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This paper focuses on an unsettling example of experimental labour - the Human Landing Catch (HLC). The HLC is a cheap and reliable technique to produce data on mosquito densities in a defined area. It requires only a human volunteer to sit over night with his legs exposed, a headlamp to spot mosquitoes, and a rubber tube and plastic cup to catch them as they come to feed on him. The HLC formed the central methodological and operational strategy for a malaria control that took place in Dar es Salaam, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This paper analyses the epistemic and economic value of this experimental scenario by examining in detail the work it entails. In conceptualizing the different species of productivity associated with the HLC, of particular interest is the surprising fact that he is there. This paper argues that the interplay of mobility and immobility offers a way to rethink the value of research within interlocking circulations of capital, science, mosquitoes and men.  相似文献   
中共党史出版社,本素以其革命理论、经典著作、重要文献、政治思想工作及革命传统教育等方面的优秀产品而享誉出版界。最近,它又推出了《科学家的故事》系列丛书。此丛书由国家教委中央教育科学研究所组织各方面专家写成。它选择了与中小学基础课相关的10门科学,即数、理、化、天、地、生六大基础科学及计算机、农业、海洋、航空航天四门重要的应用科学,分别按照每门科学发展的历史阶段,  相似文献   
一部地质科学史,就是人类为了开发矿产资源、改善生存环境、与大自然既协调又斗争的对立统一的时间历程,也是广大地质工作者、地质科学家在劳动人民的支持下,在党的领导下辛勤劳动、艰苦奋战的壮丽诗篇。人类生产、创造了大量的物质财富,满  相似文献   
新世纪 ,新千禧。世界在前进 ,中华要腾飞。科学技术是第一生产力。科学技术要代代相传 ,后来居上。教育 ,是科学发展的接力棒。科学加教育 ,才能使国家发达兴旺 ,才能使人民幸福安康。科学 ,多么闪光的字眼。科学科学 ,乃一科一科分门别类的学问。科学 ,又是综合性的知识体系。科学 ,是人类认识的结晶。科学 ,是真理的总和。科学家 ,是科学的主体。一部科学史 ,就是科学家与劳动人民一起认识和改造世界的壮丽诗章。科学家是求真的。科学家忠诚踏实而不弄虚作假(毛泽东在延安整风时说 :“科学家是老实人”)。科学家谦虚谨慎而不夜郎自大。…  相似文献   
Developmental changes were examined in the associations among physical and relational aggression, and sociometric and perceived popularity based on peer nominations. Participating in the longitudinal study were 905 children (440 girls, 465 boys) from ages 10 to 14. Associations between the forms of status and between the forms of aggression decreased over time. Relational aggression increasingly predicted high social prominence but low social preference; physical aggression was increasingly less disliked but decreasingly predictive of prominence. The effect of relational aggression on perceived popularity was strong for girls. Perceived popularity preceded physical and relational aggression for both genders. Implications for the attainment of high status, processes of peer influence on antisocial behavior, and gender differences in the meaning of status are discussed.  相似文献   
人民尊敬的好总理、敬爱的周恩来老伯伯离开我们已整整25个年头了 ,他一生的丰功伟绩永远为大家所钦佩和怀念。我亲眼见到周恩来总理一共有4次。两次相隔几十米远 ,就是1957年、1959年参加国庆节游行时 ,经过天安门广场 ,亲眼见到城楼上毛主席、周总理等党和国家领导人向我们群众挥手致意。有两次就离得近一些。一次是1957年11月6日。我当时是北京大学新生 ,周总理来我校作庆祝十月革命40周年的报告 ,我们坐在主会场外面。总理在南校门下车 ,在马寅初校长、江隆基副校长陪同下步行一二百米 ,向道旁听众招手 ,我离大道仅…  相似文献   
For children whose everyday speech differs greatly from the School English (SE) they encounter in academic materials and settings, it was hypothesized that greater familiarity with SE would be associated with more successful early reading acquisition. Sentence imitation and reading skills of 217 urban African American students in kindergarten through second grade (ages 5 to 8 years) were assessed. Children in each grade varied widely in the extent to which their imitations of SE sentences included phonological and grammatical forms that are acceptable in African American Vernacular English but not in SE. Higher familiarity with SE (reproducing SE features more often when imitating) was associated with better reading achievement, and these relationships were independent of memory ability.  相似文献   
20014年8月22日,是邓小平同志百年华诞纪念日。全国各族人民,都在深情地缅怀他的丰功伟绩和高风亮节。  相似文献   
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