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<正>The Group on Protein Mechanics and Evolution at the CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology,Shanghai,was established in January 2007 and headed by Dr.Frauke Gr?ter.The Klaus Tschira Lab has continued the eff orts of this former Independent Junior Research Group,since Dr.Gr?ter took up a position at the Heidelberg Institute of Theoretical Studies(HITS)in Heidelberg,Germany,in  相似文献   
Prospective and practicing booksellers and publishers in the Netherlands receive extensive training, through a variety of sources. This article describes the training centers and explains the way one of them has developed its curriculum. Job profiles for booksellers and publishers are outlined. It also discusses areas in which further training is needed. Hein H. Grünhagen is managing director of Vakopleiding Boekenbranche (Amsterdam), the institute for training and education on behalf of booksellers and publishers in the Netherlands. Vakopleiding Boekenbranche, a not-for-profit organization, is part of the Royal Dutch Book Trade Association (Koninklijke Vereeniging ter bevordering van de belangen des Boekhandels).  相似文献   
Recent examples of high-impact teaching practices in the undergraduate chemistry laboratory that include course-based undergraduate research experiences and inquiry-based experiments require new approaches to assessing individual student learning outcomes. Instructors require tools and strategies that can provide them with insight into individual student contributions to collaborative group/teamwork throughout the processes of experimental design, data analysis, display and communication of their outcomes in relation to their research question(s). Traditional assessments in the form of laboratory notebooks or experimental reports provide limited insight into the processes of collaborative inquiry-based activities. A wiki environment offers a collaborative domain that can potentially support collaborative laboratory processes and scientific record keeping. In this study, the effectiveness of the wiki in supporting laboratory learning and assessment has been evaluated through analysis of the content and histories for three consenting, participating groups of students. The conversational framework has been applied to map the relationships between the instructor, tutor, students and laboratory activities. Analytics that have been applied to the wiki platform include: character counts, page views, edits, timelines and the extent and nature of the contribution by each student to the wiki. Student perceptions of both the role and the impact of the wiki on their experiences and processes have also been collected. Evidence has emerged from this study that the wiki environment has enhanced co-construction of understanding of both the experimental process and subsequent communication of outcomes and data. A number of features are identified to support success in the use of the wiki platform for laboratory notebooks.  相似文献   
This study explores the effect of a conceptual change text on students?? awareness of common misconceptions on the particle model of matter. The conceptual change text was designed based on principles of text comprehensibility, of conceptual change instruction and of instructional approaches how to introduce the particle model. It was evaluated in an empirical study with 214 students. Students?? learning was measured with a pre?Cpost-test design. Item response theory was used for analysing students?? answers. We found that reading the criteria-based text fostered students?? awareness of common misconceptions about the particle model and yielded overall improved results as compared to reading a traditional text.  相似文献   
The number of students with reading difficulties is increasing and reading motivation is decreasing. Although serious reading problems can still persist during secondary education, most reading instruction happens in primary schools. In particular, students with learning disabilities and externalising behavioural problems are confronted with hurdles in reading literacy that need to be overcome. For this reason, this study focused on a simple reading intervention to promote sight vocabulary in 10th grade readers with learning disabilities and behavioural problems. A peer-tutored motivational reading racetrack intervention was implemented three times a week over a five-week period through a multiple baseline design across participants in three small groups. The results indicate that the combined intervention is an appropriate method to help students, even those in a graduating class, to improve their sight words in a short period of time, and thus provide them with important reading skills.  相似文献   
