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前言:X探长是Y小镇上声名远扬的破案高手。他每天奔波在小镇的大街小巷,各种奇案都难不倒他。瞧,X探长又要出发去破案了!01失窃的钻石“丁零零……”急促的电话声响起,X探长拿起电话:“喂!什么事?”“你是X探长吗?我是商业大街88号珠宝店经理,我这里发生了抢劫案!”“好的,保护好现场,我马上就到!”X探长放下电话,立刻驾车赶往商业大街。  相似文献   
When hitting underground structures directly or exploding in rock-soil media near underground structures, the conventional weapons with large charge weight will make underground structures be subjected to strong shock vibration and cause personal casualty and damage of precision electronic equipments. The shock vibration has become one of the cardinal killing means of weapons. However, the existing methods of predicting structure shock vibration are limited evidently. In this paper the coupling coefficient of acceleration in clayey soil is obtained firstly. Subsequently based on repeated experiments of chemical explosion, after dimension analysis and by using method of multivariate stepwise regression, the calculation formulae of shock vibration acceleration for the underground structure are obtained finally. The formulae consider top and side explosion respectively, taking into account the effects of penetration depth, charge weight, distance to explosion center, rock-soil media, size of structure and buried depth. They are easy to use with high practicability and degree of confidence, and can provide credible evidence for prediction of shock vibration and vibration isolating design of underground structure.  相似文献   
Cultureisoneofthemostdifficulttermstobewelldefined.NewWebstersDictionarysaysitisnotonly"theacquiredabilityofanindividualorapeopletorecognizeandappreciategenerallyacceptedestheticandintellectualachievementofcivilizationoraparticularstageorstagesofcivilizationasinthecaseofacertainnationorperiod"butalso"thetotalofhumanbehaviorpatternsandtechnologycommunicatedfromgene-rationtogeneration".Thelatterisananthropologicalandsociologicaldefinition,whichagreeswithLongmanModernEnglishDictionary'sthirddef…  相似文献   
格林柯尔系挑战海尔神话--冰箱业资产重组搅动竞争格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化   《科技创业月刊》2004,(8):52-53,69
我们关注的是2001年格林柯尔收购科龙以及其在2003年收购美菱的事件及其影响,运用部分财务数据以及图表进行比较分析,说明整合后的格林柯尔系作为冰箱行业的后起之秀如何与该行业领军人海尔竞争,成为海尔在冰箱产业最强大的对手,并根据相关分析对冰箱产业的未来格局进行了预测。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the INAA results of REE in clays atand near some Permian/Triassic boundaries of South China.It showsthat the REE patterns of boundary clays differ from those of non-boundary clays.One difference is that the boundary clays are moreenriched in LREE,with steeper slope of REE and a smaller Eu nega-tive anomaly than the non-boundary clays.Another difference is that theboundary clays show a small Ce negative anomaly,but no Ce anomalyoccurs in the non-boundary clays.From these REE patterns and some other experimental facts,it isproposed that the P/T boundary clay may be a mixed product consistingof the acidic-intermediate ash and the upper crust substance representingsputtering component,and the calculated fraction of the former andlatter is 7/3.  相似文献   
推荐理由:舒辉波是一位非常具有社会担当意识的优秀儿童文学作家,他对当下孩子面临的现实困境、成长困惑,以及生命难以承受的疼痛格外关注。他的新作《天使的国》曾荣获首届“中文原创YA文学奖”年度大奖,作品通过描写两个女孩面对母亲逝去、父亲沉沦等现实苦难时的情感转型和精神蜕变,从悲伤、迷茫、失落、逃避,变得勇敢、乐观、坚定、自信,在记忆与现实的交错中,不仅刻画出了童年和成年、孩子与家庭、苦难与成长之间唇齿相依的关联,还借女孩吴安琪心灵挣扎、情感释放、自我救赎的过程,展现了现实童年斑驳而沉重的一面。  相似文献   
推荐理由:2018年初,前民主德国执政党德国统一社会党总书记埃贡•克伦茨的新著《我看中国新时代》(原名:《我眼中的中国》)在德国出版。该书一经出版,便引起了德国读者的浓厚兴趣。世界知识出版社得知出版消息后,便开始筹划该书在中国出版的事宜,并聘请中国前驻德国大使馆武官王建政担任该书译者。  相似文献   
推荐理由:第四次全国经济普查是一项重大的国情国力调查。普查目的是全面调查我国第二产业和第三产业的发展规模、布局和效益,了解产业组织、产业结构、产业技术、产业形态的现状,以及各生产要素的构成,摸清全部法人单位资产负债状况和新兴产业发展情况,进一步查实各类单位的基本情况和主要产品产量、服务活动,全面反映供给侧结构性改革、新动能培育壮大、经济结构优化升级等方面的新进展。  相似文献   
推荐理由:本书作者通过自己在华为工作11年的亲身经历出发,从任正非创办华为30年来的内外讲话和共计1000多万字的总裁办电子邮件内容中,选取了华为最具代表性的36个管理高频词汇,全面剖析了华为管理之道。这36个管理高频词汇构成了华为员工共同的行为方式和语言基础,很多华为老员工看了本书引起了共鸣,因为他们曾经在这些常识下努力奋斗。  相似文献   
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