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埃及高等教育存在着教学条件不足、教学资源紧缺、教育质量滑坡、毕业生就业问题日益严重等问题.为此,埃及政府在经费投入、质量保障、大学生就业方面出台了许多新的政策举措.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine which chemical treatment used for disinfecting water in indoor swimming pools had the least impact on users' perceptions of health problems, and which generated the greatest satisfaction with the quality of the water. A survey on satisfaction and perceived health problems was given to 1001 users at 20 indoor swimming pools which used different water treatment methods [chlorine, bromine, ozone, ultraviolet lamps (UV) and salt electrolysis]. The findings suggest that there is a greater probability of perceived health problems, such as eye and skin irritation, respiratory problems and skin dryness, in swimming pools treated with chlorine than in swimming pools using other chemical treatment methods. Pools treated with bromine have similar, although slightly better, results. Other factors, such as age, gender, time of day of use (morning and afternoon) and type of user (competitive and recreational), can also affect the probability of suffering health problems. For all of the above, using combined treatment methods as ozone and UV, or salt electrolysis produces a lower probability of perceived health problems and greater satisfaction.  相似文献   
以雷山县丹江镇乌东村为例,对该村的贫困原因进行了分析研究,并提出了扶贫开发的思路及措施。  相似文献   
提出要重视中学化学基本概念与基础理论的教学策略,探索、实践并总结了基本概念和基础理论教学的不同策略和多种方式.  相似文献   
Amidst global competition in higher education, colleges and universities adopt strategies that mimic and adapt business practices. Branding is now a widespread practice in higher education; multimodal advertisement is a manifestation of emerging branding strategies for universities. While the visibility of brands in higher education has grown substantially in recent years, its empirical study has lagged. This article reports on the findings from a study that employed social semiotic and multimodal analysis to explore text and visual rhetoric as brand construction strategies in publicly displayed university advertisements. After analyzing photographs representing advertising campaigns from 16 different universities displayed in an urban public transportation system, I suggest that universities construct their brand identity through messages that emphasize multiple choices and convenience, but construct success primarily according to corporate standards and values.  相似文献   
我国股份公司的股权结构改革采取的是渐进式改革的道路。渐进式改革使得中国的经济保持了稳定的增长,渐进式改革在中国可谓是取得了极大的成功。但是,随着市场经济的进一步发展,由于转轨不彻底而带来弊端也越来越明显,最突出的就是股份公司的股权资本结构问题。本文将就股份制公司的股权结构问题展开讨论。  相似文献   
陈寅恪多从文化特征讨论中古士族,论述了士族文化世家的家学家风特点及其与地方文化的关系,同时也讨论了唐代科举制度下的山东旧族等文化世家的特点,充分肯定中古士族文化世家对中国文化传承发展的贡献,特别在中古文化融合中的积极作用以及在国家制度文化建设中的主导作用。陈寅恪有关士族文化世家的论述是从文化本位角度研究中国文化与中国社会的发展,其意义远远超出了中古史的研究,对于深入研究中国文化与中国社会发展具有十分重要的意义,开辟了一个新的历史研究领域。  相似文献   
“十五”期间,江苏教育基本建设工作取得了前所未有的成绩,为教育事业的大发展提供了强有力的支撑。“十一五”期间,江苏教育基本建设工作应全面贯彻科学发展观,围绕“十一五”改革发展的目标、任务,又快又好地建设好校园;必须坚持规划先行;坚持历史文化传承与现代文明的有机结合;努力建设江苏校园经典建筑;积极推进高校老校区置换;严格规范学校基本建设管理;建立一支各项素质都很过硬的基本建设工作队伍;理论联系实际,开展基本建设理论科研工作。  相似文献   
本科生基因工程实验技能培养的改革与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以分子生物学为基础的基因工程技术是21世纪重要的生命科学技术之一,对这一技术的学习和掌握是非常重要的.但由于基因工程技术的飞速发展,现代的基因工程实验教学将不能适应时代要求,存在的问题逐渐显现,如资金投入少、知识结构老化、课堂教学内容更新少及学生学习被动等等.因此,有必要针对这些不足进行教学改革来推动基因工程技术的实验教学.相应的主要措施有加大资金投入、更新实验内容、加强师资培训、让学生参与基因工程实验教学的准备、变被动学习为主动学习、基因工程实验教学与科研实践和毕业设计结合等.这一系列的措施有利于教学的改进及对大学生的培养.  相似文献   
20世纪上半叶,在旧中国的历史背景下,皖东地区因内外战争的破坏和苛捐杂税的压榨,农业生产缺乏发展的社会环境,而地主阶级以高额地租为主并辅以其它手段进行残酷的封建剥削,又使广大农民无法休养生息。同时,农业生产技术水平的极端落后,决定了粮食产量非常低下,而不断发生的自然灾害,因缺乏抵御手段又对农业生产造成了巨大的损害。所以,该时期的皖东农业凋敝不堪。  相似文献   
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