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China's first computer network in which communications are secured with quantum cryptography has been successfully tested in Beijing.  相似文献   
16 October, 2005 was a day of celebration for the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion(GIEC), CAS, as its technology ofbiomass gasification and power generation (BGPG) was chosen by an evaluation panel of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization as one of the 10 top investment scenarios to apply new technologies for renewable energy utilization.  相似文献   
粮食和纤维生产所消耗的水比人类其他用水多,约占人类所有用水的80%左右。爆炸性的人口增长对粮食生产能力有很大压力,这就增加了水的需要量,特别是灌溉用水——这一令人遗憾的最费水的用户。灌溉有可能满足粮食增长的需要,但这一可能的关键在于对水的有效管理。  相似文献   
过去三十年中,在确定物质构造及其运动的明细组分方面,取得了巨大的进展。本之由一位西非物理学家阐明了我们现在对微观的、甚至更细微水平物质构成的了解。他强调加速器在其中的作用,并对可能存在如此多更基本的粒子表示惊讶。  相似文献   
不寻常的酸苏联的乌拉尔是富饶的地区。在乌拉尔山脉的内部蕴藏着大量的各种各样的有用的矿物。沿着流经乌拉尔地区的兹拉托乌思金斯基的米亚斯河的右岸绵延着不太高的依立敏斯基山脉。在乌拉尔山脉里天然造成了一个蕴藏着稀有矿物(如黄玉、钛铁矿和其他矿物)的珍奇的仓库。萤石是具有最多样颜色的一种矿石。在阳光照耀下,它的各色晶体闪耀得好像春天里的花朵一样。在萤石的结晶体中显现出光谱中所有的颜色—从红色到紫色。然而萤石值得注  相似文献   
南极洲四面环海,而北极则被大陆所包围,所以南极洲有点象是北极的负像,这些情况可以部分地解释在两极所能看到的气候差异。但是,现在收集到的有关南极洲天气的资料相对而言都是近期的,因而难以对两种气候进行系统的对比研究。因此,气候学家们必须设想别的手段来重修南极洲的历史,他们利用了一些关于冰的研究,经过最后的分析,这些研究提供了比其他大陆现有的要丰富得多的资料。尤其是,对南极洲的研究已经获得了有关平流层的信息。  相似文献   
Catalytic decomposition of N2O has received much attention in the development of new space-vehicle propellants as well as in environment protection.  相似文献   
It is recognized that modern Western medicine (MWM) is largely allopathic and evidence-based, while traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)has its origin in the ancient Taoist philosophy with a holistic and preventative nature.  相似文献   
Monitoring the development and evolution of a deep convec-tive system from gcostationary satellite imagery is very important tonowcasting and heavy rainfall estimation.Using combined infrared andvisible imagery to analyse convective clouds is feasible and effective,but unfortunately,visible satellite data are not available at night.Inthis paper,a method of fuzzy clustering scheme based on texture featureanalysis has been put forward to distinguish the deep convective cloudsfrom cirrus and stratiform by use of GMS/IR image.Results from usingonly IR data and using both IR and VIS data are compared and discus-Sed.  相似文献   
杜安套上了他那身橄榄球球衣,可又不知道为什么要这样做。这是本赛季的最后一场球——对手是劲旅盖尔斯维莱队,而他都有一年了,一节进攻的机会都没有得到。和往常一样,更衣室的空气中弥漫着浑浊的气味,球鞋上的防滑层和水泥地面摩擦着,发出一阵阵刺耳的声音。  相似文献   
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