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Water is transported to Earth''s interior in lithospheric slabs at subduction zones. Shallow dehydration fuels hydrous island arc magmatism but some water is transported deeper in cool slab mantle. Further dehydration at ∼700 km may limit deeper transport but hydrated phases in slab crust have considerable capacity for transporting water to the core-mantle boundary. Quantifying how much remains the challenge.

Water can have remarkable effects when exposed to rocks at high pressures and temperatures. It can form new minerals with unique properties and often profoundly affects the physical, transport and rheological properties of nominally anhydrous mantle minerals. It has the ability to drastically reduce the melting point of mantle rocks to produce inviscid and reactive melts, often with extreme chemical flavors, and these melts can alter surrounding mantle with potential long-term geochemical consequences. At the base of the mantle, water can react with core iron to produce a super-oxidized and hydrated phase, FeO2Hx, with the potential to profoundly alter the mantle and even the surface and atmosphere redox state, but only if enough water can reach such depths [1].Current estimates for bulk mantle water content based on the average H2O/Ce ratio of oceanic basalts from melt inclusions and the most un-degassed basalts, coupled with mass balance constraints for Ce, indicate a fraction under one ocean mass [2], a robust estimate as long as the basalts sampled at the surface tap all mantle reservoirs. The mantle likely contains some primordial water but given that the post-accretion Earth was very hot, water has low solubility and readily degasses from magma at low pressures, and its solubility in crystallizing liquidus minerals is also very low, the mantle just after accretion may have been relatively dry. Thus, it is plausible that most or even all of the water in the current mantle is ‘recycled’, added primarily by subduction of hydrated lithospheric plates. If transport of water to the core–mantle boundary is an important geological process with planet-scale implications, then surface water incorporated into subducting slabs and transported to the core–mantle boundary may be a requirement.Water is added to the basaltic oceanic crust and peridotitic mantle in lithospheric plates (hereafter, slab crust and slab mantle, respectively) at mid-ocean ridges, at transform faults, and in bending faults formed at the outer rise prior to subduction [3]. Estimates vary but about 1 × 1012 kg of water is currently subducted each year into the mantle [4], and at this rate roughly 2–3 ocean masses could have been added to the mantle since subduction began. However, much of this water is returned to the surface through hydrous magmatism at convergent margins, which itself is a response to slab dehydration in an initial, and large, release of water. Meta-basalt and meta-sediments comprising the slab crust lose their water very efficiently beneath the volcanic front because most slab crust geotherms cross mineral dehydration or melting reactions at depths of less than 150 km, and even if some water remains stored in minerals like lawsonite in cooler slabs, nearly complete dehydration is expected by ∼300 km [5].Peridotitic slab mantle may have much greater potential to deliver water deeper into the interior. As shown in Fig. 1a, an initial pulse of dehydration of slab mantle occurs at depths less than ∼200 km in warmer slabs, controlled primarily by breakdown of chlorite and antigorite when slab-therms cross a deep ‘trough’, sometimes referred to as a ‘choke point’, along the dehydration curve (Fig. 1a) [6]. But the slab mantle in cooler subduction zones can skirt beneath the dehydration reactions, and antigorite can transform directly to the hydrated alphabet silicate phases (Phases A, E, superhydrous B, D), delivering perhaps as much as 5 wt% water in locally hydrated regions (e.g. deep faults and fractures in the lithosphere) to transition zone depths [6]. Estimates based on mineral phase relations in the slab crust and the slab mantle coupled with subduction zone thermal models suggest that as much as 30% of subducted water may have been transported past the sub-volcanic dehydration front and into the deeper mantle [4], although this depends on the depth and extent of deep hydration of the slab mantle, which is poorly constrained. Coincidentally, this also amounts to about one ocean mass if water subduction rates have been roughly constant since subduction began, a figure tantalizingly close to the estimated mantle water content based on geochemical arguments [2]. But what is the likely fate of water in the slab mantle in the transition zone and beyond?Open in a separate windowFigure 1.