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我是喜欢研究职业教育的人,却並不是職業教育的专家,我向來對於职业教育也很懷疑,對於職業学校尤其怀疑。不過我所懷疑的,是職業教育和職業學校在中國何以不能显出效能,不是懷疑職業教育和职業學校的本身,職業教育在教育史上的年代,原來很短,就是最發達的德国,美國,提倡的時期,距今也還不遠,他們也有許多問題,不能得到圓满的解決,正怪不得我們中國還在‘議論紛紜,莫衷一是’  相似文献   
【正】西藏民族学院认真贯彻落实中央16号文件精神,主动适应新形势对大学生思想政治教育工作的新要求,重视加强民族团结教育和对学生的人文关怀,逐步构建了以理想信念教育和爱国主义教育为龙头,以心理健康教育和生活帮扶引导为支撑,以社会实践和学术活动为两翼,以校园文化建设为辅助,以建设强有力的大学生思想政治教育工作队伍为保障的思...  相似文献   
凡实验室涉及到生物学和化学的水溶液体系时,pH和离子强度(I)是两个极为重要的可变量。由于酸—碱混合物的存在,这两个参量往往相互依赖。控制pH值的通常方法是使用缓冲剂。它们是由那些对于溶液离子行为影响不大、且不活泼的稳定电解质来配制的。本文提出的方法适用于计算某种酸及其盐混合物的pH值和离子强度;或与此相反,用于计算配制预知pH值和离子强度(I)所需酸及其盐的相当量。这种计算方法很实用,具有启发性和直观教学的价值,在许多普通的可编程序计算器上容易完成。  相似文献   
We first report discovery of the spinel-garnet-orthopyroxene granulite with pure CO2 fluid inclusions from the Fuyun region of the late Paleozoic Altay orogenic belt in Central Asia, NW China. The rock is characterized by an assemblage of garnet, orthopyroxene, spinel, cordierite, biotite, plagioclase and quartz. Symplectites of orthopyroxene and spinel, and orthopyroxene and cordierite indicate decompression under UHT conditions. Mineral chemistry shows that the or-thopyroxenes have high XMg and A12O3 contents (up to 9.23 wt%). Biotites are enriched in TiO2 and XMg and are stable under granulite facies conditions. The garnet and quartz from the rock carry monophase fluid inclusions which show peak melting temperatures of around -56.7℃, indicating a pure CO2 species being presented during the ultrahigh-T metamorphism in the Altay orogenic belt. The inclusions homogenize into a liquid phase at temperatures around 15.3-23.8℃ translating into CO2 densities of the order of 0.86-0.88 g/cm3. Based on prelim  相似文献   
关于理科教育的任何一种合理的理论根据必须包括教育目的、学科和一种学习的模型。 教育目的 关于学校应达到的目的,曾是许多论文的主题,但它们中间存在着争论和分歧。对这些争论本文将不涉及,但有一个是例外;这个例外就是美国教育政策委员会1961年报告书中扼要陈述的,即认为教育的中心目的是教学生思维。这一任务在该委员会的“美国教育的中心目的”论文中详细地阐述如下:  相似文献   
小女孩辛迪和她的爸爸妈妈生活在一起。她的家庭并不富裕,但一家人非常和睦,生活也很幸福。然而生活中好像还存在着什么缺憾,辛迪没意识到。辛迪9岁那年,第一次在外面过夜,那是在她的好朋友黛比家。睡觉前黛比的妈妈进来,分别轻轻地吻了吻她们的额头,并向她们道了“晚安”。“我爱你,黛比。”当黛比的妈妈吻过黛比之后,轻声地说道。“我也爱您,妈妈。”黛比喃喃地应道。面对此情此景,辛迪不禁大吃一惊,心中久久不能平静。从她记事以来,从来就没有人吻过她,还向她道晚安、说爱她之类的话。整整一夜,她的眼前始终闪现着黛比的妈妈轻吻黛比时的…  相似文献   
Early developmental psychologists viewed iconic representation as cognitively less complex than other forms of symbolic thought. It is therefore surprising that iconic signs are not acquired more easily than arbitrary signs by young language learners. One explanation is that children younger than 3 years have difficulty interpreting iconicity. The current study assessed hearing children's ability to interpret the meaning of iconic signs. Sixty-six 2.5- to 5-year-olds who had no previous exposure to signs were required to match iconic signs to pictures of referents. Whereas few of the 2.5-year-olds recognized the meaning of the iconic signs consistently, more than half of the 3.0-year-olds and most of 3.5-year-olds performed above chance. Thus, the ability to recognize the meaning of iconic signs gradually develops during the preschool years. Implications of these findings for sign language development, receptive signed vocabulary tests, and the development of the ability to interpret iconic symbols are discussed.  相似文献   
The present research tested the generality of the “work ethic“ effect described by Clement, Feltus, Kaiser, and Zentall (2000). In Experiment 1, we trained 10 pigeons on a pair of either simultaneous or successive discriminations. One discrimination followed a high-effort requirement (20 pecks to the center key) and the other followed a low-effort requirement (1 peck). Contrary to Clement et al.’s results, we found that preferences between the S+ and S stimuli in transfer tests depended on the event that initiated the trial: Pigeons preferred the stimulus from the baseline discrimination whose initiating event was most dissimilar from that preceding the test trial. Preferences were similar but less extreme in the successive condition. In Experiment 2, we investigated whether test preferences depended on the amount of training. A total of 12 pigeons were trained on a pair of simultaneous discriminations, except that test sessions were scheduled after every three baseline sessions. Preferences increased across test sessions but were similar to those in Experiment 1. Together with Vasconcelos, Urcuioli, and Lionello-DeNolf (2007a), our study represents a second failure to replicate Clement et al.’s work ethic effect. The finding that preference depends on the event that initiates the test trial suggests that choice probes may not provide unambiguous assessments of stimulus value.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Dynamics of carbon and water vapor fluxesexchange between the atmosphere and the ecosystembiosphere, depend on complex and non-liner interplayamong physiological, ecological, biochemical andedaphic factors and meteorological conditions (Jarvis,1995; Leuning et al., 1995). There are many studiesquantifying the fluxes across different time and spacescales as well as assessing the environment con-straints on them by some kinds of biophysical orempirical models whose resul…  相似文献   
《化学习题精选》是英国中学化学教师为学生提供复习和提高作业质量而编的。它的特点有:1.围绕题目编成一系列短小的问题。这些问题系按照英国现用的教材结构编写的;由浅入深,由易到难,逐步引导学生的学习兴趣;可在课内外用作讨论或练习之用。2.作者将各小题划分为三种类型:(1)知识性(以K表示),理解性(以C表示)及综合性(以H表示)。每小题都注明评分标准,用以了解学生的知识水平和分析问题、解决问题的能力。本书共有一百题,我们根据我国中学化学教学大纲的内容选译部分习题,供教师们参考、选用。选译习题中也略有超我国教材水平的,可作因材施教之用。习题的后面,附有用数字回答问题的答案。  相似文献   
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