Most graduate programs in management require students to carry out a substantive research project. However, few management students have a comfortable command of the statistical techniques needed to realize such quantitative projects. This can lead to student anxiety and stress, which challenges instructors to devise ways to build students’ self-efficacy with statistical analysis. Drawing on game-based learning principles, we developed an exercise to help students in a graduate-level research methods course practice these statistical techniques. Designed around a series of four gamified challenges, students perform basic statistical analyses (correlations, t-tests, and simple linear regression) to solve puzzles and unlock a reward hidden in a mysterious red envelope. We used the exercise on seven occasions (five times in the methods course and twice in a graduate program preparatory course). After launching it in fall 2021, we observed that students were engaged and enthusiastic about the exercise. To ascertain its effectiveness more systematically, we collected data in five subsequent sections using a pretest/posttest design (N = 84) which showed that perceptions of statistics self-efficacy increased following the exercise. We conclude by suggesting that our exercise can be tailored to other learning contexts such as management and statistics-centered courses.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Unsere Interviewstudie vergleicht zwei Gruppen von Lehrkr?ften: (1) Lehrkr?fte, die seit mindestens zwei Jahren an einer schulübergreifenden „Lerngemeinschaft“ des Projektes „Chemie im Kontext“ teilgenommen haben. Lerngemeinschaften basieren auf den Annahmen der Theorien des situierten Lernens. Kennzeichnend für sie sind die langfristige Zusammenarbeit und der intensive Austausch von Lehrkr?ften in Bezug auf die Optimierung des eigenen Unterrichtshandelns. (2) Lehrkr?fte, die an einer Fortbildung zu „Chemie im Kontext“ teilgenommen haben, die eher traditionell gestaltet war und aus zwei Workshops bestand. Diese Gruppen wurden in Hinblick auf ihre Kooperationserfahrungen nach Rückkehr an ihre eigenen Schulen und hinsichtlich ihrer überzeugungen zur Kooperation miteinander verglichen. Die insgesamt 69 Leitfadeninterviews wurden mit Hilfe der Inhaltsanalyse (nach Mayring) ausgewertet. Diese Auswertung kommt zu folgenden Ergebnissen: Insgesamt sind die Lehrer/-innen der Lerngemeinschaftsgruppe in vielf?ltigere Kooperationsbeziehungen eingebunden. Ihre überzeugungen zur Kooperation sind differenzierter; sie sehen deutlich st?rker den Nutzen einer arbeitsteiligen Kooperation und ?u?ern deutlicher den Wunsch nach einer Intensivierung der fachlichen Zusammenarbeit an ihrer Schule. Diese Ergebnisse der Studie weisen darauf hin, dass das Anbieten einer gut funktionierenden schulübergreifenden Kooperationsstruktur positive Effekte auf die Intensivierung der fachlichen Zusammenarbeit an den Schulen haben kann.   相似文献   
Applying Bandura's social learning theory, this paper proposes a theoretical framework for analysing the effect of MUD playing on users' self efficacy. Three types of self efficacy – computer self efficacy (CSE), social self efficacy (SSE) and generalized self efficacy (GSE) – are introduced. A possible hypothesis – successful performance, vicarious experience, hearing positive verbal persuasion and massive exposure during MUD playing will raise the CSE, SSE, and GSE of users – is suggested. Finally, a theoretical model explaining the relationship between self efficacy and MUD activities is proposed.

Applicant la théorie de l'apprentissage de Bandura cet article propose un cadre théorique pour analyser les effets de MUD jouant sur l'efficacité personnelle de l'utilisateur. 3 types de celles-ci - computer self-efficiency (CSE) social self efficacy (SSE) et generalisé self-efficiency (GSE) - sont introduits et une hypothèse possible. Les résultats réussis, expérience substituée, écoute de la persuasion verbalement et l'exposition massive au jeu de MUD augmentera le CSE, SSE et GSE des utilisateurs est suggéreé. Finalement un modèle théoritique expliquant le rapport entre l'efficacité personnelle et les activités de MUD est proposé. NDLR. Beaucoup de termes sont introduisable en francais et ont dû être maintenus en anglais.

(MUD: multi-user domain, multi-user dungeon, oder multi-user dimension; eine (virtuelle) Umgebung, in der mehrere Menschen (Spieler) gleichzeitig eingeloggt sein können, um miteinander zu agieren (Rollenspiele).?/?Efficacy: wörtl.: Wirksamkeit - Der Übersetzer). Unter Anwendung von Banduras Sozialer Lerntheorie wird in diesem Beitrag ein theoretischer Rahmen vorgestellt, mit dessen Hilfe man die Wirkung des MUD-Spielens auf das Selbstvertrauen der Teilnehmer analysieren kann. Es werden drei Arten dieses Selbstvertrauens eingeführt - Computer self efficacy (CSE), Social self efficacy (SSE) und Generalized self Efficacy (GSE). Die Hypothese ist, dass durch die erfolgreiche Durchführung Ersatzerfahrungen, das Hören positiver verbaler Bestätigung und das massives Ausgeliefertsein während des MUD-Spielens das Selbstbewußtsein (CSE, SSE und GSE) des Spielers erhöht wird. Zum Schluss wird ein theoretisches Modell zur Beziehung zwischen Selbstvertrauen und MUD-Aktivitäten vorgestellt.  相似文献   
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