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以德国康斯坦茨应用科技大学与南京工程学院的机械类本科专业为对象,分析比较了德中高校专业设置中“模块”概念的内涵及模块构成要素。结果表明:德中高校模块化教学体系的指标有差异;但双方的模块化教学体系中各要素之间的相互关联性比较接近,模块体系蕴含的教学理念和实际运作方式类似,能够互相借鉴。  相似文献   
本文分析开展农机职业教育的必要性,结合南通市的实际情况,提出发展农机职业教育的对策,以促进农机职业教育的开展。对增量人力资源的供给和存量人力资源的挖潜提出了更高的要求,从而为农业职业技术教育与培训提供了经验。  相似文献   
历代教育家认为"教师主导教学"是指教师应在教学中发挥引导、启迪、导向作用,而不是一言堂、满堂灌。在文学类课程教学改革中,教师主导教学可从四个方面着手,即:课前引导学生阅读原著;因材施教,营造民主、平等的课堂氛围;丰富教学方法和教学手段;重视课后练习,改革考核方式。无论是课前课后,还是课堂中,每一环都是教师主导教学与学生自主学习的结合,二者相辅相成、密不可分,没有学生的自主学习,教师的主导作用便无从体现。  相似文献   
Not long ago, a certain city held a conference on exchanges of "interna-tional talent" (persons with training in skills needed in international matters). I learned that about one-third of the 5,000 trained personnel invited to the conference were "returnees" from abroad. However, few of these returnees actually reached agreements with the employing units. Some of the returnees had explicitly stated their expectations of finding work that would provide them with annual salaries of about 300,000 yuan, but not a few employing units backed off when faced with such high standards. Other units were doubtful that such high-salaried returnees were worth the price, or decided to look around before taking any action, or even clearly stated that such pricey talent lay outside their main areas of consideration. In view of the difficulties that increasing numbers of returnees are encountering and that are cropping up in the course of bringing them in, we should take a deep look at the reasons for the difficulties and clear up some misconceptions.  相似文献   
Using the gender perspective to sort out and examine the outmoded gender conventions and set role patterns existing in China's current teaching materials for eliminating illiteracy is a new venture, since this is a corner that has long been forgotten and overlooked. In previous discussions of IE education, we have been accustomed to focusing our attention on equal rights and equal opportunities to education. IE policy has devoted its efforts to narrow the gaps between regions, between urban and rural regions, between ethnic groups, and between genders by means of diversified non-conventional education for adults, and to provide disadvantaged groups with more opportunities and study resources. In practice, the "Spring Bud [chun lei] Program" to aid girls who have dropped out of school and IE education targeted mainly at females have played a positive role in improving the overall attributes of China's rural women. However, insufficient attention or sensitivity has been shown toward hidden problems of gender prejudice and gender bias in IE teaching materials, and this has resulted in a gender-blind spot. The introduction of the gender perspective helps us discover problems in things to which one has become accustomed, and these problems are the starting points and breakthrough points for research.  相似文献   
随着我国经济的飞速发展,交通状况持续改善,人民生活水平日益提高,私家车快速走进了寻常百姓家,自驾车旅游悄然成为我国大中城市有一定消费能力的人群最为钟爱的旅游方式之一。随着自驾车旅游范围的扩大,自驾车旅游安全事故频频发生,相关法律问题日益凸显。文章分别论述了喜欢旅游的朋友自发或组团相约出行的自驾车旅游、参加车友会或俱乐部组织的自驾车旅游、参加旅行社组织的自驾车旅游中常见的法律问题。从建立完善的旅游法律体系、界定自驾车游客的权利与义务、规范盈利性自驾车旅游合同内容、完善自驾车旅游保险体系、控制自驾车旅游市场准入门槛、建立全国性自驾车旅游信息官网等方面提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
英语专业是远程开放教育中辍学率较高的专业.对学习者的辍学研究揭示学习困难是他们放弃学习的主要原因之一.采用质性研究方法,以“高级职业英语”课程作为分析远程英语本科学生的学习困难为研究对象.研究发现,四川电大英语学习者的学习困难主要有:教材阅读困难,面授环节缺失,网上活动参与度差以及形成性考核完成情况差等.  相似文献   
弄虚作假、自暴自弃、奢侈浪费及个人本位是高校大学生责任意识缺失的表现,助学工作事关大学生切身利益,可作为责任意识培养的重要载体。实际助学工作中,通过完善助困认定程序,助、贷工作结合,积极进取氛围营造及社会实践平台打造等途径,可以充分挖掘助学工作的育人功能,培养大学生的社会责任意识。  相似文献   
《钏影楼回忆录》是近代报人、小说家包天笑撰写的自传体散文集。它描述了包天笑早年的人生经历,以及清末民初苏沪地区的风土人情和知识分子的生存状态。在《钏影楼回忆录》中,作者以写实笔法勾勒出了各种独具时代特色的近代女性形象。在她们身上不仅可以看到包天笑小说中的女主人公原型,而且体现了包天笑新旧思想相冲突的一面。  相似文献   
当下我国成人教育正进入挑战期,挑战主要来自对现时成人教育发展的迫切与迷惘,包括对成人教育价值的认知、对成人教育现状的把握、对成人教育未来的规划等等。然而,在这三维空间的穿越与对接中,不仅折射出现代成人教育发展的艰辛与曲折,更凸显出当代成人教育学者的使命与责任。本文力图从历史溯源与学者使命、事业发展与学者认知、未来构建与学者责任的内在关系着力,深层探索当代成人教育学者使命与责任的内涵与外延,为我国现代成人教育发展提供人力与智力支撑。  相似文献   
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