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It is observed that many sorts of difficulties may preclude the uneventful construction of tests by a computerized algorithm, such as those currently in favor in Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT). In this essay we discuss a number of these problems, as well as some possible avenues of solution. We conclude with the development of the "testlet," a bundle of items that can be arranged either hierarchically or linearly, thus maintaining the efficiency of an adaptive test while keeping the quality control of test construction that is possible currently only with careful expert scrutiny. Performance on the separate testlets is aggregated to yield ability estimates.  相似文献   
This paper first introduces a way to improve interactivity with high polygon count virtual objects through the "mixed" use of image-based representation within one object. That is, both 3D polygonal and image-based representations are maintained for an object, and switched for rendering depending on the functional requirement of the object. Furthermore, in order to reduce the popping effect and provide smooth and gradual transition during the object representation switch, the object is subdivided with the subdivided parts possibly represented differently, i.e., using 3D models or images. As for the image-based representation, the relief texture (RT) method is used. In particular, through the use of the mixed representation, a new way called TangibleScreen is proposed to provide object tangibility by associating the image-based representation with a physical prop (projecting the RTs) in a selective and flexible way. Overall, the proposed method provides a way to maintain an interactive frame rate with selective perceptual details in a large-scale virtual environment, while allowing the user to interact with virtual objects in a tangible way.  相似文献   
Increased emphasis in the provision of early intervention programmes with families of biologically impaired or at‐risk infants, in recent years, has produced a wide variety of such services based upon various conceptual and empirical analyses of early development. The impact of these early interventions has been investigated quite extensively since the mid‐sixties, particularly regarding positive effects upon intellectual development. A synthesis of recent research regarding mother‐child interaction patterns and the influence of these social interactions upon cognitive, linguistic, and social development has resulted in a shifting emphasis in early interventions from the parent‐as‐teacher model to a parent‐infant interaction model. In concert with this shifting emphasis, interactional models of intervention are considered and described which provide the basis for identifying specific intervention strategies related to parent‐child interaction dynamics. These strategies provide the basis for programmes which would be sensitive to the idiosyncracies of individual families. That is, the unique characteristics of each family/infant may be more effectively accommodated through a transactional analysis of individual dyadic interaction patterns, and through the identification of strategies specifically suited to the unique needs of the parent‐child dyad.


Beeby's model of stages of educational change in developing countries has been accepted into the educational literature with remarkably little critical analysis. Though valuable for a large number of experiential insights, the author argues that the model has certain weaknesses which should restrict its application. The stages have a teleological bias and are not sufficiently distinct, nor do the labels used for them meet the formal requirements of measuring scales. Furthermore, the model overgeneralizes from the experience of British-tradition South Pacific school systems, and the equation of western teaching with good teaching is an unsupported view which may not be valid in many countries. The most fundamental problem is the lack of clear distinction between empirical issues and the ethical judgements implicit in the formulation.However, the model has a number of positive features well worth building upon, such as its focus on the qualitative aspects of teaching and on qualitative change, the realistic emphasis on the gradualism of such change in practice, and the identification of the teacher as the key change agent in the classroom — a fundamental point often overlooked by innovators. The continua of general and professional education which underlie the teaching styles provide useful hypotheses for empirical analysis of the relationship between teacher education and classroom teaching style, but the association of this education with certain types of teaching style needs careful examination. Stripped of its evaluative connotations, Beeby's interest in qualitative change was a valuable early attempt to move attention in developing countries from linear, quantitative expansion of existing systems to a consideration of what was actually being taught and how. The real lesson to be learned from his work is that education should be paying closer attention to its theoretical propositions.
