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Throughout the world there is a great diversity of curricula for introducing early foreign language training more or less intensively. These curricula correspond to different pedagogical approaches. But these pedagogical choices are not neutral. They are the result of political choice. They are also sociologically discriminatory. The author studies and contrasts various forms of language training of certain countries and within the same countries (for example, the correlation between bilingual training and private schools, or the choice of bilingual education as a political goal). She proposes a scale for classifying the kinds of early foreign language training, depending on sociological criteria and political choice.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of different modes of learning on innovation and profitability in SMEs in two Latin American countries; Mexico and Colombia. The data were obtained using a sample of 250 companies in the industrial sector operating in both countries. Results show that an integrated mode of learning based on internal and external knowledge supported by technological infrastructure have positive and significant effects on the degree of innovation and the profitability in SMEs However this effect appears to be not significantly different from the traditional SMEs mode of learning based mainly on market orientation.  相似文献   
At school, pupils often cooperate on common projects and must coordinate their different individual actions. However, grades are pervasively used even in cooperative situations, which make the pupils’ differences in achievement and their relative rank salient and may reduce their inclination to work constructively with others. Thus, we hypothesized that grades would elicit disruptive interactions and reduce performance in a cooperative cognitive-motor task necessitating inter-individual coordination of members. In a study with 5th graders, grades (vs. a neutral concept) were primed at the onset of a cooperative group interaction. Results showed that, although pupils were set to work cooperatively, priming grades (vs. neutral concepts) harmed inter-individual coordination by eliciting more negative dominant behaviours among pupils during interactions, which decreased group performance.  相似文献   
Conceptions are analyzed as being the emergences from interactions between three poles: scientific knowledge (K), values (V) and social practices (P). The teachers' beliefs and values have a direct influence on the way of understanding and teaching a topic. These beliefs must be taken into account in the content and strategies of the teacher's formation. In this paper, the authors discuss the importance of studying and analyzing these conceptions and present the results of the research on teachers' and future teachers' conceptions about sexual health education. In this topic, the conceptions could be deeply rooted not only in scientific knowledge but also in value systems and social practices, because teachers often refuse to teach the ethical, psychological, economic and social issues not strictly reducible to biology, such as sexuality health. The authors used a questionnaire prepared jointly within the European project Biohead-Citizen.  相似文献   
To examine the development of feedforward control during manual tracking, 117 participants in 5 age groups (6 to 7, 8 to 9, 10 to 11, 12 to 14, and 15 to 17 years) tracked an accelerating dot presented on a monitor by moving an electronic pen on a digitizer. To remain successful at higher target velocities, they had to create a predictive model of the target's motion. The ability to track the target at higher velocities increased, and the application of a feedback-based step-and-hold strategy decreased with age, as shown by increases in maximum target velocity and decreases in number of stops between ages 6–7 and 8–9 and between ages 8–9 and 10–11. The ability to exploit feedforward control in a dynamic tracking task improves significantly with age.  相似文献   
EARLY LANGUAGE TRAINING: SOCIOLOGICALLY AND POLITI- CALLY DETERMINED PRACTICES – Throughout the world there is a great diversity of curricula for introducing early foreign language training more or less intensively. These curricula correspond to different pedagogical approaches. But these pedagogical choices are not neutral. They are the result of political choice. They are also sociologically discriminatory. The author studies and contrasts various forms of language training of certain countries and within the same countries (for example, the correlation between bilingual training and private schools, or the choice of bilingual education as a political goal). She proposes a scale for classifying the kinds of early foreign language training, depending on sociological criteria and political choice.
Zusammenfassung FREMDSPRACHENUNTERRICHT IM FRüHEN KINDESALTER: SOZIOLOGISCH UND POLITISCH DETERMINIERTE PRAKTIKEN – Weltweit gesehen besteht eine gro?e Diversit?t in den Lehrpl?nen für die Einführung von Fremdsprachenunterricht im frühen Kindesalter (in mehr oder weniger intensiver Weise). Solche Lehrpl?ne entsprechen verschiedenen p?dagogischen Zugangsweisen. Aber diese p?dagogischen Entscheidungen sind nicht neutral. Sie sind das Ergebnis politischer Entscheidungen. Sie sind auch, soziologisch betrachtet, diskriminierend. Die Autorin untersucht und vergleicht verschiedene Formen von Sprachunterricht in bestimmten L?ndern und innerhalb dieser L?nder selbst (z. B. das Verh?ltnis von bilingualem Unterricht und Privatschulen oder die Wahl der bilingualen Erziehung als ein politisches Ziel). Sie schl?gt ein Raster vor, mit dem sich die Arten des Fremdsprachenunterrichtes im frühen Kindesalter abh?ngig von soziologischen Kriterien und politischen Entscheidungen klassifizieren lassen.

