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International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - This study provides insights into how Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong interpret the concept of “meaning in life.” Data...  相似文献   
道德教育中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在道德教育中存在三个方面的问题 :只重形式 ,不重效果 ;重道德理论知识传授 ,忽视个人的道德修养和践履 ;违背品德形成的规律和忽视传统道德的教育。  相似文献   
自从党的"十五"大报告提出"按劳分配和按生产要素分配结合起来"、"允许和鼓励资本、技术等生产要素参与收益分配"以来,我国理论界对生产要素的构成内容进行了广泛的讨论,有许多人直接或间接地把劳动力包括在生产要素之中,笔者认为这种理论是不正确的,不符合"十五"大报告的原意.本文对生产要素不包括劳动力在内的原因、意义等问题进行了分析.  相似文献   
数学符号是数学发现的有力工具.数学符号以浓缩的形式表达大量的信息,可以简化数学推理,加快了思维速度,有助于人们理解问题、分析问题和解决问题.数学符号在数学科学中占有重要的地位.介绍了数学符号的10种选取规律,掌握这些规律有助于深刻理解其含义,提高数学素养.  相似文献   
对重庆市五所高校体育专业一、二、三年级的240名学生的自我妨碍与学习成绩进行调查研究,结果发现:一、二年级学生学习成绩优秀者与不良者采用自我妨碍策略存在显著差异;三年级学生学习成绩优秀者与不良者采用自我妨碍策略不存在显著差异:学习成绩不良与自我妨碍预测因素即自我效能感、智力责任归因、自尊、抑郁存在相关,与惧怕否定不存在显著相关等。  相似文献   
利益相关者视角下的高校专业建设管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校是一个典型的利益相关者组织,其利益相关者会通过社会评价、生源、学生就业、毕业生成就等途径影响高校专业建设,并最终影响高校声誉和可持续发展。因此,深入分析专业建设中利益相关者的权利、利益要求及其影响是实施高校专业建设管理的基础和前提。分析表明:不同利益相关者对高校专业建设有不同的利益要求和影响。这就需要学校在专业建设中,通过识别利益相关者,增进与利益相关者的互相了解,赢得信任以及采取利益相关者纳入的专业建设管理策略等,以促进专业建设更好地满足利益相关者的需求。  相似文献   
文化全球化与经济全球化相伴随,是人类文明发展不可逆转的趋势.受经济等因素的影响,文化全球化与其实质发生了背离.我国文化要在全球化背景下实现科学发展,必须正确应对文化全球化.在尊重世界文明多样性的同时,牢固树立马克思主义的指导地位,大力发展先进文化,建设和谐文化,推动我国文化的大发展大繁荣.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThearchedretainingstructure ,anewtypeofretainingstructureinfoundationpits(Caietal.,1 992 ) ,hasmanyvirtuessuchasmorereason ablestructureshape ,smallerdeformation ,lowercost,andsoon .Butithasnotoftenbeenusedinengineeringbecauseitsanalysismethodisnotr…  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to describe and understand the range of outcomes of class visits to natural history museums. The theoretical framework is based on the multifaceted process of learning in free choice learning environments, and emphasizes the unique and individual learning experience in museum settings. The study’s significance is in highlighting several possible cognitive as well as non-cognitive learning effects in museums class visits, by providing the student’s point of view. Data was collected by semi-structured interviews with 50 students in grades 6–8 on the day following the visit. We present evidence that students expressed several learning outcomes, connected directly and indirectly to the scientific content of the visit. Content oriented outcomes included acquiring scientific knowledge and making connections to prior knowledge; social oriented outcomes were identified in students’ statements regarding communicating knowledge and social aspects of learning; and interest oriented outcomes were evidenced by students’ expressions about emotions, interest and curiosity. The aggregate data addressed the common outcomes and the impact of class visits to natural history museums in the short term. Comparisons between two types of museums show significant differences in several aspects, regarding the exhibit and/or the activity type. Practical ideas for structuring the ultimate experience are included.  相似文献   
This article investigates the intertwined constructs of metacognition and self-regulation as they emerge in the works and theories of James, Piaget, and Vygotsky. To coordinate this exploration, we use an interpretive framework based on the relation of subject and object. In this framework, James’s perspective on metacognition and self-regulation is aligned with the Self, Piaget’s with the other and object, and Vygotsky’s with the medium or agency of language. We explore how metacognition and self-regulation function within the realm of human behavior and development as described in the works of each of these theorists. Key questions or issues that emerge for current research are outlined, and the limitations and benefits of each theorist’s perspective vis-à-vis metacognition and self-regulation are discussed.  相似文献   
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