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A handful of studies have found evidence of a gap in academic achievement between students of high- and low-socioeconomic status (SES) families. Furthermore, some scholars argue that the gap tends to widen as students get older. Evidence is, however, inconclusive and relies mostly on limited methodological designs. Drawing on the Hamburg School Achievement Census 1996 to 2000 (LAU 5, 7, and 9), the authors examined the trajectory of the math and reading achievement gap associated with SES from the age of 10 to 15 years by means of cross-random-effects, panel data, and hierarchical linear models (HLM). The use of 3 time points and statistical techniques well suited to the longitudinal data contribute to the methodological advance of measurement of the gap trend. The findings indicate a narrowing gap over the course of secondary school years and are interpreted in light of the relatively open and egalitarian school policies in Hamburg.  相似文献   
The uneven distribution of knowledge within modern societies requires a reliance on sources (e.g., reference books, teachers, the Internet) in addition to own experience. Most scientific issues are far too complex to be understood in any depth by laypersons. Successful knowledge acquisition comprises the ability to vary the amount of sources used and to appreciate different sources in different contexts. Epistemological beliefs (i.e., learners’ beliefs on the nature of knowledge and knowing) might affect this task. We report research on secondary school students’ decisions about the amount of sources they would use and their source appreciation (the perceived usefulness of several sources), the impact of epistemological beliefs on such decisions, and their adaptivity to the contextual circumstances of the information search. After exposure to an experimentally induced epistemological sensitization, the students provided information on how they would proceed to confirm given knowledge. Study 1 explored the amount of sources (source quantity and access approaches). Study 2 investigated the perceived usefulness of several sources (source appreciation). Results showed an increase in the amount and appreciation of sources in a high-involving context and after sophisticated sensitization. More sophisticated beliefs led to a larger increase in the amount of sources in a high-involving context. Furthermore, epistemological beliefs predicted the difference in source appreciation between contexts. Conclusions are drawn for the use of sensitization and the teaching of digital literacy in schools.  相似文献   
This longitudinal study compared immigrant and native adolescents’ expectations concerning the timing of conventional socially acceptable and oppositional less socially acceptable forms of autonomy. Based on normative development and a collectivist background among immigrants, both developmental and acculturative change was expected. The sample consisted of 523 ethnic German immigrants from the former Soviet Union and 475 native German adolescents, both groups divided into an early (age 12.5 years) and a late (age 16 years) adolescent group. Results revealed more developmental than acculturative change, as immigrants and natives mostly showed a similar rate of change in autonomy expectations. Acculturative change was found only for oppositional autonomy among late adolescent immigrants, whose later expectations approached those of their native age‐mates over time.  相似文献   
Transnational education students are an increasingly important source of income for higher education institutes. Student recruitment trade shows as a marketing communication tool are being used by the majority of higher education institutes and despite multi-million-dollar investments, little is known about the impact they have on the decision-making processes of transnational education students and the student recruitment efforts of the exhibiting higher education institutes. This research project discusses how international student recruitment trade shows can positively influence the perceived value students obtain from visiting these trade shows. The findings of this qualitative study show the positive effect higher levels of social emotions have on students’ perceptions of international study options from pre-purchase to post-consumption and on the effectiveness of student recruitment trade shows.  相似文献   

Even though e‐commerce almost disappeared from public discussion, it still assumes a vital role in the strategic management of most enterprises. New entry in e‐commerce, whether as a new business segment of an established company or as a new enterprise, is likely to deal with the liabilities of size and newness. The aim of this paper it to discuss if those factors have an impact on the implementation and success of B2C e‐commerce. We chose the online book market as our reference market and drew a random sample of retailers and publishers with an online shop. The quality of the web presence, indirect success (number of links to a particular site) and direct success (turnover of the web shop) were compared in subsamples constructed by the use of median splits according to age and size. Younger companies and larger companies were found to have a web presence of higher quality and were more successful than older or smaller companies. We conclude that the liabilities of newness do not seem to have an adverse performance impact in e‐commerce. However, when a market entry is considered, new players must ensure that they can commit enough resources to build a high quality web presence.  相似文献   
Soziale Ungleichheiten der Bildungsbeteiligung sind durch PISA wieder st?rker in das Zentrum der bildungssoziologischen Diskussion gerückt. Es besteht Einigkeit darüber, dass soziale Ungleichheiten der Bildungsbeteiligung durch das Zusammenwirken prim?rer und sekund?rer Herkunftseffekte an den überg?ngen des Bildungssystems entstehen. Der vorliegende Beitrag besch?ftigt sich mit der Frage, ob sozialschichtabh?ngige Bildungsaspirationen auch zu einem relativ sp?ten Zeitpunkt in der Bildungsbiographie — beim übergang in die Hochschule — wirksam werden, und wenn ja, in welchem Ma?e eine ?ffnung von Wegen zur Allgemeinen Hochschulreife zur Entsch?rfung prim?rer und sekund?rer Herkunftseffekte beitr?gt. Am Beispiel einer im TOSCA-Projekt untersuchten repr?sentativen Stichprobe allgemeinbildender und beruflicher Gymnasiasten im Abschlussjahr (N=4730) zeigt sich, dass in Bezug auf die Studienintention (a) prim?re und sekund?re Herkunftseffekte an beruflichen Gymnasien geringer ausfallen als an allgemeinbildenden und (b) die fachspezifische Studienvorbereitung an beruflichen Gymnasien eine im Vergleich zu allgemeinbildenden Gymnasien h?here Bedeutung besitzt. Zusammenfassend deuten die Befunde auf eine ungleichheitsvermindernde Funktion berufliche Gymnasien beim Hochschulzugang hin.  相似文献   
When laypeople read controversial scientific information in order to make a personally relevant decision, information on the source is a valuable resource with which to evaluate multiple, competing claims. Due to their bounded understanding, laypeople rely on the expertise of others and need to identify whether sources are credible. The present study examined under which conditions readers acknowledge and consider available source information. University students read two conflicting scientific claims put forward by sources whose credibility was varied in terms of either expertise or benevolence. They then rated their subjective explanations for the conflicting claims, perceived source credibility, and personal claim agreement. Results showed that when evaluating and explaining the conflict, participants became vigilant to source information specifically when source credibility was questioned. Conflict explanation through differences in sources’ competencies mediated the impact of sourcing on source credibility. Information about a source’s benevolence revealed a strong direct effect on credibility judgments. However, motivation explanations did not clarify the relationship. Overall, findings show that readers consider source information and apply it adaptively when handling conflicting scientific information.  相似文献   
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