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刘莉  王晓丽  崔桐 《编辑学报》2018,30(2):134-136
随着社会的进步与发展,情商的重要性越来越引起人们的重视.在科技期刊的编辑流程中,编辑在与作者和审稿专家进行沟通和交流时,也应当注重情商理论的应用.编辑在不同的阶段,对不同的交流对象,应采用不同的交流方式,但都应以真诚和尊重为基础、有同理心、多进行换位思考,这样在获得对方肯定和认同的同时,也会得到对方的支持与信任.融洽的人际关系、高尚的职业道德、高度的责任感和良好的交流态度能够帮助编辑更好地发挥职业作用,实现职业价值,也更有利于期刊长期、健康、稳定的发展.  相似文献   
摘要:为构建我国第一套针对戒毒人员的体质测评标准,以强制隔离戒毒人员为样本,采用实验与数据分析方法,揭示《国民体质测定标准(2014)》在戒毒人员体质测评中的局限性,指出风险源辨识在戒毒人员针对性测评标准构建中的必要性。在此基础上,基于由外部风险源确定测评指标、由内部风险源确定测试项目权重和评分常模的逻辑,通过戒毒人员与普通国民的体质数据比较,确定戒毒人员体质健康外部风险源为心肺适能、肌力适能、肌耐力适能、神经适能,形成测评指标;通过实验和自编去量纲差异度算法,确定构成内部风险源的各测试项目及权重(男/女)为6 min步行测试(0.167)、握力(0.067/0.246)、纵跳(0.154/0.186)、俯卧撑(男)(0.248)、1 min仰卧起坐(女)(0.063)、选择反应时(0.086/0.211)、闭眼单脚站立(0.278/0.126),通过地域性因素分析、年龄与性别交互效应因素分析,确定不同性别、年龄戒毒人员的具体评分常模,形成完整的我国戒毒人员体质测评标准,为戒毒人员各类运动干预研究的开展提供科学化评估依据。  相似文献   
以70%VO2max中等强度跑台耐力运动至疲劳为运动模型,测定了普通大学生服用不饱和脂肪酸对运动至疲劳时的闪烁融合阈值、憋气时间、定量运动时的心率和心电图。实验表明,服用不饱和脂肪酸对上述指标有一定的影响,受试者身体机能有一定改善,提示,不饱和脂肪酸可能与运动能力有关。  相似文献   
This research uses a conceptual model to examine the influence of a change in accreditation standards on a representative national sample of 203 engineering programs at 40 institutions. Based on data collected from more than 140 program chairs, 1,200 faculty, 4,300 graduates of 2004, and 5,400 graduates of 1994, the study investigates the differential impact of the change in accreditation standards on programs reviewed in different years during the period of transition. Despite significant variation across most of the measures and groups in 1994 (before the introduction of the new accreditation criteria), the 2004 evidence demonstrates a surprisingly uniform level of student experiences and outcomes. These findings suggest that engineering accreditation is beginning to accomplish its quality assurance goals. This is a revised version of a research paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, May 17, 2006, Chicago, IL.  相似文献   
刘海燕  方创琳  蔺雪芹 《资源科学》2008,30(11):1667-1676
中国目前处在工业化中期的重化工业阶段,高耗能产业比重大,能源短缺,环境保护形势严峻,节能减排任务艰巨,大力发展风电产业能缓解能源短缺问题和减少环境污染。西北地区是中国风能资源十分丰富的地区,开发利用潜力巨大,风电产业发展具有一定的基础,目前百万千瓦级的风电基地正在规划和筹备,风电行业也已步入快速发展的重要时期。据不完全统计,2007年已建和在建的风电场23个,总装机容量达到140.09×104kW,预计到2010年末西北地区风电站总数将达到43座,风电装机容量将达到1 828.83×104kW,到2020年有望达到3 200×104kW(其中非并网风电约占16%左右),约占全国预计装机容量的30%。西北地区风电产业发展势头较好,发展前景十分广阔。但是,该地区风电大规模开发也面临着诸多问题。鉴于此,本文在综述国内外风能资源开发态势和风电开发研究进展的基础上,分析评估了西北地区风能资源开发利用价值,找出了西北地区风电产业发展现状与存在问题,提出了西北地区风能资源开发与大规模并网及非并网风电发展目标,以此为指导,规划布局了66个风电场址。根据规划风电场址整合出2个国家级非并网风电与高耗能无碳型产业基地:即北疆非并网风电与高耗能产业基地和甘肃酒泉非并网风电与高耗能产业基地,两个风电产业基地构成了我国西北千万千瓦级风电基地,并针对每个产业基地提出了相应的非并网风电产业布局思路,最后针对西北地区风能开发和非并网风电产业发展提出了相应的政策措施。  相似文献   
