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摘要:今天的美国有1 400万的癌症存活者,其中的很多存活者中都接受了多种治疗,包括手术、放疗、化疗、靶向治疗等。这些治疗能够延长生存时间,但同时也会带来很多急慢性的副作用,危害健康,影响生活质量。体力活动(PA)与癌症生存这一领域发展迅速,主要研究PA对癌症患者的影响。基于该领域的研究进展,提出了以下10大研究问题:1)PA能够降低癌症复发风险、和/或提高存活吗?2)PA能够影响癌症治疗决策、完成率、和/或患者对治疗的反应吗?3)癌症存活者的最佳运动处方是什么?4)静坐少动行为对癌症存活者有何影响?5)癌症存活者最有效的体力活动干预方案是什么?6)哪些癌症会影响病人对PA的反应?7)癌症存活者进行体力活动时需要注意的安全问题有哪些?8)哪些具体的癌症症状可以由PA解决?9)对于癌症晚期患者,体力活动还有何作用?10)如何将体力活动研究结果转化到临床和社区肿瘤实践中来?上述问题的回答至关重要,这不仅关系到体力活动和癌症存活这一研究领域的发展,更重要的是,能够为每年数百万新诊断为癌症的病人、正在接受癌症治疗的病人、治疗结束处于恢复中的病人或是那些正在与晚期癌症抗争的病人带来福音。  相似文献   
L.JON WERTHEIM  宓丽 《网球》2008,(4):156-156
在许多职业赛事上,你不用破费很多就可以大有所获。乔·狄克逊的下巴紧紧贴在球场的钢丝网上,场内的罗杰·费德勒现在离她只有不到5码远。这位她最喜爱的网球选手,在她的注视下练习完上旋发球后,接着开始练习正手抽击。这是一记典型的费德勒式正拍,球"嗖"地飞出,刚刚过网,狠狠地砸在了边线上。狄克逊情不自禁地吹了个口哨,费德勒轻  相似文献   
很荣幸参加2008 Blizzard Enter- tainment Worldwide Invitational,作为WE魔兽世界竞技场战队的成员。第一次参加《魔兽世界:燃烧的远征》(World of WarCraft:The Burning Crusade)的竞技场大赛,虽然最后没能取得理想的成绩,但从魔兽世界目前极少的线下赛来看,WWI确实是一次难得的锻炼机会,这次失败也促使我更加努力的练习,对胜利的渴望,遗憾绝对不会留到下次!  相似文献   
Ghost.SO-so 《电子竞技》2009,(10):106-109
DotA游戏基本可以分为以下几个层次:单机AI、路人战、IH、CW比赛。当你厌倦了每天在路人房里孤军备战,而有时队友又让你无奈。或许会找到一个小团体进行IH、内战、开黑,而开黑时往往双方实力悬殊,不能良好地发挥个人实力,基本会养成一些路人战的坏习惯。这时找一个大的平台,进行CW吧!这更正式、更有竞技性,双方都有很强实力的比赛是非常精彩的。其中在IH以后就要考虑阵容问题了,而高等CW还要考虑相互克制关系,团战破解对方优势的打法,这里主要谈一下目前较热的初级CW的一些细节。  相似文献   
N.n 《电子竞技》2009,(10):44-45
今天《电子竞技》特约记者N.n为大家带来一个neo的独家采访。采访的过程其实是一波三折的,早在一个月前我们打算为这位憨态可掬的战神小朋友(呃,憨态可掬,原谅我用了这个词,暂时没有想到别的形容他可爱的词)做一个特别专访。  相似文献   
This aim of this study was to compare the new Actigraph (GT1M) with the widely used Model 7164. Seven days of free-living physical activity were measured simultaneously using both the Model 7164 and GT1M in 30 Indian adolescents (mean age 15.8 years, s = 0.6). The GT1M was on average 9% lower per epoch than model 7164, thus a correction factor of 0.91 is suggested for comparison between the two monitors. The differences between monitors increased in magnitude with intensity of activity (P < 0.001) but remained randomly distributed (r = 0.01, P = 0.96). No significant difference was observed between monitors for time spent in moderate (P = 0.31) and vigorous (P = 0.34) physical activity when using the same epoch length. The Model 7164 classified less time as sedentary (P < 0.001) and more time as light-intensity activity (P < 0.001) than the GT1M. In conclusion, data from the GT1M can be compared with historical data using average counts per minute with a correction factor, and the two models might be comparable for assessing time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity in children when using the same epoch length.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the adjustments to posture, kinematic and temporal characteristics of performance made by lower limb amputees during the last few strides in preparation for long jump take-off. Six male unilateral trans-femoral and seven male unilateral trans-tibial amputees competing in a World Championships final were filmed in the sagittal plane using a 100-Hz digital video camera positioned so that the last three strides to take-off were visible. After digitizing using a nine-segment model, a range of kinematic variables were computed to define technique characteristics. Both the trans-femoral and trans-tibial athletes appeared to achieve their reduction in centre of mass during the flight phase between strides, and did so mainly by extending the flight time by increasing stride length, achieved by a greater flexion of the hip joint of the touch-down leg. The trans-tibial athletes appeared to adopt a technique similar to that previously reported for able-bodied athletes. They lowered their centre of mass most on their second last stride (-1.6% of body height compared with -1.4% on the last stride) and used a flexed knee at take-off on the last stride, but they were less able to control their downward velocity at touch-down (-0.4 m x s(-1)). Both this and their restricted approach speed (8.9 m x s(-1) at touch-down), rather than technique limitations, influenced their jump performance. The trans-femoral athletes lowered their centre of mass most on the last stride (-2.3% of body height compared with -1.6% on the second last stride) and, as they were unable to flex their prosthetic knee sufficiently, achieved this by abducting their prosthetic leg during the support phase, which led to a large downward velocity at touch-down (-0.6 m x s(-1)). This, combined with their slower approach velocity (7.1 m x s(-1) at touch-down), restricted their performance.  相似文献   