(a) Schematic phase relations in meta-peridotite modified after [6,10,12]. Slab geotherms are after those in [4]. Cold slabs may transport as much as 5 wt% water past ‘choke point 1’ in locally hydrated regions of the slab mantle, whereas slab mantle is dehydrated in warmer slabs. Colder slab mantle that can transport water into the transition zone will undergo dehydration at ‘choke point 2’. How much water can be transported deeper into the mantle and potentially to the core depends on the dynamics of fluid/melt segregation in this region. (b) Schematic showing dehydration in the slab mantle at choke point 2. Migration of fluids within slab mantle will result in water dissolving into bridgmanite and other nominally anhydrous phases with a bulk storage capacity of ∼0.1 wt%, potentially accommodating much or all of the released water. Migration of fluids out of the slab into ambient mantle would also hydrate bridgmanite and other phases and result in net fluid loss from the slab. Conversely, migration of hydrous fluids into the crust could result in extensive hydration of meta-basalt with water accommodated first in nominally anhydrous phases like bridgmanite, Ca-perovskite and NAL phase, but especially in dense SiO2 phases (stishovite and CaCl2-type) that can host at least 3 wt% water (∼0.6 wt% in bulk crust).Lithospheric slabs are expected to slow down and deform in the transition zone due to the interplay among the many factors affecting buoyancy and plate rheology, potentially trapping slabs before they descend into the lower mantle [7]. If colder, water-bearing slabs heat up by as little as a few hundred degrees in the transition zone, hydrous phases in the slab mantle will break down to wadsleyite or ringwoodite-bearing assemblages, and a hydrous fluid (Fig. 1a). Wadselyite and ringwoodite can themselves accommodate significant amounts of water and so hydrated portions of the slab mantle would retain ∼1 wt% water. A hydrous ringwoodite inclusion in a sublithospheric diamond with ∼1.5 wt% H2O may provide direct evidence for this process [8].But no matter if slabs heat up or not in the transition zone, as they penetrate into the lower mantle phase D, superhydrous phase B or ringwoodite in the slab mantle will dehydrate at ∼700–800 km due to another deep trough, or second ‘choke point’, transforming into an assemblage of nominally anhydrous minerals dominated by bridgmanite (∼75 wt%) with, relatively, a much lower bulk water storage capacity (< ∼0.1 wt%) [9] (Fig. 1a). Water released from the slab mantle should lead to melting at the top of the lower mantle [10], and indeed, low shear-wave velocity anomalies at ∼700–800 km below North America may be capturing such dehydration melting in real time [11].The fate of the hydrous fluids/melts released from the slab in the deep transition zone and shallow lower mantle determines how much water slabs can carry deeper into the lower mantle. Presumably water is released from regions of the slab mantle where it was originally deposited, like the fractures and faults that formed in the slab near the surface [3]. If hydrous melts can migrate into surrounding water-undersaturated peridotite within the slab, then water should dissolve into bridgmanite and coexisting nominally anhydrous phases (Ca-perovskite and ferropericlase) until they are saturated (Fig. 1b). And because bridgmanite (water capacity ∼0.1 wt%) dominates the phase assemblage, the slab mantle can potentially accommodate much or all of the released water depending on details of how the hydrous fluids migrate, react and disperse. If released water is simply re-dissolved into the slab mantle in this way then it could be transported deeper into the mantle mainly in bridgmanite, possibly to the core–mantle boundary. Water solubility in bridgmanite throughout the mantle pressure-temperature range is not known, so whether water would partially exsolve as the slab moves deeper stabilizing a melt or another hydrous phase, or remains stable in bridgmanite as a dispersed, minor component, remains to be discovered.Another possibility is that the hydrous fluids/melts produced at the second choke point in the slab mantle at ∼700 km migrate out of the slab mantle, perhaps along the pre-existing fractures and faults where bridgmanite-rich mantle should already be saturated, and into either oceanic crust or ambient mantle (Fig. 1b). If the hydrous melts move into ambient mantle, water would be consumed by water-undersaturated bridgmanite, leading to net