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23艾琳姑娘听了玛丽小姐讲关于她表弟的故事,受到了极大的感动,忍不住呜呜咽咽地哭了起来。一个男同学不了解她的心情,讲话刺激了她。艾琳想起了自己可悲的身世,十分沉痛地产生了自杀的念头。她忧忧郁郁地走到河边,祈祷上帝让她的灵魂和生母相会,随即跳进水里。青年女教师玛丽慢了一步,不曾拉住小艾琳的衣服,立即一纵身跳进河里,施展出水中救人的过硬功夫……  相似文献   
忆澜 《出版参考》2005,(1):13-13
我在街口等一位朋友,见离相约的时间还早,我便买了瓶饮料慢慢地喝着,打发着等待的时光。也许是有事耽搁,朋友久久不至。瓶子里也只剩下了最后的一小口。街上车辆和行人川流不息,我开始漫不经心地扫视着四周。我看到不远的街边坐着一位蓬头垢面的老人,身边搁着一个庞大的塑料袋,依稀可见里面装满了各样的瓶瓶罐罐,他正平静地看着我,就在我的目光快要离开的时候,  相似文献   
最近我们做了一系列与孩子教育相关的节目,每天都会有观众打进热线电话,说:“我家的情况跟你节目中的一样,我就是收拾不了我那个孩子!”  相似文献   
姜戎  忆澜 《出版参考》2005,(1):39-40
当陈阵猛地转头向山谷望去时,他几乎吓得栽下马背。距他不到40米的雪坡上,在晚霞的天光下,竟然出现了一大群金毛灿灿、杀气腾腾的蒙古狼。全部正面或侧头瞪着他,一片锥子般的目光飕飕飞来,几乎把他射成了刺猬。离他最近的正好是几头巨狼,大如花豹,足足比他在北京动物园里见的狼粗一倍、高半倍、长半个身子。此时,  相似文献   
筱澜 《家庭教育》2009,(12):19-19
爸爸妈妈理想中的孩子要健康、聪明。有良好的行为习惯。要孝敬父母孝敬老人,有爱心……那么我们小朋友理想中的爸爸妈妈是怎么样的呢?他们对父母有。些什么榉的期待呢?让我们一起来听听浙江省慈溪市慈吉小学同学们的发言吧!  相似文献   
15法西斯德国濒于崩溃的1945年来到了人间。苏联红军迅速向西挺进,四引擎的重轰炸机对准纳粹国军事基地和各条阵线洒下钢铁之雨;重型坦克的履带压断了一道又一道的防线喀秋莎在夜空中闪射出来的光束令人眼花缭乱,曾几何时不可一世的德国将士吓得心惊胆战……英美联军也为了争夺更多的地盘,竭尽全速地把战火纷飞的前线向东方扩展,连希特勒一直引以为豪的机械化军团也显得一筹莫展,将军们纷纷自作别的打算,伤病员流离失所,叫苦连天!希特勒和他的心腹躲在桕林那座深入地下的大建筑物——大本营里,个个垂头丧气,人人短叹长吁。  相似文献   
In the search for a rapid and reliable method for identification of bacteria in blood and cerebrospinal fluid , we developed a unified set of primers and used them under polymerase chain reaction(PCR) to amplify the spacer regions between the 16s and 23s genes in the prokaryotic rRNA genetic loci . Spacer regions within these loci showed a significant level of length and sequence polymorphism across most of the species lines. A generic pair of priming sequences was selected from highly conserved sequences in the 16s and 23s genes occurring adjacent to these polymorphic regions. This single set of primers and reaction conditions were used for the amplification of the 16s-23s spacer regions for 61 strains of standard bacteria and corresponding clinical isolates belonging to 20 genera and 27 species, including Listeria, Staphylococcus and Salmonella species, et al. When the spacer amplification products were resolved by electrophoresis, the resulting patterns could be used to distinguish most of the bacteria species within the test group, and the amplification products of the clinical isolates clustered at the standard species level. Some species presenting similar pattern were further analyzed by HinfI or AluI digestion or DNA clone and sequences analysis in order to establish the specific 16s-23s rRNA gene spacer regions map. Analysis of 42 blood specimens from septicemic neonates and 6 CSF specimens from suspected purulent meningitis patients by bacterial culture and PCR-RFLP(Restriction Fregament Length Polymorphism) showed that 15 specimens of blood culture were positive(35.7%) in the 42 septicemic neonates; 27 specimens were positive(64.2%) by PCR, and that the positive rate by PCR was significantly higher than that by blood culture(P<0.01). Among the 6 CSF specimens, one specimen found positive by blood culture was also positive by PCR, two found negative by blood culture showed positive by PCR; all three were S.epidermidis according to the DNA map. One C.neoformans found positive by blood culture showed negative by PCR. The remaining two specimens were both negative by PCR and blood culture. These results indicated that the method of detecting bacterial 16s-23s rRNA spacer regions using PCR and RFLP techniques was rapid, sensitive and specific in the detection of bacterial infections; and so, has very important application in the clinical diagnosis of sepsis in neonates.  相似文献   
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