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Background:In a sprint cross-country(XC)ski competition,the difference in recovery times separating the first and the second semi-final(SF)heats from the final(F)may affect performance.The aim of the current study was to compare the effects of longer vs.shorter recovery periods prescribed between the 3 knock-out races of a simulated sprint XC ski competition involving a prologue(P),quarter-final(QF),SF,and F.Methods:Eleven well-trained XC ski athletes completed 2 simulated sprint XC ski competitions on a treadmill involving 4×883-m roller-ski bouts at a 4°incline using the gear 3 ski-skating sub-technique.The first 3 bouts were completed at a fixed speed(PFIX,QFFIX,and SFFIX)corresponding to~96%of each individual’s previously determined maximal effort.The final bout was performed as a self-paced sprint time trial(FSTT).Test conditions differed by the time durations prescribed between the QFFIX,SFFIX,and FSTT,which simulated real-world XC ski competition conditions using maximum(MAX-REC)or minimum(MIN-REC)recovery periods.Results:The FSTT was completed 5.4±5.5 s faster(p=0.009)during MAX-REC(179.2±18.1 s)compared to MIN-REC(184.6±20.0 s),and this was linked to a significantly higher power output(p=0.010)and total metabolic rate(p=0.009).The pre FSTT blood lactate(BLa)concentration was significantly lower during MAX-REC compared to MIN-REC(2.5±0.8 mmol/L vs.3.6±1.6 mmol/L,respectively;p=0.027),and the pre-to-post FSTT increase in BLa was greater(8.8±2.1 mmol/L vs.7.1±2.3 mmol/L,respectively;p=0.024).No other differences for MAX-REC vs.MIN-REC reached significance(p>0.05).Conclusion:Performance in a group of well-trained XC skiers is negatively affected when recovery times between sprint heats are minimized which,in competition conditions,would occur when selecting the last QF heat.This result is combined with a higher pre-race BLa concentration and a reduced rise in BLa concentration under shorter recovery conditions.These findings may help inform decision making when XC skiers are faced with selecting a QF heat within a sprint competition.  相似文献   
DotA.UUU.CoM  I  Kua 《电子竞技》2009,(3):30-31
Data我已经近一年没有怎么碰过了,不是说我不喜欢DatA,我确信我一直都在深深的喜欢。但是自从两年前我把自己的爱好转变成了职业(一直做编辑嘛),玩DatA的时候却一直提不起来兴趣。也难怪,天天看DatA相关的东西,想不审美疲劳都难,再也回不到当初把DatA当爱好的年代了。最近才感觉稍微好了一点,每天下班回家路人娱乐逐渐恢复水平。  相似文献   
基于专利引文分析的时间线技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对专利引文可视化技术现状进行分析的基础上,将基于引文分析的时间线技术运用到专利文献的可视化分析。详细阐述该技术的理论依据、设计思想,并用美国专利数据库中的DVD激光头专利进行技术应用,证明该技术能揭示专利文献中的技术热点及其发展演变,并挖掘关键技术。  相似文献   
This review presents a conceptual framework and supporting evidence that links impaired motor control after sport-related concussion(SRC)to increased risk for musculoskeletal injury.Multiple studies have found that athletes who are post-SRC have higher risk for musculoskeletal injury compared to their counterparts.A small body of research suggests that impairments in motor control are associated with musculoskeletal injury risk.Motor control involves the perception and processing of sensory information and subsequent coordination of motor output within