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献从理赔费是损失费的减扣出发,给出了损失费的所有概率分布,但只对保险人数是一般变量的情形进行了研究,该将保险人数视为随机变量,给出了损失费的分布。并计算了平均损失费及其方差,更具实用性。  相似文献   
周卫忠 《丽水学院学报》2007,29(1):49-51,122
史诗以阿喀琉斯个人为中心线索和情节发展的依据,表明它强调个人在社会历史进程中的作用和对重大事件的决定性影响.作品所刻画、讴歌的英雄人物都是个人主义的典型.作为一部战争题材的作品,史诗将作战的动力归之于英雄们的个人功名心和物质利益.这些都显示史诗是一部宣扬个人主义思想、赞美个人英雄的作品,个人主义是作品一以贯之的主体文化精神.  相似文献   
通过对Windows内存结构及进程空间分配情况的介绍,详细描述了Win2000环境下缓冲区溢出的原理,并提出了预防缓冲区溢出的有效方法。  相似文献   
我党提出要深入研究和探讨马克思的价值理论,是强调谱写新的理论篇章,是强调要用发展着的马克思主义指导当前的改革开放;十六大报告强调尊重劳动、知识、人才和创造,旨在调动一切积极因素,绝不是对劳动创造价值这一根本观点的否定;社会财富的源泉不等于就是价值的源泉,在价值源泉问题上劳动具有排他性,但在价值形成和价值分配问题上则不然;马克思《资本论》的学术价值以及它对全世界工人阶级解放事业的伟大作用,不容贬低和诋毁;地球上所有的财富和一切商品的价值,从古至今只能靠劳动来创造,非劳动主体创造使用价值和非一般人类劳动成为价值源泉的说教,纯属天方夜谭。  相似文献   
The co-benefit of hazardous trace elements such as mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), and selenium (Se) capture in dust removal devices of ultra-low emission coal-fired power plants was investigated. Feed fuel and ash samples collected from 15 different coal-fired power units equipped with ultra-low emission systems were characterized to determine the concentrations and distribution characteristics of trace elements. It was found that the low-low temperature electrostatic precipitator (LLT-ESP) and the electrostatic fabric filter (EFF) had greater abatement capacity for Hg than normal cold-side ESP (CS-ESP). Only 0.8%–36.1% of Hg escaped from LLT-ESP and EFF, whereas 42.1%–90.6% of Hg escaped from CS-ESP. With the employment of EFF and ESP (inlet temperature<125 °C), 72.3%–99.1% of As and 70.7%–100% of Se could be captured before the wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) system. The significance level of the effects on the abatement capacity for Hg, As, and Se in ESP were analyzed by the Pearson correlation analysis and grey relational analysis. The results indicated that the low inlet temperature of LLT-ESP had significant promotional effect on the simultaneous removal of Hg, As, and Se. The smaller particle size of fly ash can be conducive to the adsorption of hazardous trace elements. The inhibitory effect of sulfur content in coal was significant for the enrichment of Hg and Se in fly ash.  相似文献   
2006年全国卷Ⅰ,物理压轴题25题如下:有一个演示实验,在上下两面都是金属板的玻璃盒内,放了许多用铝箔纸揉成的小球,当上下板间加上电压后,小球就上下不停地跳动.现取以下简化模型进行定量研究.图1如图1所示,电容为C的平行板电容器的极板A和B水平放置,相距为d,与电动势为ε、内  相似文献   
江苏、浙江两省超常的经济发展夯实了高等教育超常发展的基础,大众化高等教育的初步实现又为实现经济发展注入了强大的实力。江浙两省加快发展高等教育具有很多好的做法和经验,两省全新的教育观念和针对省情的得力措施,是两省高等教育飞速发展必不可少的条件。江浙两省的经验对江西省高等教育的发展有很好的启示作用。  相似文献   
This study examines Chinese tertiary award-winning tutors’ perceptions and reported practices of classroom-based assessment. Seventeen tutors in the final stage of a national university teaching contest were individually interviewed. An interview framework was developed using three process dimensions of assessment for learning (AfL). A sequential and iterative analysis of resulting data was conducted based on Miles and Huberman’s protocols for qualitative analysis. Participants demonstrated a complex set of connections between perceptions and practices around issues of sharing standards, delivering feedback and response to external assessments. Results deviate from widely promoted principles of AfL and classroom-based assessment espoused in the international literature; in doing so, they challenge existing research and assumptions about the standardised and international nature of award-winning instructors’ assessment practices. Findings are discussed in relationship to understanding best practices in tertiary assessment, given emerging tertiary education markets. Practical implications for the further development of learning and assessment practices and theoretical implications for the AfL theory are also discussed.  相似文献   
It is expected that by 2003 continuous media will account for more than 50% of the data available on origin servers, this will provoke a significant change in Internet workload. Due to the high bandwidth requirements and the long-lived nature of digital video, streaming server loads and network bandwidths are proven to be major limiting factors. Aiming at the characteristics of broadband network in residential areas, this paper proposes a popularity-based server-proxy caching strategy for streaming media. According to a streaming media popularity on streaming server and proxy, this strategy caches the content of the streaming media partially or completely. The paper also proposes two formulas that calculate the popularity coefficient of a streaming media on server and proxy, and caching replacement policy. As expected, this strategy decreases the server load, reduces the traffic from streaming server to proxy, and improves client start-up latency.  相似文献   
通过调查分析,发现典型屯堡普遍具有一定的空间特征,这一空间特征与其形成的历史过程相关,并得以延续至今.其中,寨墙寨门、主次街巷体系和中轴主街以及村口塘是其中较为典型的三项.即寨墙和寨门可以确定出较为规整的聚落边界;主街作为全村的主要中轴线与各条次巷相连,形成尺度差异明确的主次巷道体系,各种重要建筑如村庙和戏台沿主街布置,并紧邻场坝;村口塘则位于村庄中轴线延伸的寨门前,与中心场坝遥相呼应;这几种空间模式所反映出的结构严整、主次分明、层层围护的军事卫所空间组织特征,与历史文献中记载一致,承载了屯堡历史上抵御外敌的重要村落历史记忆;在"屯戍体制"逐渐瓦解后仍能在后代的村落演变中得以保存,仍然是全村各种重要的仪式活动的中心发生地,同时在"屯堡"主体性的延续与重构中扮演重要角色,成为了屯堡村落中鲜明的文化场域.  相似文献   
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