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In this paper, we describe how the shortage of teachers accelerates the development of Dutch teacher education in a more competence- and school-based direction. We address three themes. First, we note that Dutch teacher education institutes are taking initiatives to develop competence-based curricula and assessment. However, until now these developments have had a weak foundation. Secondly, it is clear that schools are developing and carrying out teacher improvement plans, but that student teachers are seldom part of these plans. Thirdly, the teacher educators in schools cannot meet the professional standards yet. Teacher educators in teacher education institutes also need time and support to adapt to new circumstances. However, there are promising developments in the right direction. Notre paper analyse les conséquences de la pénurie d'enseignants sur la formation des professeurs aux Pays-Bas. Cette formation est de plus en plus tournée vers l'école et s'oriente davantage dans une direction qui privilégie la compétence. Dans une première partie, nous constatons qu'aux Pays-Bas les instituts de formation des enseignants prennent des initiatives pour développer des programmes et des contrôles basés sur les compétences. Pour l'instant cependant, les fondements de cette évolution restent encore assez fragiles. Deuxièmement, on se rend compte que les écoles développent et mettent en place des projets d'amélioration de la profession d'enseignant, mais ceux qui forment les étudiants collaborent rarement à ces projets. Troisièmement, les formateurs d'enseignants dans les écoles ne peuvent pas encore satisfaire au niveau professionnel que l'on veut atteindre. Les formateurs des enseignants dans les instituts de formation pour enseignants ont aussi besoin de temps et de soutien pour s'adapter àla nouvelle situation. Pourtant, il y a des progrès et l'on va dans la bonne direction. En este artículo describimos cómo la escasez de profesores está acelerando en Holanda un proceso en el que la formación de profesores se basa cada vez más en las competencias y en el que hay una mayor participación de las escuelas. Abordamos tres temas. En primer lugar, constatamos que los centros de formación de profesores en Holanda están tomando iniciativas para elaborar evaluaciones y currículos basados en las competencias. Sin embargo, hasta ahora estas iniciativas no han tenido una base sólida. En segundo lugar, está claro que las escuelas, por su parte, están elaborando y ejecutando planes para mejorar el nivel de los profesores, pero que los profesores en formación rara vez forman parte de esos planes. En tercer lugar, los formadores de profesores en las escuelas no pueden cumplir aún las normas profesionales y los formadores de profesores en los centros de formación también necesitan tiempo y apoyo para adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias. Sin embargo, existen signos prometedores de mejoramiento de estos aspectos. In diesem Artikel beschreiben wir, dass der Lehrermangel die Entwicklung einer Ausbildung von niederländischen Lehrern in eine mehr kompetenz- und schulbezogene Richtung beschleunigt. Wir beschäftigen uns mit drei Themen: Erstens sehen wir, dass die Lehrerausbildungsinstitute der Niederlande Initiativen zur Entwicklung von kompetenzbezogenen Curricula und zur Erfolgsbewertung ergreifen. Bis jetzt haben diese Entwicklungen allerdings ein schwaches Fundament. Zweitens ist klar, dass Schulen Professionalisierungspläne entwickeln und ausführen. Die Praktikanten sind jedoch selten in diese Pläne einbezogen. Drittens können die Lehrerausbilder in Schulen den akademischen Normen noch nicht Genüge leisten. Lehrerausbilder in Lehrerausbildungsinstitute brauchen auch Zeit und Unterstützung, um sich neuen Verhältnissen anzupassen. Es gibt jedoch vielversprechende Entwicklungen in die richtige Richtung.  相似文献   
This study reports an intervention to initiate environmental learning and facilitate pro-environmental behaviour. The purpose was to examine the impact of ambient learning displays on energy consumption and conservation at the workplace, more specifically the evaluation of learning outcome and behaviour change. Using a quasi-experimental design, the empirical study was conducted among employees working at a university campus. For the experimental treatments, ambient learning display prototypes were varied on two design dimensions, namely representational fidelity and notification level. The results do not provide clear evidence that the design of the displays influences learning outcome or that the displays lead to pro-environmental behaviour change. Nevertheless, the sole deployment of the display prototypes eased the comprehension of the information provided and lowered the need for additional information. Thus, ambient learning displays provide a promising framework in the context of environmental learning and beyond.  相似文献   
This paper describes experiments carried out to determine the influence of dovetailed cross beams on the dimensional stability of a panel painting from the Middle Ages. Besides a serious cup (transverse distortion), the panel featured an unusual longitudinal distortion, a bow, mostly originating from bending in the proximity of the middle cross beam. Because of its localized occurrence, bending appeared to be caused by the crossbeam somehow pushing on the walls of its channel. Thanks to the cooperation offered by the curator and the restorer, some non-damaging tests were performed to measure the distortions of the panel, with and without the cross beams, after conditioning it in different climates. Processing and analysis of the measurement results demonstrated that the bow of the panel increases as the wood moisture content decreases. This led to the conclusion that the bow is actually produced by forces exerted by the cross beam along the panel's length, according to a mechanism named thrust transformation. By this mechanism the cross beam partly transforms the panel's tendency towards cupping, into a bow distortion.  相似文献   