the central nervous system to perform a motor task.Motor control is inclusive of motor planning and motor learning.If sensory information is not accurately perceived or there is interference with sensory information processing and cognition,motor function will be altered,and an athlete may become vulnerable to injury during sport participation.Athletes with SRC show neuroanatomic and neurophysiological changes relevant to motor control even after meeting return to sport criteria,including a normal neurological examination,resolution of symptoms,and return to baseline function on traditional concussion testing.In conjunction,altered motor function is demonstrated after SRC in muscle activation and force production,movement patterns,balance/postural stability,and motor task performance,especially performance of a motor task paired with a cognitive task(i.e.,dual-task condition).The clinical implications of this conceptual framework include a need to intentionally address motor control impairments after SRC to mitigate musculoskeletal injury risk and to monitor motor control as the athlete progresses through the return to sport continuum.  相似文献   
2005年9月1日,我国教育部新颁布的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》正式实施,取代沿用了15年的旧规定。新规定有一条特别引人注目,那就是取消了旧规定中的第30条:“在校期间擅自结婚而未办理退学手续的学生,作退学处理。”教育部学生司林司长这样强调:“教育部不禁止在校学生结婚,但并不提倡。”据统计,自新规定颁布以来,在70所大学里,申请结婚的学生只有万分之一。大学生结婚,离现实究竟还有多远?禁令取消后,现实会是如何呢?是像打开了“潘多拉盒子”,情况变得复杂起来,还是实际影响相当有限呢?大家见仁见智,也许这个问题还需要交由时间来回答。在外国许多国家,大学生结婚不会被禁止,以下这篇报道讲的就是美国哈佛大学和乔治敦大学校园里把爱情进行到底的学生。编者之所以挑这篇文章,出发点很简单,就是希望大家读着别人的故事,能感受到另一种不同的人生选择和生活体验。  相似文献   
1.IntroductionInrecentyears,theNi-MHbattery,akindofnewtypesecondarybatterydevelopedonthebaseofrechargeableNi-Cdbattery,hasattractedtheattentionofmostcustomersintheworldduetotheirexcellentperformancessuchashighpowerdensity,verygoodcyclability,highspecificcapacityandlessenviron-mentalimpact.Currently,theNi-MHbatteryiswidelyusedasapowerforportableelectricdevices,electricvehicles,portablevideos,andsomeimportantsmallapplications[1-3].Nickelhydroxideiscommonlyusedastheactivematerialfornickelposit…  相似文献   
20世纪的中国史学:对其背景和发展过程的评论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一在中国史学的现代化进程中 ,起作用的主要有三个因素。第一个因素是时势 ,因为时势变了 ,对过去历史的解释就得随之而改变。第二个因素是史学变革的手段 ,这可以从中国史学的自身传统中获得。第三个因素就是外来文化的影响 ,这种影响是通过近代西方史学以及其强劲的日本支脉而获得的。就史学领域本身来说 ,传统史学也是中国史学现代化的一个基础。更为重要的是 ,传统史学著作都是中国式的 ,故而更容易为人们所接受。梁启超在《中国历史研究法》一书中 ,就曾引用一系列中国古代批评旧思想的学者言论 ,借以说明他倡导的有悖于传统的历史观念…  相似文献   
国茶文化:583,农业考古:463,中国茶叶:366,茶艺文化:358,文化节:273茶文化:9603,茶艺:1574,茶馆:1036,趋势分析:667,茶文化活动:656,陆羽:647,发展现状:609,中国茶文化:595,农业考古:592,茶文化研究会:582,文化节:466,茶学:460,中国茶:443,茶史:441,中国茶叶:441,茶会:386,茶艺  相似文献   
有3种基本的道歉类型:事前、中间和事后。每种类型都有自己的最好时机。当你看到要出麻烦时,最好采用事前道歉。这个办法能使父母的教训柔和一些,可以抢他们之前一步行动。“爸爸,我能和你说话能和你说话吗?”(这一直都是个聪明的谈话开头。这使爸爸感到你知道他的存在。) “当然可以。有什么事?”“还记得你借给我的计算器吗?”“是的。”“非常抱歉,我不小心把它丢在公共汽车上了。我回去找过,但没找到。真是对不起,我会还给你一个新的。”“哦,别担心了。那是我去银行存款时免费得到的。我肯定能再找一个。”“噢,我真是很着…  相似文献   
本文试图解释一些20世纪英-美哲学家支持的重要主题和理论问题.哲学自身是研究实在的基本成分或人类所拥有的基本概念.因此语言哲学是研究语言理解的最基本概念.最明显的概念是意义、意谓事物的词和句子.然而理解什么是意义并不容易.意义的研究导致了语言哲学的其他概念--句法、语义和语用的产生,这些概念是语义哲学的中心概念.  相似文献   
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