Resumen EL APRENDIZAJE PRECOZ DE LAS LENGUAS LAS PRàCTICAS SOCIOLOGICA Y POLíTICAMENTE DETERMINADAS – Alrededor del planeta existe una gran diversidad de planes de estudio para el aprendizaje más o menos intensivo de una lengua extranjera a temprana edad. Estos currículos se corresponden con diferentes enfoques pedagógicos. Sin embargo, la elección de estos enfoques no es neutral; estos enfoques son el resultado de una elección política, y también son discriminantes a nivel sociológico. La autora analiza y contrasta diferentes formas de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras de determinados países y dentro de los mismos países (por ejemplo, la correlación existente entre ense?anza bilingüe y escuelas privadas, o la elección de una educación bilingüe como objetivo político). La autora propone que se confeccione una escala, para clasificar las formas de ense?anza precoz de lenguas extranjeras en función de criterios sociológicos y de elecciones políticas.

Résumé Il existe, dans le monde, une grande diversité de curricula qui proposent un apprentissage des langues plus ou moins intensif et plus ou moins t?t dans le cursus. Ces curricula correspondent à des choix pédagogiques différents. Mais ces options pédagogiques ne sont pas neutres. Elles sont le produit de choix politiques. Elles sont aussi sociologiquement discriminantes. L’auteur étudie les différentes formes d’apprentissage des langues dans certains pays (contrastés) et à l’intérieur même de ces pays (corrélation entre enseignements bilingues et écoles privées, par exemple, choix d’une éducation bilingue à des fins politiques). Elle propose une grille de classement de ces formes d’enseignement précoce des langues étrangères en fonction de critères sociologiques et de choix politiques.

L’auteur: Dominique Groux est professeur des université s à l’IUFM de Versailles. Elle est actuellement dé taché e comme attaché e de coopé ration universitaire à l’Ambassade de france en Allemagne et elle travaille à l’université de Potsdam (Allemagne). Ses champs de recherche sont l’é ducation comparé e, l’apprentissage pré coce des langues, les échanges internationaux et l’é ducation à l’alté rité . Addresse: 5, cité de Phalsbourg, 75011, Paris, France. E-mail: dgroux@noos.fr.  相似文献   
Painted glass magic lantern plates from the Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Torino (Italy), were studied using mid-infrared (mid-IR) fibre-optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS), a non-invasive technique, to test its potential for the identification of the types of binding media used in the paints. Gum, oil and resin media were identified on the plates and the amounts of these media varied from place to place; the discovery of these media correlate well with the literature on magic lantern plate preparation and painting. The spectra collected are reported uncorrected and also with the fingerprint region corrected with the Kramers–Kronig correction, which corrects distorted peaks caused by specular reflections.  相似文献   
Moisture is a driving factor in the long-term mechanical deterioration of canvas paintings, as well as for a number of physico–chemical degradation processes. Since the 1990s a number of publications have addressed the equilibrium hygroscopic uptake and the hygro-mechanical deformation of linen canvas, oil paint, animal glue, and ground paint. In order to visualise and quantify the dynamic behaviour of these materials combined in a painting mock-up or reconstruction, we have performed custom-designed experiments with neutron radiography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. This paper reports how both techniques were used to obtain spatially and temporally resolved information on moisture content, during alternate exposure to high and low relative humidity, or in contact with liquids of varying water activities. We observed how the canvas, which is the dominant component in terms of volumetric moisture uptake, absorbs and dries rapidly, and, due to its low vapour resistance, allows for vapour transfer towards the ground layer. Moisture desorption was generally found to be faster than absorption. The presence of sizing glue leads to a local increase of moisture content. It was observed that lining a painting with an extra canvas results in a damping effect: i.e. absorption and drying are significantly slowed down. The results obtained by NMR are complementary to neutron radiography in that they allow accurate monitoring of water ingress in contact with a liquid reservoir. Quantitative results are in good agreement with adsorption isotherms. The findings can be used for risk analysis of paintings exposed to changing micro-climates or subjected to conservation treatments using water. Future studies addressing moisture-driven deformation of paintings can make use of the proposed experimental techniques.  相似文献   
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