Aaron the Moor from Titus Andronicus and Ratonhnhaké:ton from Assassin’s Creed III are each aiding in a war against an international superpower, and both characters are plotting ways to advance and improve their respective culture. Aaron is seen as the villain and the antagonist, whereas Ratonhnhaké:ton is seen as an individual who fights for freedom. However, once both characters’ usefulness is exhausted, they are easily characterized as the Other and lose whatever benefits they may have earned. They are tossed aside by the factions they are trying to help. Even though Assassin’s Creed III is a video game, the same issues of colonialism and imperialism can be investigated in this 21st-century genre as in Shakespeare’s play.  相似文献   
Adolescents who work while attending school are reported to sleep less than those who do not. This study aimed to identify factors associated with short sleep duration in students who work during the school year. A cross‐sectional survey aiming to describe working conditions and occupational safety and health was completed by representative samples of Quebec high school students aged 12–19 years from three administrative regions (n = 3,871). A multiple stepwise regression analysis was performed with sleep duration as the dependent variable, and sociodemographic, school, occupational, and health factors as potential explanatory variables. Significant factors associated with shorter sleep duration were later bedtimes (p < .001), shorter weekend oversleep (p < .001), higher physical work factors related to handling efforts (p < .001), and female gender (p < .01). Addressing work conditions of student workers may help prevent sleep deprivation. Special efforts should also target girls combining work and study.  相似文献   
This study examines the effect of antitrust regulation of patent consolidation on the development of follow-on innovations. Our reconciliation of the various strains of literature hypothesizes that in sectors where cumulative innovation is crucial to firms’ market operations, a firm that consolidates patents for substituting technologies for its already-possessed technologies discourages market competitions and follow-on innovation by competitors. In this case, antitrust regulation of patent consolidation is anticipated to positively affect competitors’ follow-on innovation. We empirically test this hypothesis with the case of the US Department of Justice's regulation of Novell's software patent transfers to four large proprietary software companies (i.e., Microsoft, Oracle, EMC, and Apple) in 2011. Our analyses using US patent, trademark, and copyright data have found evidence corroborating our hypothesis. Our research provides policy and scholarly implications regarding how antitrust law can be a complementary institution to the patent law for promoting innovation.  相似文献   
本文从降低供应风险的角度,对2020年前我国原油进口结构的优化路径进行了定量分析。并且为应对伊朗原油出口的减少提出了数量化的政策建议。研究结论显示,由于我国对世界原油的需求将会持续旺盛,在未来几年内,我国需要大量增加从俄罗斯、科威特、阿联酋、卡塔尔、墨西哥及阿尔及利亚等传统产油国的进口,同时减少对沙特阿拉伯、安哥拉、苏丹和伊朗的原油依赖。从未来原油进口的地区分布上看,中东地区依然是我国原油进口的主要来源地,同时也是供应风险最大的地区。为应对伊朗石油禁运,我国应该增加从加拿大、墨西哥、尼日利亚和卡塔尔等国的原油进口来弥补供应缺口,并满足国内快速增长的原油消费需求。  相似文献   
We present a 91 MHz surface acoustic wave resonator with integrated microfluidics that includes a flow focus, an expansion region, and a binning region in order to manipulate particle trajectories. We demonstrate the ability to change the position of the acoustic nodes by varying the electronic phase of one of the transducers relative to the other in a pseudo-static manner. The measurements were performed at room temperature with 3 μm diameter latex beads dispersed in a water-based solution. We demonstrate the dependence of nodal position on pseudo-static phase and show simultaneous control of 9 bead streams with spatial control of −0.058 μm/deg ± 0.001 μm/deg. As a consequence of changing the position of bead streams perpendicular to their flow direction, we also show that the integrated acoustic-microfluidic device can be used to change the trajectory of a bead stream towards a selected bin with an angular control of 0.008 deg/deg ± 0.000(2) deg/deg.  相似文献   
This study contributes to the recent empirical literature on the innovation-firm performance relationship by investigating the effect of product introduction on firm growth in a sample of Italian firms from 2000 to 2006. We adopted a novel approach that exploits the interpretative content of the tenure of the last product introduced (i.e., the number of years since its first introduction) as an additional variable into the explanatory scheme of firm sales growth rate. This variable aims to capture peculiar characteristics of new goods, such as their novelty and complexity. The estimated results confirmed the relevance of this model specification and helps in understanding the reason why previous studies have failed to find a statistically robust relationship between product innovation and growth. Moreover, we found the following: first, the release of a new product enhances growth opportunity among multiproduct firms; second, product development promotes the growth of firms belonging to sectors with stronger commitment to research and development; and third, new product development enhances firm growth substantially in those sectors that absorb externally originated patents.  相似文献   
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