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Formal models for service composition have been proposed with the variation of the requirements of service developers. Some famous models have provided checking and verification techniques and tools for the behavior of service composition. These models generally focus much on the message flow of web services and neglecting the data contained in the exchanged messages among services, which restrict the application range of these models and also the web service techniques. As new kind of services with different protocols and communication methods have appeared, it is needed to model service composition from a new view which is adapted to the new development in service area. In this paper we offer a function oriented model of service composition which treats the composite service as a software system and specify the function of services which can be directly used to the realization by service providers.  相似文献   
Hilbert-Huang transform method has been widely utilized from its inception because of the superiority in varieties of areas. The Hilbert spectrum thus obtained is able to reflect the distribution of the signal energy in a number of scales accurately. In this paper, a novel feature called ECC is proposed via feature extraction of the Hilbert energy spectrum which describes the distribution of the instantaneous energy. The experimental results conspicuously demonstrate that ECC outperforms the traditional short-term average energy. Combination of the ECC with mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) delineates the distribution of energy in the time domain and frequency domain, and the features of this group achieve a better recognition effect compared with the feature combination of the short-term average energy, pitch and MFCC. Afterwards, further improvements of ECC are developed. TECC is gained by combining ECC with the teager energy operator, and EFCC is obtained by introducing the instantaneous frequency to the energy. In the experiments, seven status of emotion are selected to be recognized and the highest recognition rate 83.57% is achieved within the classification accuracy of boredom reaching 100%. The numerical results indicate that the proposed features ECC, TECC and EFCC can improve the performance of speech emotion recognition substantially.  相似文献   
乔治·桑早期妇女小说是作者自身体验的写照,表达了对父权制社会中女性不幸命运的同情以及对作为压迫者的卑劣男性的谴责,并把获得美好爱情的希望寄托于理想男性。乔治·桑没有提出解决妇女问题的有效办法,却传递出了对理想生活的追求,反映了女性意识的觉醒。  相似文献   
利用现代信息技术构架教学资源服务管理平台   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
文章从理论和模型上探讨构建教学资源服务管理平台,实现教学资源包括计划、远程中央控制、维护、评价、统计、风险及预警处理等各环节的统一规划、调度和管理,探索现代化教学完整、统一、互动的服务管理体系,建立高效人机和谐的适应性模式。  相似文献   
为了了解大学生志愿者的人格、应对方式与共情特点对其志愿服务参与意向的影响,随机抽取无锡大学新生志愿者129例和非志愿者123例进行艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版(EPQ-RSC)、简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)与人际反应指标量表(IRI-C)的调查.结果显示:女性志愿者的E分显著高于非志愿者;志愿者的积极应对得分显著高于非志愿者;志愿者和非志愿者在IRI-C各分量表上均无显著差异;女性志愿者的消极应对得分显著低于男性;女性志愿者的想象和同情关怀得分显著高于男性;志愿者的人格、应对方式与共情特点之间存在显著相关.由此可见,共情能力不是影响大学生志愿服务参与意向的主要因素,大学生志愿者普遍拥有外向开朗的性格和积极乐观的心理健康水平.  相似文献   
小学语文是一门基础学科 ,又是一门极富情感、极具个性、极易激发想象和创造思维的学科。它在培养学生创新精神方面具有独特优势。因此 ,在小学语文教学中 ,教师要努力开发和培养学生的创新精神 ,使之成为 2 1世纪所需要的创造人才。下面结合教学实践谈几点体会。  一、创设轻松、和谐的氛围 ,使学生敢于质疑  古人云 ,学源于思 ,思源于疑。常有疑点 ,才能常有思索 ,常有创新。传统的教学常常是教师设置疑难问题 ,教师问 ,学生答 ,使学生长期处于一种被动的学习状态 ,师生之间不能在平等的基础上交流意见、探讨问题 ,这种课堂气氛压抑甚…  相似文献   
煤矿生产主要是井下作业。由于作业场所受地质条件和气候的影响,并且有顶板、水、火、瓦斯、煤尘等自然灾害威胁等特殊性,因此,煤矿员工都必须进行安全技术培训,以适应煤矿生产的局限性和特殊性。 煤炭企业的领导要树立"科学技术是第一生产力"的观念。煤矿安全生产在市场经济条件下也应引入竞争机制,强调安全就是最大效益,切实把煤矿安全技术培训提到重要的议事日程上来,并把煤炭企业领导是否重视员工安全技术培训作为考核和任免领导的条件之一。  相似文献   
人才是振兴东北老工业基地的决定性因素,大力发展职业教育和以职工技能培训为主的继续教育,事关老工业基地振兴战略全局,是全面提高劳动者素质,发展先进生产力的必然要求,是进行人力资源开发,推动经济社会可持续发展,提高企业核心竞争力的重要途径,是促进劳动就业,维护社会稳定的重要举措。  相似文献   
孙中山在处理基督教与本土信仰、宗教与科学、宗教与政治这三对矛盾关系的过程中,逐渐摆脱了原来在宗教问题上的一些错误认识,找到了走出矛盾心理的出路,从而形成了以宗教信仰自由、政教分立等为主要内容的成熟的宗教观.  相似文献   
毛泽东同志在减轻学生负担、关注学生身心健康方面作了大量论述,对新中国成立后的教育发展影响很大。毛泽东同志“减负”思想的基本出发点是要学生生动活泼地、主动地发展,其科学内核包括精简课程设置和教材;反对注入式教学方法,提倡启发式教学方法;改革考试和评价方法。毛泽东同志的“减负”思想,对当前我国教育改革有重要的启示。  相似文献   
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