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This study explores biology undergraduates' misconceptions about genetic drift. We use qualitative and quantitative methods to describe students' definitions, identify common misconceptions, and examine differences before and after instruction on genetic drift. We identify and describe five overarching categories that include 16 distinct misconceptions about genetic drift. The accuracy of students' conceptions ranges considerably, from responses indicating only superficial, if any, knowledge of any aspect of evolution to responses indicating knowledge of genetic drift but confusion about the nuances of genetic drift. After instruction, a significantly greater number of responses indicate some knowledge of genetic drift (p = 0.005), but 74.6% of responses still contain at least one misconception. We conclude by presenting a framework that organizes how students' conceptions of genetic drift change with instruction. We also articulate three hypotheses regarding undergraduates' conceptions of evolution in general and genetic drift in particular. We propose that: 1) students begin with undeveloped conceptions of evolution that do not recognize different mechanisms of change; 2) students develop more complex, but still inaccurate, conceptual frameworks that reflect experience with vocabulary but still lack deep understanding; and 3) some new misconceptions about genetic drift emerge as students comprehend more about evolution.  相似文献   
快手小删有句名言:“日子就在编的杂志中溜走了。编着编着,一年就过去了。”是啊,编着编着,迪迪踏入编辑这个工作行业也要一年了。从一名什么都不懂的新丁,到现在成为独自负责“游间道”的责任编辑,成长的过程有快乐,有兴奋,有酸,有甜……“@#@%$%$%&*……(各种各样呕吐的声音)”“迪迪你一大早煽什么情啊!不就是构思个版首语吗?瞧瞧,眼泪都快出来了!”西西第一个从偶极端煽情的开场白中恢复正常,停止“呕吐”,对偶说道。“主要是……偶人生的又一个转折点来临了!”偶很兴奋地宣布。“那尼(日文,‘什么’的意思)?”八爪鱼也抬起了头。“偶要开始负责特刊《游间道》的策划啦!下面是广告时间,你们都靠边,别抢我版面!”偶很“霸道”地赶走了还没“呕吐”完的侠客、鱼小朵等小编。“咳咳,大家知道,以前的特刊《游间道》都是游戏达人侠客、酋长策划的,以后的栏目丢丢也策划过。《游间道》第六辑,将由女巫迪迪王力打造!携包括侠客、酋长在内的众多游戏高手,充满‘迪氏’风格,带你领略游戏的博大精深,让你有百分百的理由相信:你可以从游戏里获得更多!请大家拭目以待!”“再补充一句,迪迪可不会吐血推荐,迪迪……迪迪‘喷’血推荐《游间道·第六辑》!”“咳咳……”偶擦干净嘴边的鲜血,慢悠悠地抓起来,“大家……别着急,先看同样精彩的第10期‘游间道’吧……咳咳,首先出场的是蛰氏TM带给大家的‘前哨站’……”  相似文献   
河光山影,白云出岫,杜鹃啼鸣,钟声悠悠。初夏时节,我们中国新闻代表团赴奥地利考察团一行5人,下榻于维也纳市中心科恩腾街18号酒店。徜徉在诗情画意的维也纳,如同穿行在历史与艺术之间,好不惬意!  相似文献   
A formal statistical analysis is performed to determine the extent to which pitchers and catchers can influence stolen-base attempts and successes. Two response proportions, attempt/opportunity and success/attempt, are modelled separately using mixed-effects logistic regression models applied to situations with a runner on first and other bases empty. Data include the first innings of all Major League Baseball games played between 1978 and 1990, which encompasses over 48,000 opportunities and 9000 attempts. Pitchers and catchers are entered as random effects and various other factors thought to influence stolen-base attempts and successes are entered as fixed effects. Variance components are estimated and hypotheses tests indicate that the population variance components for both pitchers and catchers are significant for both response proportions. The presence of variation among players at the respective positions is interpreted as evidence that stolen-base defence is a real skill exhibited to varying extents by different players. Furthermore, the variance component for pitchers is greater than that for catchers for both response proportions, indicating that pitchers have greater potential to affect stolen-base attempts and successes. Under usual conditions, it is estimated that 95% of pitchers have first-inning stolen-base success/attempt probabilities between 0.50 and 0.84, while 95% of catchers have probabilities between 0.59 and 0.79.  相似文献   
正功利主义是近代资本主义的一种主要意识形态,边沁和密尔是这种思想的主要代表。概括来说,其核心思想有三个方面:(1)后果论,即人们的行为是否"善",完全取决于行为的后果是否能带给人快乐。(2)苦乐主宰论,即人都是在趋乐避苦的计算中决定自己的行为的。(3)最大幸福论,即应当追求"最大多数人的最大幸福"。不过,边沁和密尔的幸福观还是有一定区别的:边沁认为幸福的感觉只有量的区别,而没有质的不  相似文献   
The increase in public representation of the science-based concept "genetics" in the mass media might be expected to have a major impact on public understanding of the concept of "race." A model of lay understandings of the role of genetics in the contemporary United States is offered based on focus group research, random digit dial surveys, and community based surveys. That model indicates that lay people identify are primarily by physical features, but these identifications are categorized into a variety of groupings that may be regional, national, or linguistic. Although they believe that physical appearance is caused largely by genetics, and therefore that race has a genetic basis, they do not uniformly conclude, however, that all perceived racial characteristics are genetically based. Instead, they vary in the extent to which they attribute differences to cultural, personal, and genetic factors.  相似文献   
大家一定发现了吧,本期杂志小编们换了一个形象!大家对我的新形象感觉如何呀?我头顶那只黑猫叫“冰棍”,嘻嘻,和迪迪养的猫同一个名字——不过家里的是一只油条颜色的黄猫……忙完1-2期合刊,迪迪利用这段休整期,结结实实地放松了一把。打着“游戏编辑可以在工作时同玩游戏”的旗号,迪迪把早就安装在电脑里,但是一直没有时间玩的游戏玩了个遍,好好过了一次瘾!《极品飞车10:卡本峡谷》也出啦,迪迪已经迫不及待地将它请到了电脑里,不过……责编侠客:“咳咳,迪迪同志,第三期的稿子,可就剩你没交了……”迪迪:  相似文献   
Patterns of spelling in young deaf and hard of hearing students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study examined the invented spelling abilities demonstrated by kindergarten and first-grade deaf and hard of hearing students. The study included two parts: In Part 1, the researcher compared three groups (deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing) using posttesting only on the Early Reading Screening Inventory, or ERSI (Morris, 1998), and in part 2 collected and analyzed samples of the spelling of deaf students in a Total Communication program. Analysis showed that the deaf group performed significantly differently in three areas: concept of word, word recognition, and phoneme awareness ("invented spelling"; Read, 1971). The deaf group outperformed the hearing and hard of hearing groups in concept of word and word recognition. But in phoneme awareness, the deaf group performed significantly less well than the hearing group. Therefore, the deaf group's spelling was followed for 1 year. Deaf students' spelling patterns were not the same as those of hearing and hard of hearing students. Deaf students' spelling miscues were directly related to the cueing systems of lipreading, signing, and fingerspelling.  相似文献   
党的十九大提出要把社会主义核心价值观融入社会生活各方面,转化为人们的情感认同和行为习惯,这是新时代对培育和践行社会主义核心价值观提出的新要求。日常生活是社会主义核心价值观的根基,也是社会主义核心价值观的居所。日常生活根基、图式和目的构成了社会主义核心价值观的日常生活理路。  相似文献   
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