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The involvement of the public in educational reform processes in modern democratic societies primarily serves the purpose of politically legitimizing the reform agenda. This study examines the rationales implicitly or explicitly submitted to the public to explain why educational reforms in the two countries should be endorsed. Although differences in the political culture caution against a hasty comparison of the two case studies, a number of politico-economic similarities allow for a valid juxtaposition. In Poland the context of socio-political and economic renewal prompted the reformers to emphasize the human-capital model which heightened public awareness and participation in the debate surrounding the reform. Public involvement in Saskatchewan was negatively affected for mainly two reasons. First, the government evidently manipulated public input by various means and thereby appears to have predetermined the outcome. Second, the rationale for the reform, based on a free-market model, tightened the linkage between the needs of the labour market and the mandate of the schools. As a result, public interest and participation was greatly diminished.
Zusammenfassung Die Beteiligung der Öffentlichkeit an Reformen auf dem Gebiet der Erziehung in den modernen demokratischen Gesellschaften dient hauptsächlich der politischen Legitimierung der Reformpläne. In dieser Studie werden die der Bevölkerung offen oder unterschwellig vermittelten Gründe untersucht, warum den erzieherischen Reformen in beiden Ländern zugestimmt werden sollte. Obwohl die Unterschiede in der politischen Kultur Anlaß zur Vorsicht vor einem voreiligen Vergleich der beiden Fallstudien geben, so sprechen einige wirtschaftspolitische Ähnlichkeiten für eine sinnvolle Nebeneinanderstellung. In Polen führte der Zusammenhang sozialpolitischer und wirtschaftlicher Erneuerung dazu, daß die Reformer das Modell des menschlichen Kapitals, das das öffentliche Bewußtsein und die Teilnahme an der Debatte über die Reformen verstärkte, besonders betonten. Die öffentliche Beteiligung in Saskatchewan bekam aus zwei Gründen einen negativen Beigeschmack. Erstens manipulierte die Regierung offensichtlich in verschiedener Hinsicht die Beiträge der Öffentlichkeit, und sie scheint damit das Ergebnis vorbestimmt zu haben. Zweitens stärkten die Gründe für die auf ein Modell der freien Marktwirtschaft gegründeten Reformen die Verbindungen zwischen dem Bedarf des Arbeitsmarktes und dem Mandat der Schulen. Als Folge davon reduzierte sich das öffentliche Interesse und die Beteiligung erheblich.

Résumé La participation du public aux processus de réforme éducative dans les sociétés démocratiques modernes sert essentiellement à légitimation politique du calendrier de réforme. Cette étude examine la raison d'être soumise implicitement ou explicitement au public et analyse pourquoi les réformes éducatives doivent être adoptées dans les deux pays. Bien que les divergences de cultures politiques mettent en garde contre une comparaison hâtive des deux études de cas, certaines correspondances politico-économiques permettent une juxtaposition valide. En Pologne, le contexte de la rénovation socio-politique et économique a pressé les réformateurs à mettre en valeur le modèle de capital humain qui a rehaussé l'information et la participation du public dans le débat autour de la réforme. La participation du public dans le Saskatchewan a été entravée pour deux raisons. Premièrement, il semblerait que le gouvernement ait manipulé les investissements publics de différentes manières et qu'il ait par cela prédéterminé le résultat obtenu. Deuxièmement, la légitimité de la réforme, orientée vers un modèle de marché libre, a renforcé les liens entre les besoins du marché de l'emploi et le mandat des écoles. Par conséquent, l'intérêt et la participation du public ont été considérablement affaiblis.
The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of three forms of knowledge transfer online, taking into account the long-term knowledge growth rate and the satisfaction of students surveyed in respect to distance learning. The cohort of participants for this survey were students of the first degree, studying in the Emergency Medical Services. The authors created three e-learning courses in basic and advanced resuscitation procedures. The level of course participants’ satisfaction was analysed, as well as the knowledge growth rate measured three times: 7, 30 and 90 days, respectively, after finishing the course. The level of satisfaction in all the groups surveyed was comparable. The growth rate for knowledge was the highest in group C in the second and third survey, respectively (30 and 90 days after the end of the course), and a significant difference in favour of course C was demonstrated one month after finishing classes.  相似文献   
The results of qualitative and quantitative investigations conducted with individuals who learned algorithms in school are presented in this article. In these investigations, eye-tracking technology was used to follow the process of solving algorithmic problems. The algorithmic problems were presented in two comparable variants: in a pseudocode and flowchart. The eye-tracking data resulted in both qualitative (films registering the gaze paths) and quantitative measures, which allowed the detection and interpretation of the differences in the task-solving strategies between those who found the correct answer and those that did not. The results confirmed a hypothesis that use of the formal notation characteristic of a programming language for presenting algorithms is often a practical difficulty in the process of solving even simple tasks. This study opens a new direction of research; they show that eye-tracking technology can be used to optimise the educational process of learning programming.  相似文献   
This paper presents selected findings from the first year of a 3‐year longitudinal study of early career researchers (ECRs), which sought to ascertain current and changing habits in scholarly communication. Specifically, the aims of the paper are to show: (1) how much experience and knowledge ECRs had of peer review – both as authors and as reviewers; (2) what they felt the benefits were and what suggestions they had for improvement; (3) what they thought of open peer review (OPR); and (4) who they felt should organize peer review. Data were obtained from 116 science and social science ECRs, most of whom had published and were subject to in‐depth interviews conducted face‐to‐face, via Skype, or over the telephone. An extensive literature review was also conducted to provide a context and supplementary data for the findings. The main findings were that: (1) most ECRS are well informed about peer review and generally like the experience, largely because of the learning experiences obtained; (2) they like blind double‐peer review, but would like some improvements, especially with regards to reviewer quality; (3) most are uncomfortable with the idea of OPR; and (4) most would like publishers to continue organizing peer review because of their perceived independence.  相似文献   