loss of water from the slab to the upper part of the lower mantle, perhaps severely diminishing the slab’s capacity to transport water to the deeper mantle and core. But what if the water released from slab mantle migrates into the subducting, previously dehydrated, slab crust?Although slab crust is expected to be largely dehydrated in the upper mantle, changes in its mineralogy at higher pressures gives it the potential to host and carry significant quantities of water to the core–mantle boundary. Studies have identified a number of hydrous phases with CaCl2-type structures, including δ-AlOOH, ϵ-FeOOH and MgSiO2(OH)2 (phase H), that can potentially stabilize in the slab crust in the transition zone or lower mantle. Indeed, these phases likely form extensive solid solutions such that an iron-bearing, alumina-rich, δ-H solid solution should stabilize at ∼50 GPa in the slab crust [12], but only after the nominally anhydrous phases in the crust, (aluminous bridgmanite, stishovite, Ca-perovskite and NAL phase) saturate in water. Once formed, the δ-H solid solution in the slab crust may remain stable all the way to the core mantle boundary if the slab temperature remains well below the mantle geotherm otherwise a hydrous melt may form instead [12] (Fig. 1a). But phase δ-H solid solution and the other potential hydrated oxide phases, intriguing as they are as potential hosts for water, may not be the likely primary host for water in slab crust. Recent studies suggest a new potential host for water—stishovite and post-stishovite dense SiO2 phases [13,14].SiO2 minerals make up about a fifth of the slab crust by weight in the transition zone and lower mantle [15] and recent experiments indicate that the dense SiO2 phases, stishovite (rutile structure—very similar to CaCl2 structure) and CaCl2-type SiO2, structures that are akin to phase H and other hydrated oxides, can host at least 3 wt% water, which is much more than previously considered. More importantly, these dense SiO2 phases apparently remain stable and hydrated even at temperatures as high as the lower mantle geotherm, unlike other hydrous phases [13,14]. And as a major mineral in the slab crust, SiO2 phases would have to saturate with water first before other hydrous phases, like δ-H solid solution, would stabilize. If the hydrous melts released from the slab mantle in the transition zone or lower mantle migrate into slab crust the water would dissolve into the undersaturated dense SiO2 phase (Fig. 1b). Thus, hydrated dense SiO2 phases are possibly the best candidate hosts for water transport in slab crust all the way to the core mantle boundary due to their high water storage capacity, high modal abundance and high-pressure-temperature stability.Once a slab makes it to the core–mantle boundary region, water held in the slab crust or the slab mantle may be released due to the high geothermal gradient. Heating of slabs at the core–mantle boundary, where temperatures may exceed 3000°C, may ultimately dehydrate SiO2 phases in the slab crust or bridgmanite (or δ-H) in the slab mantle, with released water initiating melting in the mantle and/or reaction with the core to form hydrated iron metal and super oxides, phases that may potentially explain ultra-low seismic velocities in this region [1,10]. How much water can be released in this region from subducted lithosphere remains a question that is hard to quantify and depends on dynamic processes of dehydration and rehydration in the shallower mantle, specifically at the two ‘choke points’ in the slab mantle, processes that are as yet poorly understood. What is clear is that subducting slabs have the capacity to carry surface water all the way to the core in a number of phases, and possibly in a phase that has previously seemed quite unlikely, dense SiO2.  相似文献   
Specific learning behaviors used during peer tutoring and the relationship of those behaviors to the degree of learning achieved were examined. Audiotape recordings of 20 tutoring pairs were analyzed for behaviors exhibited by tutors and tutees. Three stepwise multiple regression analyses were performed to determine which behaviors were significantly related to the test scores of the tutor, the tutee, and the total score of the pair, respectively. There was only partial overlap between the most frequently used behaviors and the behaviors found to be predictive of achievement. The possible relationships between the predictive behaviors and learning processes during tutoring are discussed.  相似文献   
Speech Correction on the Contract Plan. By Ruth B. Manser. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1935; pp. xix + 333.

