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This study aimed to investigate the timecourse and neural underpinnings of the coding of radical positions in Chinese character reading. To isolate effects of radical positions, four types of pseudocharacters were created in which the constituent radicals appeared in positions varying in probability of occurrence, that is, Unique, Dominant, Subordinate, or Illegal positions. Twenty native Chinese readers performed a character detection task where real characters were identified among pseudocharacters. The event-related potential data demonstrated that Illegal items were reliably distinguished from other pseudocharacter items within 100 ms, with larger P100 amplitudes at left posterior electrodes. At the N170, Illegal items elicited a smaller negativity than Unique items. In these time windows, pseudocharacter conditions in legal radical positions did not differ among themselves. The early timecourse effects suggested that radical position legality was detected at the initial stage of visual processing, which challenged theoretical models that assume primacy of position-general radical representations.  相似文献   
随着我国加入世界贸易组织,我国政府积极履行入世承诺,知识产权司法保护力度不断加大。与此同时,外国企业在我国投资不断增加,涉外知识产权纠纷也越来越多。根据《民事诉讼法》的相关规定,当事人一方或双方是外国人、无国籍人、外国企业或组织,或者当事人之间民事法律关系的设立、变更、终  相似文献   
自改革开放以来,我国的知识产权司法保护取得了巨大成就,发挥了保护知识产权的主渠道作用。然而,在新形势下我国知识产权司法保护体系中的某些方面仍显薄弱,在知识产权审判组织的建设、知识产权法官专业素质的培养及审判方式的传承与创新等方面尚有较大的改进空间。笔者将结合我国知识产权司法保护的新形势,对此问题略陈管见。  相似文献   
高校辅导员队伍是高校发挥思想引导、校风学风建设、学生日常事务管理等职能的基本载体,其工作效能的高低将直接影响学生管理和服务的整体水平,因此建立科学化、规范化、制度化的辅导员考核制度成为众多高校的重要发展策略。本文结合辅导员工作实际,从现有考核制度及效能出发,通过对辅导员考核制度与辅导员心理健康的关系进一步提出高校辅导员考核制度改进的意见和建议。  相似文献   
时代和教育的发展要求当代研究生思想政治教育必须逐渐实现科学化。本文将以思想政治教育的学科体系为框架,以近年研究生思想政治教育科学化的实践为依据,从教育环境、教育对象、教育目标、教育者和教育方法五个方面出发,探索实现研究生思想政治教育科学化的路径。  相似文献   
语言学家普遍认为,人类对于空间的认知早于时间,这在许多语言中可以通过时间概念的空间隐喻得到反映。汉语和英文中,与时间相关的空间隐喻(其中大部分已成为死喻),在语言中频繁出现并已成为人们认知活动的一部分。但由于文化差异,英语和汉语的空间隐喻也存在差异。本文将比较中英文中与时间相关的空间隐喻,试图找出它们之间的异同,通过对于认知模式的分析,为这些共性和差异寻求认知上的合理解释。  相似文献   
 This paper is a preliminary study on the Sabiaceae in aspects of its morphology, taxonomy and geography.  We propose that the Sabioideae and Meliosmoideae as two new subfamilies of Sabiaceae according to the external morphology, flower structure and geographical distribution of these two genera respectively.       This paper follows the taxonomic concepts of Luetha Chen on Sabia and C. F. van Beusekom on Meliosma.  We agree with them for their classification of these two genera above the specific rank.  As to the revision work of Sabia by van de Water and C. F. van Beusekom’s work on Meliosma we disagree  for their unduly broad specific concepts.  We rather treat the species of these two genera according to their habitats in regions on a relatively narrower sense.  The genus Sabia of China are classified into 2 tribes, with 16 species, 5 subspecies and 2 varieties in which 4 sub- species and l variety are as new combinations, the genus of Meliosma in China are classified into 2 subgenera with 29 species, and 7 varieties of which 4 varieties are new combinations.       After examining the affinity of the species of Sabia and Meliosma in China and its neighboring nations such as Burma, Japan and Bhutan, we found that their migra- tion initiated from China, as the primitive species of these two genera occured in northeast and central part of Yunnan, sou theast of Sichuan, north of Guizhou and west of Hubei, the region may probably be the main origin of these two genera.      As shown in tables 1 & 2, the localities where the species of these two genera den- sely populate they are from Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong coinciding with the concepts of C. F. van Beusekom and van de Water about the distribution of exotic species of these two genera, it may reasonable be pointed out that the center of distri- bution of these two genera is Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and nieghboring nations, upper Burma and northern Vietnam.  Futhermore, it may be seen that starting from this center the number of species become less and less as they proceed far and far awaybut become more advance in evolution.  相似文献   
七大前后中国共产党对中国新民主主义社会的工业化道路问题进行可贵的探索:一是从巩固执政地位的战略高度强调无产阶级政党必须把实现国家工业化作为自己的历史任务;二是提出新民主主义社会必须建立在工业化的基础之上;三是把发展资本主义工业以奠定国家工业化的物质基础作为新民主主义社会的一项基本经济政策;四是从世界工业化的角度来认识新民主主义工业化道路问题,提出利用国际资本市场解决中国工业化启动的国内资金短缺问题的大胆设想。七大前后党对工业化道路的构想反映了中国共产党对国家工业化发展规律的认识和对先进生产力的了解和掌握,对于我们构建社会主义和谐社会有着深刻的启迪。  相似文献   
教育政策的价值系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育政策是政策主体控制教育资源,追求教育利益的一种活动。教育政策的价值系统主要由教育政策活动的价值要素及其关系构成,包括教育政策的价值主体、教育政策的价值客体、教育政策问题和教育政策的价值关系等主要方面。教育政策主体控制教育资源并追求教育利益时,产生和形成各种教育政策问题;教育政策试图解决这些问题的过程中,其价值要素之间构成了一系列基本的价值关系。  相似文献   
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