with being narrowly specialized. Moreover, he argues, education enables a person to have a different perspective on things, ‘to travel with a different view’ [Peters, R. S. (1967). What is an educational process? In R. S. Peters (Ed.), The concept of education (pp. 1–23). Routledge and Kegan Paul]. In asserting this about education, Peters has more in common with another great English educator, John Henry, Cardinal Newman, than one might expect, given they are separated by about a century and start from different philosophical perspectives, namely Kant to a significant degree in the former and Aristotle in the latter. Both nevertheless acknowledge the importance of reason and its development in any education worthy of the name. I will argue that in describing the ‘educated person’ Peters is not far from the view of Newman, who saw education as being about the ‘enlargement of mind’. Although Newman hesitates to call ‘enlargement of mind’ wisdom, and Peters does not use either term, there are good grounds for proposing that in distinguishing between education and training, and in asserting education is moral education because it is concerned to improve persons, Peters acknowledges the higher purposes of education and hence, we can add, its connection with wisdom. Significantly, what such a reading of Peters emphasizes is his insistence on the intrinsic value of education, a view seemingly lost in modern market-driven conceptions of education.  相似文献   
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