旅游风景区基准地价评估方法体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国旅游业正进入加速发展时期,风景区旅游资源开发方兴未艾.探索和建立旅游风景区基准地价体系,对促进旅游风景区土地市场的培育与规范,加强国有土地资产管理和促进旅游资源开发体制创新等具有积极意义.旅游风景区的土地利用、地价形成机制和地价影响因素等具有独特的规律和特征,我国现行的城镇基准地价评估方法体系难以直接套用于旅游风景区的基准地价评估.文章根据旅游风景区土地利用的特征、影响旅游风景区土地收益的主要因素及收益形成机制的特殊性等,结合地价评估的基本理论方法,提出并论证了以旅游风景区开发项目为对象,以景区或景点为均质地域,以土地质量评价为基础,土地收益或市场地价资料为依据,按风景游览设施建设用地、旅游商业服务设施用地、旅游接待设施用地、住宅用地和停车场用地5类用地类型建立旅游风景区基准地价的评估方法体系,并在杭州市、天台县等旅游风景区基准地价评估中得到实证检验,研究的成果已在实践中得到应用.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine which family child care providers seek training, which providers drop out of training, and the effects of training on the quality of care offered by providers. One-hundred thirty family child care providers in three communities who enrolled in Family-to-Family training participated in the study. A comparison group consisted of 112 regulated providers in those same communities who were not involved in the training program under investigation. Each provider was observed for 3 hrs, was interviewed, and completed questionnaires. Providers in training were observed prior to training and 6 months afterwards. Results revealed that providers who sought training were very similar to typical regulated providers. Providers who dropped out of training were less experienced and used fewer business and safety practices than providers who completed it. Training increased global quality in two out of three sites, but did not affect process quality. Of 95 providers, 18 made observable (as opposed to statistically significant) improvements in quality following training, and 9 decreased in quality. These data are interpreted with respect to family child care training policies and practices.  相似文献   
The study focused on the interaction between two secondary school students while they were working on computerized mathematical investigation tasks related to probability theory. The aim was to establish how such interaction helped the students to learn from one another, and how it may have hindered their learning process. The assumption was that interaction is beneficial for students if they can perform certain key activities, namely showing, explaining, justifying, and reconstructing their work. Both students attained mathematical level raising. However, the student who explained frequently and criticized himself attained more mathematical level raising than the student who did not explain her work frequently or criticize herself.  相似文献   
摘要:为解决我国村落体育公共服务的现存问题,促进乡村社会和谐发展和体育事业全面发展,以统筹城乡综合配套改革实验区——成都市的行政村为研究对象,综合运用文献法、问卷调查法、访谈调查法、数理统计法对村落体育公共服务的供需现状、发展对策进行分析。研究认为:村民对村落体育公共服务的总体满意度评价不高、村落体育公共服务的供给总体水平不高、村落体育公共服务的自组织能力较差、村民对村落体育公共服务的参与程度比较低、村落体育公共服务发展的长效机制尚未建立是统筹城乡发展中村落体育公共服务存在的主要问题。  相似文献   
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