Leadership in a Changing World. Ed. by M. David Hoffman and Ruth Wanger. New York: Harper and Bros., 1935 ; pp. xv + 418.

Your Telltale English. By Sophie C. Hadida. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1935 ; pp. 419. $2.00.

Propaganda; Its Psychology and Technique. By Leonard W. Doob. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1935; pp. x + 424. $3.00.

The 1932 Campaign: An Analysis. By Roy V. Peel and Thomas C. Donnelly. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1935; pp. viii + 242. $1.50.

A B C of Reading. By Ezra Pound. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1934; pp. xii + 197.

Lotteries. Compiled by Helen M. Muller. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1935 ; pp. 128. $0.90.

Old Age Pensions. Compiled by Julia E. Johnsen. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1935 ; pp. 295. $0.90.

Socialized Medicine. A debate reprinted from the University Debaters’ Annual for 1933–1934. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1935 ; pp. 31: $.35.

Road To War: America 1914–1917. By Walter Millis. Boston and New York: Houghton Miffiin Company, 1935 ; pp. ix + 466. Index. $3.00.

Speech Therapy. By Emil Fröschels. Translated from the German by Joseph Noyes Haskell. Boston: The Expression Company, 1933 ; pp. 252.

Speech in Childhood: Its Development and Disorders. By George Seth and Douglas Guthrie. New York: Oxford University Press, 1935 ; pp. x + 224. $3.50.

A Study of Illiteracy in C.C.C. Camps. Washington: Bulletin 110068 of the United States Office of Education, Department of the Interior, 1935.

Propaganda and Promotional Activities. An Annotated Bibliography. By H. D. Lasswell, R. D. Casey, and B. L. Smith. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1935 ; pp. 450.

World Politics and Personal Insecurity. By H. D. Lasswell. New York: Whittlesey House, 1935 ; pp. 307.

Fox. By Christopher Hobhouse. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1935; pp. 320. $3.50.

Architecture for the New Theatre. Edited by Edith J. R. Isaacs. Published for the National Theatre Conference. New York: Theatre Arts, Inc., 1935 ; pp. 125. $2.50.

Directing for the Amateur Stage. By Leslie Crump. New York: Dodd, Mead &; Co., 1935; pp. xi + 235. $2.50.

Freedom of the Press. By George Seldes. Indianapolis: The Bobbs‐ Merrill Co., 1935 ; pp. 380. $2.75.

Psychology of Acting. By Lorenz Kjerbühl‐Petersen, translated by Sarah T. Barrows. Boston: Expression Company, 1935 ; pp. 255. $3.50.

Congress or the Supreme Court. Edited by Egbert Ray Nichols. New York: Noble &; Noble, Inc., 1935; pp. 476. $2.00.

Aphasia: A Clinical and Psychological Study. By Theodore Weisenburg and Katherine McBride. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1935 ; pp. 634. $5.00.

Current English. By Arthur G. Kennedy. Boston: Ginn &; Co., 1935; pp. xiii + 737. $3.50.

The Development of Modern English. By Stuart Robertson. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1934; pp. vii + 559. $2.50.

The Politician: His Habits, Outcries, and Protective Coloring. By James Harold Wallis. New York: The Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1935; pp. x + 333. $3.00.

Play Production. By M. V. C. Jeffreys and R. W. Stopford. London: Methuen &; Co., New York: E. P. Dutton &; Co., 1933; pp. xviii + 199. $2.50.

The Genesis and Growth of English. By J. S. Armour. New York: Oxford University Press, 1935; pp. xi + 182. $1.25.

The Neutrality Policy of the United States. Compiled by Julia E. Johnsen. The Reference Shelf, vol. X, no. 7. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1936; pp. 267. $0.90.

How to Conduct Group Discussion. By A. F. Wileden and H. L. Ewbank. Madison: Extension Service of the College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin, 1935; pp. 64.

Who Should Pay the Doctor Bills. By H. L. Ewbank and Martin P. Anderson. Madison: Extension Service of the College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin, 1936; pp. 38.

Effective Speech: First Course. By Lousene Rousseau and Mary E. Cramer. New York: Harper &; Bros., 1936; pp. xii + 300. $1.20.

The Science and Art of Speech. By Charles Robert Walsh. New York: Benziger Bros., 1935; pp. xvii + 193. $2.60.

Mediaeval Artes Praedicandi: A Supplementary Hand‐List. By Harry Caplan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1936; pp. 36.

Masks and Marionettes. By Joseph Spencer Kennard. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1935; pp. ix + 129. $3.50.

