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张大千绘画艺术与敦煌石窟艺术有紧密的内在联系。张大千赴敦煌苦修三年,掌握了敦煌石窟艺术最重要的创作特质——“法相庄严”的独特视觉装饰效果。张大干对敦煌壁画的临摹及摹本展览对于成立国立敦煌艺术研究所,其于古迹国宝之维护与宣扬功不可没。张大干晚年开创的青绿泼彩画风,可谓将敦煌石窟艺术的表现特质结合时代的新气象而作了更进一步的诠释与发展。  相似文献   
中国历史上灾荒频仍,晚清时期自然灾害更是频繁发生,其中尤以光绪年间为重。张之洞为官就处于这样一个时代。频繁发生的灾荒以及在灾荒影响下的民生困苦情形使得张之洞内心深处受到极大震撼,由此直接造就了张之洞的备荒赈灾思想。这一思想的主要渊源有:经世致用思想、天命主义禳灾论和古圣先贤救治灾荒的成功经验等。该思想的内涵则主要表现为:珍重生命的以民为本思想、注重实效的实用主义思想、防患于未然的未雨绸缪思想和不分畛域的顾全大局思想等。  相似文献   
“Wh+都+V(P)”与“Wh+也+V(P)”在句法、语义、语用方面各有特点.从情态来看,肯定类“也”式主要体现“必然情态”,肯定类“都”式主要体现“怨言情态”;从主客观角度来看,“也”式多用于主观断言句,常用在将来时和现在时,而“都”式多用于客观陈述句,常用在过去时;从认知方式来看,“也”式属“次第式扫描”,“都”式属“总括式扫描”.从篇章角度来看,后项句的优势句型是“也”式,“都”式倾向于出现在中项句.比较句、陈述句倾向于选“也”式,而递进句、描写句倾向于选“都”武.  相似文献   
There is increasing acknowledgement that differences exist in the levels of achievement of boys and girls in English primary schools, as evidenced by performances in National Curriculum tests at Key Stages 1 and 2. This article briefly examines the nature of these differences, both nationally and specifically within the context of a pilot study of four schools in different socio-economic contexts. Some of the underlying factors behind these differential achievements are considered, particularly within the context of literacy issues and of boys' constructions of masculinity. An analysis of the approaches towards creating a context for achievement of both girls and boys in these four schools is then offered, with a focus on pedagogic, organizational and socio-cultural strategies. It is suggested that, while intervention strategies which have the potential to raise the achievement levels of boys (and girls) are being successfully developed in each pilot school, there is as yet only limited evidence to suggest how and why these interventions are most effective, and indeed, how these interventions might be successfully adapted and transferred to other school contexts.  相似文献   
This paper reflects upon the nature of a target‐setting and mentoring scheme in an 11–16 school in England, through a series of retrospective interviews with students who continued into further education. It considers the extent to which the initiative impacted both upon students’ formal academic achievement at 16+ and upon the subsequent longer‐term aspirations of these students. Interviews with students who achieved considerable ‘value‐added’ in their GCSE examinations suggested that the impact of mentoring was strongest amongst those students who came from homes where there was less expectation of them participating in further and higher education, and that this effect was not differentiated according to gender. The paper suggests that longer‐term transformation of students’ aspirations, and the challenging of gendered course and career stereotypes, will only be achieved if schools adopt a more holistic and proactive approach to careers education and to widening participation for their students, and that the absence of such proactivity will limit the longer‐term gains initiated by successful mentoring activities.  相似文献   
裕固族是中国人口较少民族之一.在中国现代化进程中,随着民族政策的制定、调整和族群文化自觉意识的觉醒,裕固族地区先后开展了两次语言教育试验,却都以失败告终.通过对这两次语言教育试验的民族志描述和之所以失败的归因分析,并对民族自治地方教育政策的制定和实施过程中存在的问题进行讨论,发现有三种效应--应激效应、黑箱效应和计划效应值得注意.  相似文献   
中国化视野下的“亚细亚生产方式”问题讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国化视野下看20世纪20年代末到40年代史学界关于"亚细亚生产方式"问题的讨论,不难发现郭沫若、吕振羽和侯外庐对马克思"亚细亚生产方式"理论的认识是一个逐渐深化并使之中国化的过程,而"亚细亚生产方式"理论的中国化和中国社会革命实践之间又是一种相互促进的关系;"亚细亚生产方式"理论的中国化使学术界形成了社会历史发展"一元多线"的认识,这是以后打破社会历史发展"一线论"的逻辑起点.  相似文献   
Background: The researchers involved in this study work at Exeter Health library and at the Complementary Medicine Unit, Peninsula School of Medicine and Dentistry (PCMD). Within this collaborative environment it is possible to access the electronic resources of three institutions. This includes access to amed and other databases using different interfaces. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate whether searching different interfaces to the amed allied health and complementary medicine database produced the same results when using identical search terms. Methods: The following Internet‐based amed interfaces were searched: DIALOG DataStar; EBSCOhost and OVID SP_UI01.00.02. Search results from all three databases were saved in an endnote database to facilitate analysis. A checklist was also compiled comparing interface features. Results: In our initial search, DIALOG returned 29 hits, OVID 14 and Ebsco 8. If we assume that DIALOG returned 100% of potential hits, OVID initially returned only 48% of hits and EBSCOhost only 28%. In our search, a researcher using the Ebsco interface to carry out a simple search on amed would miss over 70% of possible search hits. Subsequent EBSCOhost searches on different subjects failed to find between 21 and 86% of the hits retrieved using the same keywords via DIALOG DataStar. In two cases, the simple EBSCOhost search failed to find any of the results found via DIALOG DataStar. Conclusions: Depending on the interface, the number of hits retrieved from the same database with the same simple search can vary dramatically. Some simple searches fail to retrieve a substantial percentage of citations. This may result in an uninformed literature review, research funding application or treatment intervention. In addition to ensuring that keywords, spelling and medical subject headings (MeSH) accurately reflect the nature of the search, database users should include wildcards and truncation and adapt their search strategy substantially to retrieve the maximum number of appropriate citations possible. Librarians should be aware of these differences when making purchasing decisions, carrying out literature searches and planning user education.  相似文献   
通过对河套大学20多年办学历史的生源统计,发现学生异地求学倾向明显,并对河套大学学生及巴彦淖尔市临河区部分普通高中、职高学生作出异地求学相关问题的调查,统计分析调查结果,探究高职学生异地求学倾向的相关问题.  相似文献   
近五年裕固族教育研究进展述评——以期刊报纸文献为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
裕固族教育研究是一个新兴的学术研究领域。近五年来,以期刊报纸文献为例,从研究主题上看,裕固族教育研究主要集中在对学校教育功能和校本课程开发的探讨上;从研究方法和研究内容上看,显示出与教育人类学越来越密切的关系。  相似文献   
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