Zusammenfassung Beebys Modell von Phasen im Wandel des Bildungswesens in Entwicklungsländern ist unter beachtlich wenig kritischer Analyse in die erziehungswissenschaftliche Literatur eingegangen. Obgleich es wegen seiner aus Erfahrung gewonnenen Einsichten wertvoll ist, so der Autor, hat es doch gewisse Schwächen, die seine Anwendbarkeit beeinträchtigen. Die Phasen sind teleologisch ausgerichtet und unterscheiden sich nicht deutlich genug voneinander; außerdem genügen ihre Bezeichnungen nicht den formalen Anforderungen an eine Mess-Skala. Ferner generalisiert das Modell zu stark aufgrund von Erfahrungen mit südpazifischen Schulsystemen britischer Tradition, wie auch die Gleichstellung westlicher Bildung mit guter Bildung schlechthin nicht für alle Länder Gültigkeit haben dürfte. Problematisch ist vor allem die unzureichende Unterscheidung zwischen empirischen Fragen und den ethischen Bewertungen, die durch die Formulierung impliziert wird.Gleichwohl hat das Modell viele positive Seiten, auf denen aufgebaut werden kann. Zum Beispiel: seine Konzentration auf qualitative Aspekte des Unterrichts und auf qualitative Veränderung; der sachgerechte Nachdruck auf die Allmählichkeit solcher Veränderungen in der Praxis und die Identifizierung des Lehrers als Schlüsselfigur für Wandel im Unterricht — eine grundlegende, von Erneuerern oft übersehene Erkenntnis. Die Kontinua allgemeiner und beruflicher Bildung, aus denen sich Unterrichtsstile herausbilden, bieten nützliche Hypothesen für die empirische Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen Lehrerbildung und Unterrichtsweise, wenngleich die Assoziierung dieser Ausbildung mit gewissen Unterrichtsstilarten sorgfältiger Prüfung bedarf. Abgesehen von den evaluativen Implikationen des Modells stellt Beebys Akzentuierung der qualitativen Veränderung einen wertvollen frühen Versuch dar, die Aufmerksamkeit in Entwicklungsländern von linearer, quantitativer Erweiterung bestehender Bildungssysteme auf das qualitative Was und Wie des Unterrichts umzulenken. Was vor allem aus seinem Werk hervorgeht, ist, daß den theoretischen Voraussetzungen des Bildungswesens mehr Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden sollte.

Résumé La théorie de Beeby relative aux étapes de la transformation de l'enseignement dans les pays en développement a été acceptée dans la littérature spécialisée sans que des analyses critiques approfondies en aient été faites. Bien qu'appréciable pour l'abondance des connaissances profondes basées sur l'expérience qu'elle fournit, cette théorie de Beeby présente toutefois bon nombre de problèmes analytiques qui devraient en restreindre l'application. Les étapes ont un parti pris téléologique; elles ne sont pas suffisamment différenciées, et leurs désignations ne répondent pas aux critères d'une échelle nominale. En outre, le modèle a le défaut de surgénéraliser en s'appuyant sur l'expérience des systèmes scolaires dans le Pacifique sud de tradition britannique. Impliquer que l'enseignement occidental équivaut à un bon enseignement peut ne pas être valable dans un grand nombre de pays. Le grand défaut de ce modèle est son incapacité à établir une distinction précise entre les résultats empiriques et les jugements éthiques implicites dans sa formulation.Toutefois, il présente un grand nombre de traits positifs: l'insistence sur les aspects qualitatifs de l'enseignement et sur le changement qualitatif dans le système scolaire; l'accent mis sur la gradation d'une telle transformation dans la pratique, et la découverte que l'enseignement est le principal agent modificateur dans sa classe — un point fondamental trop souvent négligé par les innovateurs. Le continuum d'éducation générale ou professionnelle qui sous-tend les styles d'enseignement offre des hypothèses utiles concernant l'analyse empirique des relations entre la formation de l'enseignant et son style d'enseignement, mais l'association de cette formation à certains types d'enseignement exige un examen scrupuleux. Dégagé de ses connotations d'évaluation, l'intérêt porté par Beeby au changement qualitatif a été en son temps de grande valeur en essayant de mener les pays en développement à porter leur attention sur l'aspect qualitatif du système scolaire et non pas uniquement sur l'aspect quantitatif. Toutefois, la vraie leçon à tirer du travail de Beeby est qu'en éducation on devrait accorder une attention plus vigilante aux problèmes théoriques.