At the start of the Twenty-First Century, European universities must play a number of roles in terms of social and economic development. In particular, they must increasingly serve as engines for local and regional development, thus filling a niche that only seems logical for them. At the same time, universities will form e´lites, particularly local e´lites; however, those universities that are world-class institutions will and should educate global e´lites. In performing the latter role, European universities in the Twenty-First Century will reassume a role, seized by American universities in the Twentieth Century, which they had successfully played in the Nineteenth Century.  相似文献   
The rapid development of information and communication technologies has enabled the development of interfaces, which allow the recognition of the gestures and movements of the user. These interfaces, due to their affordable prices, are available to a wide range of users. They are called natural user interfaces (NUI). NUI are commonly used in game consoles and electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets. We used the Kinect sensor from Microsoft in our studies to identify the movements and gestures of the user. This interface was used by us in teaching Chemistry in a Middle School and High School by developing a virtual chemical laboratory, which is based on a system of hand movements. We have analyzed the gestures and movements of the virtual chemical laboratory user to determine how they raise the effectiveness in chemical education. The results show how much better students work with a virtual laboratory, when studied by us in chemical areas, that concerned remembering information, understanding information, applying their experience in situations familiar to them from school and in solving chemical problems.  相似文献   
Education and Information Technologies - The purpose of the article is to describe the trainings implemented as part of the project “E-Active Residents of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian and...  相似文献   
The authors discuss the factors which predetermine research into the effectiveness of education and the role of economics in educational research. Three fundamental research areas are identified: macroeconomic research into the relations between the national economy and culture and the educational system, economic aspects of the functioning of education, and cost-effectiveness in individual terms. The principles of planning and its implications for policy are discussed and the role of research on expenditure and costs defined. The effects of education are shown as being of two kinds, direct and indirect, and their relative importance for planning is considered and illustrated with examples from the authors' own research in Poland. Finally, the quantitative and qualitative aspects of extensive and intensive development policies and their relationship to overall national economic development are investigated and a number of conclusions drawn.
Résumé Les auteurs discutent les facteurs qui conditionnent la recherche consacrée au rendement de l'éducation ainsi que la rôle de l'économie dans la recherche sur l'éducation. Ils distinguent trois domaines fondamentaux de la recherche: premièrement, la recherche macro-économique portant sur les relations entre la culture ou l'économie nationale et le système d'éducation; deuxièmement les aspects économique du processus d'éducation; troisièmement les études de rendement en fonction du coût de l'éducation par téte. L'article discute les principes de la planification et ses implications en termes de politique de l'éducation et cherche à définir les effets de la recherche sur les dépenses et les coûts. On montre que les conséquences du processus d'éducation sont de deux types et leurs importance relative du point de vue de la planification est mise en évidence et illustrée par des exemples empruntés aux recherches des auteurs sur la Pologne. En conclusion, l'article éclaire les aspects tant quantitatifs que qualitatifs des politiques de développement extensif et intensif de l'éducation dans leurs relations au développement global de l'économie nationale pour en tirer un certain nombre de remarques finales. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A0010002 00003
Pacing offers a potential avenue for enhancement of endurance performance. We report here a novel method for characterizing pacing in 800-m freestyle swimming. Websites provided 50-m lap and race times for 192 swims of 20 elite female swimmers between 2000 and 2013. Pacing for each swim was characterized with five parameters derived from a linear model: linear and quadratic coefficients for effect of lap number, reductions from predicted time for first and last laps, and lap-time variability (standard error of the estimate). Race-to-race consistency of the parameters was expressed as intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). The average swim was a shallow negative quadratic with slowest time in the eleventh lap. First and last laps were faster by 6.4% and 3.6%, and lap-time variability was ±0.64%. Consistency between swimmers ranged from low-moderate for the linear and quadratic parameters (ICC = 0.29 and 0.36) to high for the last-lap parameter (ICC = 0.62), while consistency for race time was very high (ICC = 0.80). Only ~15% of swimmers had enough swims (~15 or more) to provide reasonable evidence of optimum parameter values in plots of race time vs. each parameter. The modest consistency of most of the pacing parameters and lack of relationships between parameters and performance suggest that swimmers usually compensated for changes in one parameter with changes in another. In conclusion, pacing in 800-m elite female swimmers can be characterized with five parameters, but identifying an optimal pacing profile is generally impractical.  相似文献   
We assessed the effect of physical effort with increasing intensity on neural activity in the visual pathway in volleyball players (n = 10) and non-athletes (n = 10). Participants performed three 10-min tests of increasing intensity on a cycle ergometer. Each participant was assigned individual workloads below the lactate threshold (40% [Vdot]O(2max)), at the lactate threshold (65-75% [Vdot]O(2max)), and above the lactate threshold (80% [Vdot]O(2max)). Four recordings of visual evoked potentials were made: pre-exercise and immediately after each of the three subsequent tests. We assessed neural activity of the visual pathway by examining the amplitude and latency of the N75, P100, and N135 components of the visual evoked potentials waveform. Pre-exercise P100 wave latency was shorter (P < 0.05) in volleyball players than in non-athletes. In non-athletes, the latency of P100 following the first and second effort (40% and 65-75% [Vdot]O(2max)) was reduced compared with pre-exercise (P < 0.01). However, P100 latency increased and P100 amplitude decreased after the third test (80% [Vdot]O(2max)) in non-athletes. In contrast, no significant changes in the latency or amplitude of visual evoked potentials were observed in the athletes in the three tests. Neural conductivity in the visual pathway after exercise might be at least partially dependent on the individual's personal training adaptation status.  相似文献   
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