The Public Speaker's Scrapbook. By William G. Hoffman. New York: Whittlesey House, 1935; pp. xi + 269. $2.50.

For Stutterers. By Smiley Blanton, M.D., and Margaret Gray Blanton. New York: D. Appleton‐Century Co., 1936; pp. xi + 191. $2.00.

Basic Speech and Voice Science. By L. S. Judson and A. T. Weaver. Madison: The College Typing Company, 1933; pp. iv + 218. $4.25.

Anecdotal History of the Science of Sound, to the Beginning of the 20th Century. By Dayton C. Miller. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1935 ; pp. xi + 114. $2.50.

Lucius Q. C. Lainar. By Wirt Armistead Cate. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1935 ; pp. xiii + 594. $5.00.

Disorders of Speech and Voice, 4th ed. By Robert West. Madison: College Typing Co., 1935; pp. 144. $2.75.

Bibliography of Disorders of Speech and Voice. By Robert West. Madison: College Typing Co., 1934; pp. 21. $0.50.

Signals and Speech in Electrical Communication. By John Mills. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1934; pp. 281. $2.75.

Something About Words. By Ernest Weekley. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1936; pp. 233. $1.75.

A History of the Philadelphia Theatre 1835–1855. By Arthur. Herman Wilson. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1935 ; pp. 724. $6.00.

How to Develop Your Speaking Voice, By E. H. Baxter Rinquest. Denver: Frank J. Wolf Publishing House, 1935; pp. 228.

An Experience Curriculum in English. A Report of a Commission of the National Council of Teachers of English. W. Wilbur Hatfield, Chairman. New York: D. Appleton‐Century Company, Inc., 1935; pp. x + 323. $1.50. (To members of the N.C.T.E. $1.00.)  相似文献   
This study of adult literacy education in Thailand analyses the ways in which the Thai state has historically shaped adult literacy education policies for development. For the authoritarian Thai state of the 1940s and 1950s, literacy education was a means of promoting nationalism through an imagined community of Thai citizens. For the developmentalist state of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, literacy education was the means to create a new Thai working class for industrial capitalism and export-oriented growth. For the liberal democratic state of the 1990s, literacy education was re-oriented toward a post-Fordist economy. Most recently, in the wake of the 1997 economic crisis and subsequent IMF and ADB ‘structural adjustment’ policies, state educational policies have shifted to an emphasis on fiscal economics over education. While state ideologies of educational policy are dominant in this historical narrative, they also possess internal contradictions contested by popular movements and social groups outside dominant classes. Literacy education in Thailand is, as such, not only the site of production and reproduction of state ideologies, but also of struggles over their meaning. Thus we find within the authoritarian nationalism of the 1940s and 1950s, a movement for popular democracy through literacy education born of the 1932 Revolution; within the work-oriented literacy programs of the 1970s, a trend towards broader community development inspired by the student revolution of October 1973; and within the neoliberal Thai state's embrace of globalization, a call for further democratization of educational opportunities first promoted by the May 1992 uprising and then embodied in the new Constitution of 1997 and the Education Act of 1999.  相似文献   
In the tradition of grassroots environmental movements worldwide, activist Buddhist monks in rural Thailand have, since the late 1980s, led a popular movement to protect local forest, water and land resources while at the same time challenging dominant state and corporate ‘economist’ development paradigms. Most famously, these ‘development monks’ (phra nak phathanaa) and ‘ecology monks’ (phra nak anuraksaa) have led local villagers and NGO activists in the symbolic ordaining of large trees and forests (buat paa). They do this in the hope that they will not only protect forests from logging, but also teach local people the value of conserving forest resources. This paper charts the history, philosophy and practice of the activist forest monk movement in Thailand, its contribution to our collective knowledge of adult education in new social movements, and its value to environmental adult education.  相似文献   
In addition to teaching subject matter, I feel students need to learn from someone they can perhaps look up to. They must learn that certain things are valued and important in society. These things are simple manners; compassion for others; how to make moral and responsible choices; and to take responsibility. At this level they need guidance. Maybe someone at home is not demanding civility; maybe they are and are just as frustrated as we. But it must be clear that certain standards must be adhered to. Certain types of behavior are requisite!.  相似文献   
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