Technology can enhance teachers’ practice in multiple ways. It can help them better understand patterns in their students’ thinking, manage class progress at individual and group levels, and obtain evidence to inform modifications to curriculum and instruction. Such technology is most effective when it is aligned with teachers’ goals and expectations. Participatory methods, which involve teachers closely in the design process, are widely recommended for establishing accurate design requirements that address users’ needs. By collaborating with researchers, teachers can contribute their professional expertise to shape the tools of their practice, and ultimately ensure their sustained use. However, there is little guidance available for maintaining effective teacher–researcher design partnerships. We describe four strategies for engaging teachers in designing tools intended to support and enhance their practice within a web-based science learning environment: discussing physical artifacts, reacting to scenarios, customizing prototypes, and writing user stories. Using design artifacts and documents of teachers’ reflections, we illustrate how we applied these techniques over 5 years of annual professional development workshops, and examine their affordances for eliciting teachers’ ideas. We reflect on how these approaches have helped inform technology refinements and innovations. We moreover discuss the further benefits these strategies have had in encouraging teachers to reflect on their own practice and on the roles of technology in supporting it; and in allowing researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between technology, teaching, and design.  相似文献   
In 1982, the French Government instituted a new National Vocational Education Plan (NVEP) to combat the nationwide problem of students leaving the school system prior to receiving adequate vocational preparation. This plan affects 100,000 young people between the ages of 16 and 18 years. The NVEP gave to each Regional Government the opportunity to create its own programmes and curricula; it renewed counselling and individual assessment facilities; it established new tracks within the education system; it also established co-operative education (linking education to the world of work). Concurrently, an Assessment and Observation System was created.During the first assessment year (1982–1983), information was gathered about existing local educational resources, counselling facilities, characteristics of the 16 to 18 year-old population, functioning of the educational tracks and co-operative education system. During the second year (1983–1984), the assessment provided quantitative statistical results. The most striking result concerns the configurations of educational and employment experiences which seemed to determine the ability of students to find employment. Students with a background of job intensive experiences were more successful in finding subsequent employment than those without. Students with education intensive experiences entered an educational programme because they were unable to find a first job.While the benefits of the NVEP were not immediately apparent, it nevertheless became evident that at this level of training, education was not necessarily the royal road to employment. However, employment criteria cannot be the only way to assess a vocational education system.
Zusammenfassung 1982 setzte die französische Regierung einen neuen Nationalen Berufsausbildungsplan (NVEP) inkraft zur Bekämpfung des landesweiten Problems des Abgehens der Schüler von den Schulen, bevor sie durch eine entsprechende Berufsausbildung vorbereitet sind. Dieser Plan betrifft 100.000 junge Leute im Alter von 16 bis 18 Jahren. Der NVEP gab jeder Region die Möglichkeit, ihre eigenen Programme und Curricula zu entwickeln; er erneuerte die Möglichkeiten zur Beratung und individuellen Bewertung; er bahnte neue Wege innerhalb des Erziehungswesens und führte die kooperative Erziehung (Verbindung von Schulbildung und Arbeitswelt) ein. Gleichzeitig wurde ein Bewertungs- und Beobachtungssystem geschaffen.Während des ersten Jahres der Bewertung (1982–1983) wurden Informationen zusammengetragen über bestehende lokale Bildungsressourcen, Beratungsmöglichkeiten, typische Merkmale der Bevölkerungsgruppe der 16 bis 18jährigen, über die Auswirkung der neuen Wege im Erziehungswesen und über das kooperative Erziehungs-system. Während des zweiten Jahres (1983–1984) wurden durch das Bewertungs-system statistische Ergebnisse quantitativer Art bereitgestellt. Das beeindruckendste Resultat betrifft die Konfigurationen von Schul- und Berufserfahrungen, die anscheinend die Fähigkeit der Schüler, eine Anstellung zu finden, bestimmen. Schüler mit einem Hintergrund intensiv berufsbezogener Erfahrungen waren erfolgreicher später eine Anstellung zu finden, als Schüler ohne solche Erfahrungen. Schüler mit intensiv schulbezogene Erfahrungen meldeten sich zu einem Weiterbildungsprogramm an, da sie nicht in der Lage waren, eine erste Anstellung zu finden.Während die Vorteile des NVEP nicht sofort offenkundig waren, wurde dennoch ersichtlich, daß auf dieser Ausbildungsebene Schulerziehung nicht notwendigerweise ein Tor zur Anstellung öffnet. Gleichwohl können berufliche Einstellungskriterien nicht der einzige Weg zur Bewertung eines Berufsausbildungssystems sein.

