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黄安伦是当代华人新音乐的代表人物,其作品《g小调第一钢琴协奏曲》将浓郁的中国民族情结与典型的西方传统协奏曲结构形式融为一体,构思宏达,技巧娴熟,风格质朴。这一创作风格虽不为技巧,但不失技巧,既展现了作品形神兼备的特殊魅力,又表达了作者独特的审美视角及对故土、对民族、对人类的永恒之爱。  相似文献   
目前,嵌入式系统已经渗透到日常生活的方方面面,诸如:掌上PDA、移动计算设备、手机上网、数字电视、汽车定位、微波炉监控、安全系统、工业自动化仪表与医疗仪器等。由此可见,嵌入式系统必然是一个技术密集、资金密集、高度分散、不断创新的知识集成系统。由于该系统具有高度自动化、响应速度快等特点,因此特别适合于要求实时和多任务的系统。对嵌入式脑流波形记录仪的设计进行了阐述。  相似文献   
该文研究了文化遗产数字视频云平台的安全问题,研究并实现了相应的流媒体影像网站,探索云平台上文化遗产数字视频的安全问题,在此基础上,提出了一种视频加密算法VEA,VEA密码算法用来保证云平台上文化遗产数字视频文件的安全。依托校园网环境,向校内用户提供自由视频点播服务,对古村古镇文化遗产数字视频文件较好的实现了组织、利用和管理。  相似文献   
苔丝勇敢大胆的追求自己的生活,同时也在默默忍受着悲哀苦难以及男性的压迫,她凭借自己的人格美和精神吸引力,实现了更高层次更高境界的女性解放.  相似文献   
浪漫主义文学是英国文学史上的一树奇葩,华兹华斯是浪漫主义的开拓者、引路人,而雪莱则是浪漫主义文学巅峰时刻的最重要诗人,他们的作用可谓举足轻重。本文通过从他们诗歌以至人生思想的演变中所表现的价值观进行比较分析,指出这两位浪漫主义诗人各自诗歌思想的演变,即华兹华斯对革命由激情到失望,而雪莱则一如既往,奋斗不息。这有助于读者将诗人的诗歌与思想相联系,进一步了解他们诗歌的社会意义,评价两位杰出诗人在诗歌创作上的独特成就。  相似文献   
长江中游地区具有优良的区位条件和资源开发条件。矿产资源丰富,地域组合良好,特别是黑色金属、有色金属、化工和建材资源,在全国均占有重要地位。区内已逐步形成了一批我国及长江流域钢铁、有色、化工和建材等工业的重要原料基地。本文主要分析了区内矿产资源的组合特征及0长江中游地区、矿产资源、组合特征、开发利用、对策  相似文献   
阐述了企业文化的重要作用,提出打造企业文化的方法:强化企业文化建设中的领导责任,注重企业核心价值观的塑造,以打造品牌文化为重点,充分体现以人为本的理念.探讨了实现企业文化的创新的途径.  相似文献   
通向自由的艰难之路——我国开放存取的现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,多数研究误将我国开放存取发展缓慢的原因归结为知识产权对开放存取的威胁、质量控制的制约、付费模式脱离实际等因素.实质上,政府、机构、期刊和研究者对开放存取的认知度过低才是问题的关键.基于问题的核心因素,我国开放存取的发展需要政府采取有效的措施加以引导、机构的认可与重视、学术期刊的积极参与、研究者的支持.  相似文献   
We tested the effect of voluntary peer-facilitated study groups on student learning in large introductory biology lecture classes. The peer facilitators (preceptors) were trained as part of a Teaching Team (faculty, graduate assistants, and preceptors) by faculty and Learning Center staff. Each preceptor offered one weekly study group to all students in the class. All individual study groups were similar in that they applied active-learning strategies to the class material, but they differed in the actual topics or questions discussed, which were chosen by the individual study groups. Study group participation was correlated with reduced failing grades and course dropout rates in both semesters, and participants scored better on the final exam and earned higher course grades than nonparticipants. In the spring semester the higher scores were clearly due to a significant study group effect beyond ability (grade point average). In contrast, the fall study groups had a small but nonsignificant effect after accounting for student ability. We discuss the differences between the two semesters and offer suggestions on how to implement teaching teams to optimize learning outcomes, including student feedback on study groups.  相似文献   
This research investigated 68 secondary school students’ perceptions of their computer-mediated project-based learning environment and their attitudes towards Project Work (PW) using two instruments—Project Work Classroom Learning Environment Questionnaire (PWCLEQ) and Project Work Related Attitudes Instrument (PWRAI). In this project-based learning environment, students experienced a face-to-face classroom setting and e-learning by using a synchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC) tool called ‘iCollaborate’ for online communication and project collaboration with peers from other countries. The PWCLEQ and PWRAI instruments were used to evaluate the computer-mediated project-based learning environment using students’ perceptions of the learning environment and to further investigate how their perceptions might affect their attitudes towards PW lessons. Students perceived the computer-mediated project-based learning environment favourably but they preferred to experience more Material Environment and more Open-Endedness and Social Presence. Simple correlation analysis revealed that all environment dimensions were significantly and positively related to the students’ attitudes towards PW, while multiple regression analysis indicated that two scales, Instructor Support and Social Presence, were the strongest predictors of attitudes towards PW lessons.  相似文献   
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