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实践证明,校长培训工作的效果不仅来自于培训内容,也表现在培训形式上,即依靠培训理念的支持实现内容与形式的统一。新形势下如何实现培训内容与过程形式的整合统一,增强培训实效,则是我们培训者面对的重要课题。而参与式培训则是新形势下干训工作改革的一个亮点。  相似文献   
欣慰:女儿在"音乐秀"中崭露头角 2005年冬天的一天,女儿倩倩放学回家,兴奋地对我们说:"我要去电视台参加比赛了." 我问女儿:"这次又是和哪些学校比赛?"女儿不满地撇撇嘴,怪我小看了她."爸爸,我这次参加的可是电视台娱乐频道推出的节目,不是校际比赛.  相似文献   
2005年全国高考第二卷理科第(21)2题是:设F是椭圆x^2+y^2/2=1的上焦点,PF^→与FQ^→共线,MF^→与FN^→共线,且PF^→.MF^→=0.求四边形PMQN面积的最大值和最小值(解答过程此处略).  相似文献   
从孔子的“爱之,能勿劳乎?忠之,能勿诲乎?”到夏丏尊的“没有爱就没有教育”;从罗素的“凡是教师缺乏爱的地方,无论品格还是智慧都不能充分地或者自由地得到发展”到苏霍姆林斯基的“我把整个心灵献给孩子”……虽然古今中外的教育家们的教育思想不尽相同,教育风格各有千秋,但是有一点都是相同的,那就是爱的教育。就语文学科的本身特点来看,它具有工具性和人文性,所以在语文教学中,情感教育尤为重要。我们很难想象,一个不热爱教育事业和自己学生的老师会教好语文;一个不喜欢语文和生活的学生会学好语文!我在多年的语文教学中,深悟情感教育和…  相似文献   
近几年来,北京大学的研究生招生工作始终坚持需要与可能相结合的宗旨,在稳定招生规模的基础上,根据学校学科发展规划、培养力量、科研条件、生源质量等因素,配合研究生学制和学位制度的改革措施,统筹安排硕士生、3年制博士生和长学制博士生的招生规模,对国家重点学科、传统优势学科、交叉学科、新兴学科和重大科研项目实行倾斜政策,重点进行招生学科结构的优化调整。经过广大师生员工的共同努力,取得了可喜的成绩。  相似文献   
目前哲学教学中普遍存在着浅、散等诸多问题,在全面推进素质教育的今天,哲学教学改革势在必行.哲学教学应以素质教育为中心,以提高学生的思想政治素质、创新能力、理论思维能力、批判反思能力及人文素养为出发点,开辟第二课堂哲学实践活动,不断提高学生各方面的素质.  相似文献   
淡泊名利,舍弃追逐,默默奉献,倾其所有,永不言累,永不言悔。这种风范、情怀被赋以蜡烛精神之美称,多少年来,这种神圣的蜡烛精神与师德联系在一起,成为教师奋斗的目标和追求,时刻激励着教师,也铸造了无数优秀教师的辉煌。而今,人类社会已开始从工业社会转型为信息社会,封闭式教育开始转型为开放式的教育,我们发现那神圣的师德正面临着前所未有的质疑。 “蜡烛精神”的尴尬之一 ——爱你没商量 “蜡烛精神”反映了教师对学生的一种爱的奉献,问题是这种爱的表达往往缺少对学生需要的关注,以致于学生不予接受和理解,造成“爱你没商量”之尴尬。…  相似文献   
Objective: To investigate the influence of lead exposure on the immune function of lymphocytes and erythrocytes in preschool children. Materials and methods: A group of 217 children three to six years of age from a rural area were given a thorough physical examination and the concentration of lead in blood samples taken from each subject was determined. The indices of lymphocyte immunity (CD 3CD 4, CD 3CD 8, CD 4CD 8, CD-3CD 19) and erythrocyte immunity (RBC-C3b, RBC-IC, RFER, RFIR, CD35 and its average fluorescence intensity) of 40 children with blood lead levels above 0.483 μmol/L were measured and compared with a control group. Results: The blood lead levels of the 217 children ranged from 0.11 μmol/L to 2.11 μmol/L. The CD 3CD 4and CD 4CD 8 cells were lower (P<0.01) and the CD 3CD 8 cells were higher in the lead-poisoned subjects than those in the control group (P<0.05). CD 3 and CD-3CD 19 did not show significant differences. Although the RBC-C3b rosette forming rate was lower and the RBC-IC rosette forming rate was higher in the lead-poisoned group, this difference could not be shown to be statistically significant (P>0.05). RFIR was found to be lower in the lead-poisoned group (P<0.01). Compared with the control group, the positive rate of CD35 was not found to be significantly different in a group of 25 lead-poisoned children (P>0.05), while the average fluorescence intensity was lower in the lead-poisoned group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Lead exposure can result in impaired immune function of T lymphocytes and erythrocytes in preschool children.  相似文献   
铃带玉 《师道》2007,(7):5-5
20多年了,我记忆中的茉莉花香一点都没有淡去,她依然是那么温馨。 在我上小学三年级时,班里新来了一位女老师。当校长把她带到我们面前时,她显得有点拘谨,抿着嘴冲我们微笑着。校长走后,她走向我们,挨个儿帮我们整理衣.服。她说,一定要从小养成讲卫生的习惯,衣服打补丁不要紧,但一定要干净整洁。[第一段]  相似文献   
Using carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) as extraction agent, the activated sludge from Tianjin Jizhuangzi Sewage Treatment Plant as inoculum, the test study on biodegradability of lubricants was carried out. The test flasks containing the mineral medium, the test oil and the inoculum were placed in incubation together with flasks containing poisoned blanks for periods of 0 and 21 days, respectively. Flasks containing the reference materials in place of the test oil were run in parallel. At the end of the incubation period, the contents of the flasks were subjected to sonic vibration, and were acidified and extracted by using CCI4. The extracts were then analysed by infra-red (IR) spectrometer to measure the maximum absorption of the C-H stretch of CH2-CH3 band at wavelength of 2 930 cm^-1. The absorption values were used to calculate the residual oil contents of the poisoned and test flasks. Consequently the biodegradability of the test oil was calculated. The test results indicate that the differences in the biodegradability of test materials in different tests are within 5.5%, and consistent with the data described in Coordinating European Council (CEC) L-33- A-93. The biodegradability of lubricants can be evaluated by this method effectively.  相似文献   
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