Résumé En 1982, le gouvernement français a inauguré un nouveau Plan National d'Enseignement Professionnel (PNEP) afin de combattre à l'échelle nationale le problème des élèves qui quittent le système scolaire avant d'avoir acquis un niveau adéquat de formation professionnelle. Ce plan concerne 100.000 jeunes gens âgés de 16 à 18 ans. Le PNEP donnait la possibilité à chaque Région de créer ses propres programmes et curricula; il renouvelait les possibilités de consultation et d'évaluation individuelle; il ouvrait de nouvelles voies au sein du système d'éducation; il jetait également les bases d'une éducation coopérative (entendue dans le sens d'une liaison éducation—travail).Au cours de la première année d'évaluation (1982–1983), des informations furent compilées sur les ressources éducatives locales disponibles, les possibilités de consultation, les caractéristiques de la tranche d'âge des 16 à 18 ans, le fonctionnement des voies éducatives et du système d'éducation coopérative. Lors de la seconde année (1983–1984), l'évaluation fournit des résultats statistiques quantitatifs. Les résultats les plus significatifs concernent les configurations des expériences éducatives et relatives au travail qui déterminaient apparemment la capacité des étudiants de trouver un emploi. Les apprenants aux expériences intensives de travail avaient plus de facilité à trouver un emploi par la suite que ceux qui n'en avaient pas. Les étudiants aux expériences intensives d'apprentissage commençaient un nouveau programme d'étude parce qu'ils n'arrivaient pas à trouver un premier emploi.Si les résultats positifs du PNEP n'ont pas été immédiatement apparents, il est cependant apparu évident qu'à ce niveau de formation, l'éducation ne représentait pas la voie royale conduisant à un emploi. Toutefois, les critères relatifs à l'emploi ne peuvent constituer le seul moyen d'évaluation d'un système d'enseignement professionnel.

The Assessment and Observation System was supported by the French Ministry of Vocational Education and directed by Dr. G. Malglaive. The assessment of the National Vocational Education Plan was conducted by the National Assessment Team (S. Aubrun, E. Beauvallet, P. Chevalier, D. Colardyn, A.-M. Lucas, J.-G. Meilhac) with the effective contribution of 15 regional teams.

We are specially grateful to Jessie Miller, graduate student in Psychology, Boston University, whose co-operation and helpful comments on a previous draft made this paper possible.  相似文献   
There is a growing expectation that schoolteachers should not only act as educators by delivering the national curriculum, but also be more involved as tier one mental health professionals. In this role they are expected to assume some responsibility in the early identification of children's mental health problems and to refer these children for appropriate support as required [NHS Health Advisory Service. (1995). Together we stand: The commissioning, role and management of child and adolescent mental health services. London, UK: HMSO]. In this paper, we examine teachers’ experiences in light of these expectations and in the context of greater inclusion. We undertook in-depth interviews, to explore teachers’ views on competency and training in mental health management. Our findings indicate a widespread perception that teachers feel inadequately prepared to manage pupils with mental health needs. The findings are discussed with reference to the changing role of the teacher, current education policy and teacher training.  相似文献   
Appetitive, aversive and avoidance responses to a flavoured solution in distinct contexts were examined. Rats placed in either a white or black box were given access to saccharin. Consumption was followed by an injection of a toxin in one but not the other box. Rats showed more aversive responses in anticipation of and during the presentation of saccharin in the box paired with the toxin than in the box paired with vehicle. The reverse was true for appetitive responses. The acquisition of conditioned avoidance paralleled the acquisition of aversive and appetitive responses. These findings demonstrate that the toxin does not have to overlap exposure to contextual cues to produce conditioned aversive responses, that the aversive and appetitive responses to a flavour can be modulated by visually distinct environments that predict the toxin, and that conditioned avoidance and conditioned aversions develop simultaneously during acquisition. Thus, environmental cues can modulate anticipatory nausea and may prove helpful in the control of nausea in clinical settings.  相似文献   
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