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李宇  王佳  毛培培 《科研管理》2018,39(8):1-10
有利于产业创新升级的企业成长模式一直是研究热点问题。本文将我国产业创新升级普遍存在的低产业化、大而不强和传统产业升级抽象为企业规模阈值问题,并通过对三种规模阈值的突破引入和界定了企业规模质量的概念范畴。以此为基础并结合文献分析法,本文提出构成企业规模质量的R&D投入、非R&D投入和知识能量3个维度及11个能力要素,通过预测试、问卷调查等方式进一步实证检验了量表的可靠性和有效性,得出了有助于推动产业创新升级的企业规模质量量表工具。在量表工具下本文提出了针对技术创新和产业升级的对策建议。  相似文献   
基于Hansen非动态面板门槛回归模型,从全国和东部、中部和西部三大区域就居民消费对用水量的门槛效应进行实证分析,结果表明:在居民收入和人力资本的作用下,居民消费对用水量的影响存在显著的门槛效应.全国层面,居民消费对用水量的弹性系数呈现先降后升的变化形态,但增幅降低;区域层面,东部居民消费对用水量的促进作用逐渐降低,西部居民消费促进用水量的增长,中部门槛检验不显著.进一步分析发现:经济发展,特别是城镇化影响门槛值和弹性系数的大小,人力资本作为门槛变量时居民消费对用水量的影响最大.  相似文献   
本文运用Malmquist-Luenberger指数法测度了我国各地区1995-2007年碳排放约束下全要素生产率增长及构成.估计了在碳排放约束和传统情形下全要素生产率指数及其构成,并检验两种情况下全要素生产率及其构成的差异.主要结论有:碳排放约束条件下东部地区TFP增长最快,西部地区增长最慢,中部地区则均介于二者之间;我国全要素生产率增长水平不断提高,技术效率变化是全要素生产率增长的源泉,但在碳排放约束情况下不及传统全要素生产率高;在28个省市区中,有8个地区至少移动生产可能性边界1次;本文还实证考察了人均GDP、工业化水平、技术无效率水平、劳均资本、能源强度和开放度等因素对在碳排放约束条件下全要素生产率影响效果,并据此给出了一些政策性建议.  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider global adaptive feedback control of nonlinear systems with unknown parameters entering nonlinearly. Such unknown parameters are also not required to lie in a known compact set. Unlike previous results, our proposed adaptive controller is a new double dynamical switching-type controller in which the controller parameter is tuned in a flexible switching manner via a monotonically decreasing switching logic and the controller combines the traditional adaptive theorem with the switching scheme perfectly. Global stability results of the closed-loop system have been proved.  相似文献   
近年,ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning、企业资源计划)系统已在企业中大量实施,它已显著提高了企业内部信息传递效率并为企业各级管理层的决策提供了大量及时、准确的信息。由于目前的企业中实施的ERP系统大都是一些软件公司的标准产品,十分适用于采购、制造、销售、仓管、财务等标准流程。但对于企业的一些特殊流程却无法完全适应。企业的IT部门会自行开发或委托外部企业专门针对自己的一些特性需求做一些二次开发,使企业内部的流程更优化、效率更高。  相似文献   
陆广谱  毛琦虹 《科教文汇》2011,(19):103-104
由于人们居住环境的多样化和地震灾害的随机性,除了在建筑本身抗震结构上加强之外,也应当适当辅以必要的抗震室内设计来作为防范。本文就是探讨通过住宅室内功能区域的划分、家具与陈设的设计、设计材料的选用等方面在住宅室内中的设计方法,来尽可能多地防范并消除建筑室内的抗震薄弱环节,从而可以在一定程度上更好地保障人民在应对地震灾难时的生命与财产安全。  相似文献   
Topic evolution has been described by many approaches from a macro level to a detail level, by extracting topic dynamics from text in literature and other media types. However, why the evolution happens is less studied. In this paper, we focus on whether and how the keyword semantics can invoke or affect the topic evolution. We assume that the semantic relatedness among the keywords can affect topic popularity during literature surveying and citing process, thus invoking evolution. However, the assumption is needed to be confirmed in an approach that fully considers the semantic interactions among topics. Traditional topic evolution analyses in scientometric domains cannot provide such support because of using limited semantic meanings. To address this problem, we apply the Google Word2Vec, a deep learning language model, to enhance the keywords with more complete semantic information. We further develop the semantic space as an urban geographic space. We analyze the topic evolution geographically using the measures of spatial autocorrelation, as if keywords are the changing lands in an evolving city. The keyword citations (keyword citation counts one when the paper containing this keyword obtains a citation) are used as an indicator of keyword popularity. Using the bibliographical datasets of the geographical natural hazard field, experimental results demonstrate that in some local areas, the popularity of keywords is affecting that of the surrounding keywords. However, there are no significant impacts on the evolution of all keywords. The spatial autocorrelation analysis identifies the interaction patterns (including High-High leading, High-Low suppressing) among the keywords in local areas. This approach can be regarded as an analyzing framework borrowed from geospatial modeling. Moreover, the prediction results in local areas are demonstrated to be more accurate if considering the spatial autocorrelations.  相似文献   
Domesticated buffaloes have been integral to rice-paddy agro-ecosystems for millennia, yet relatively little is known about the buffalo genomics. Here, we sequenced and assembled reference genomes for both swamp and river buffaloes and we re-sequenced 230 individuals (132 swamp buffaloes and 98 river buffaloes) sampled from across Asia and Europe. Beyond the many actionable insights that our study revealed about the domestication, basic physiology and breeding of buffalo, we made the striking discovery that the divergent domestication traits between swamp and river buffaloes can be explained with recent selections of genes on social behavior, digestion metabolism, strengths and milk production.  相似文献   
毛仕舟 《科教文汇》2014,(30):190-191
在全球化背景下,高等教育的跨境交流与合作成为了我国教育事业走向国际化的重要渠道。我国与东盟之间的文化教育交流在随着中国-东盟自由贸易区建成之后更加频繁。但目前由于政治经济原因,加上跨文化的障碍,使得我国与东盟跨境教育面临例如学位不能互相认证。在当前形势下发展中国与东盟的跨境教育,要通过跨境教育政策的完善,合作机制的深化改革来实现。  相似文献   
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