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文章介绍了百科全书派学者法拉比及其作品在我国的研究、翻译出版概况,总结了我国学术界研究“法拉比学”的主要成果及其存在的问题.  相似文献   
Automatic text classification is the task of organizing documents into pre-determined classes, generally using machine learning algorithms. Generally speaking, it is one of the most important methods to organize and make use of the gigantic amounts of information that exist in unstructured textual format. Text classification is a widely studied research area of language processing and text mining. In traditional text classification, a document is represented as a bag of words where the words in other words terms are cut from their finer context i.e. their location in a sentence or in a document. Only the broader context of document is used with some type of term frequency information in the vector space. Consequently, semantics of words that can be inferred from the finer context of its location in a sentence and its relations with neighboring words are usually ignored. However, meaning of words, semantic connections between words, documents and even classes are obviously important since methods that capture semantics generally reach better classification performances. Several surveys have been published to analyze diverse approaches for the traditional text classification methods. Most of these surveys cover application of different semantic term relatedness methods in text classification up to a certain degree. However, they do not specifically target semantic text classification algorithms and their advantages over the traditional text classification. In order to fill this gap, we undertake a comprehensive discussion of semantic text classification vs. traditional text classification. This survey explores the past and recent advancements in semantic text classification and attempts to organize existing approaches under five fundamental categories; domain knowledge-based approaches, corpus-based approaches, deep learning based approaches, word/character sequence enhanced approaches and linguistic enriched approaches. Furthermore, this survey highlights the advantages of semantic text classification algorithms over the traditional text classification algorithms.  相似文献   
专业实训教学作为高职院校人才培养的主要手段,需要在校企合作平台上,以科学、规范的质量督导作保障。总结分析乌鲁木齐职业大学专业实训教学模式,以及专业实训教学督导工作现状,旨在探究建立新疆综合型高职院校专业实训教学分类督导工作模式,以提升专业实训教学工作实效。  相似文献   
新疆是我国民族成份最多、多种宗教并存、信教群众最多的省区之一.少数民族大学生是否有信仰、有什么样的信仰关系到社会主义事业的成败和新疆的稳定与发展.因此,在少数民族大学生中进行思想政治教育时必须坚持要从新疆区情出发,弘扬民族文化,要从少数民族大学生所处的国际环境的角度,并着眼于少数民族大学生的未来重要作用,坚持系统性原则来强化少数民族大学生马克思主义信仰教育.  相似文献   
创造和探究在歌德看来是一种新发现或很好的发现,他一生的激情来自不断的耕耘勤奋的创造力。歌德的作品对人性的各个方面,无论在高度上还是在深度上,都描写得竭尽无余。他用雄伟的人格,以优秀的作家品格,创造出了罕见的作品,给德国人民,乃至世界人民贡献了毕生的精力。歌德内心世界因他顽强的创造力的呵护而飞扬,并因此走进伟大。  相似文献   
多源信息融合技术在干旱区盐渍地信息提取中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤盐渍化是干旱区绿洲稳定与可持续发展面临的主要环境问题之一,因此借助遥感手段及时准确地提取盐渍地信息并掌握其空间分布有着重要的现实意义。本文以渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲为例,使用RadarsatSAR与LandsatTM影像进行主成分融合,同时与HIS和Brovey变换的融合效果作定量比较,并利用BP神经网络模型,以相同的训练样本分别对融合前后的影像进行分类。结果表明:盐渍地主要分布在绿洲的和沙漠之间的交错带,盐渍地的分布在绿洲内部呈条形状分布,而在绿洲外部呈片状分布,且绿洲外部重度盐渍地交错分布在中轻度盐渍地中;主成份变换融合影像的光谱信息保持性、信息量都优于其它常用的融合方法,且分类精度比单一LANDSATTM多光谱影像有较大提高,是监测干旱区盐渍地变化的有效手段。  相似文献   
传统教学模式是教师单向主导的平面结构,协同教学模式是教师之间、师生之间和学生之间互动协同合作的立体结构,具有明确而清晰的教学目标指向性、协同形式灵活性和知识构建自主性的特点.建构主义视角下,高校以学生全面发展为中心,着力重构以多方合作为基础的"三位一体"协同教学模式,有利于进一步健全协同教学模式的制度设计,搭建教学团队交流的协同平台,发挥教师联动协同的导向功能,激发学生主动学习的求知欲,促进"教与学"多维度良性互动的创新性变革,实现新时代高校人才培养质量的提高.  相似文献   
新疆大学采矿工程专业实践能力培养模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着新疆矿产资源大开发战略的实施,新疆矿产开采业发展强劲。根据新疆地区矿业发展的特色以及对采矿工程人才培养的新要求,新疆大学有针对性地加强了采矿工程专业本科教学中实践能力的培养力度。本文以培养学生实践能力中存在的问题为出发点,提出了完善专业教学体系、改革实习模式、调整毕业设计内容、加强师资队伍建设等对策。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of modality on learning from multimedia instruction. This study utilized a factorial between‐subject design to examine the effects of modality on student learning outcomes, study patterns and mental effort. An interactive computer‐presented diagram was developed to teach the places of articulation in human speech. A total of 151 undergraduate students at a large southwestern university in USA participated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two modality conditions (ie, written text and spoken text). Data were obtained through surveys, student logs and knowledge tests. Findings revealed a reverse modality effect, wherein participants who studied with written text outperformed those who studied with spoken text.  相似文献   
地方地理课程是对国家地理课程的有力补充,也是校本地理课程不可忽视的重要组成部分。在我国当前进行的新一轮课程改革中,地方地理课程已与国家地理课程、校本地理课程被列为课程三大板块之一。为此,对伊犁哈萨克自治州中学地方地理课程的体系结构与基本功能方面的研究,应突出其教学目标、教学内容、课程体系和结构上的地域性、针对性、时代性、现实性、探究性和实践性的基本特征。  相似文献   
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