Biomechanical analyses using synchronized tools [electromyography (EMG), motion capture, force sensors, force platform, and digital camera] are classically performed in a laboratory environment that could influence the performance. We present a system for studying the running sprint start that synchronizes motion capture, EMG, and ground reaction force data. To maximize motion capture (Vicon 612 with six cameras), a special dim environment was created in the stadium. "Classical" tools were combined with "purpose-built" tools intended to analyse the different aspects of movement. For example, a synchronization system was built to create a common time-base for all data recordings and a portable EMG system was synchronized by a cable that was "disconnected" by the athlete's movement out of the blocks. This disconnection represented an independent event recorded by different tools. A "gap" was measured for some sprint start events between kinetic and kinematic (motion capture) data. Calibration results, measurements of time "gap", and duration of the independent event were used to validate the accuracy of motion capture and the synchronization system. The results validate the entire experimental set-up and suggest adjustment values for motion capture data. This environment can be used to study other movements and can easily be applied to several sports.  相似文献   
Two mechanisms have been suggested to explain stretching-induced maximum force depression: a mechanical alteration in the stretched muscle and an impairment of neural activation. Electrical stimulation allows standardization of the level of muscle activation without being limited by neural control. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stretching-induced changes in the electrical and mechanical properties of muscle during electrically elicited contractions. Twelve participants (age 22 +/- 1 years; body mass 75 +/- 2 kg; stature 1.79 +/- 0.02 m; mean +/- standard error) underwent six electrical stimulations of the medial gastrocnemius muscle before and after stretching. During the contractions, surface electromyogram (EMG) and mechanomyogram (MMG) were recorded simultaneously together with force. After stretching we found: (i) no differences in EMG parameters; (ii) MMG amplitude decreased by 4 +/- 1% (P < 0.05); and (iii) the peak force, the peak rate of force development, and the acceleration peak of force development decreased by 12 +/- 3%, 14 +/- 1%, and 24 +/- 5%, respectively (P < 0.05). In conclusion, acute passive stretching did not change EMG properties but altered the mechanical characteristics of the contracting muscle. Indeed, muscle force-generating capacity and stiffness of the muscle-tendon unit were significantly impaired.  相似文献   
The aim of present study was to examine the relationships between serum and salivary values of free testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and cortisol before and after a session of resistance exercise. Twenty-eight healthy men (mean age 40 years, s = 4) participated in the present study. Serum and salivary samples were collected at rest and after a multiple-sets resistance exercise protocol, of approximately 25 minutes duration. Concentrations of free testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and cortisol were measured using radioimmunoassay kits. No significant correlation was observed between serum free testosterone and salivary testosterone (r = 0.22 to 0.26, P > 0.05). Serum cortisol was significantly correlated with salivary cortisol before (r = 0.52, P = 0.005) and after (r = 0.62, P = 0.001) the exercise protocol. Serum and salivary concentrations of dehydroepiandrosterone were significantly correlated before (r = 0.68, P < 0.001) and after (r = 0.7, P < 0.001) exercise. The results of the present study suggest that even under exercise conditions, the salivary values of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone can reflect the behaviour of these hormones in blood. However, further studies are necessary to verify if salivary testosterone reflects the behaviour of serum free testosterone during resistance exercise.  相似文献   
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