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本文分析了毕业设计和软件生命周期各个阶段的映射关系,探讨了如何运用软件工程的思想来指导毕业设计,解决目前毕业设计中存在的若干问题,从而提高高职院校毕业设计的质量。  相似文献   
本文是针对教学方法的研究,旨在探讨如何在应用性较强的课程中贯彻人文教育和提高学生思想道德层面的认知水平。文章从感恩的礼仪形式出发,研究如何达到使学生通过对“感恩“的认识理解礼仪形式背后的礼仪文化和中国优秀的传统道德文化的教学目标。  相似文献   
认识都梁么?写出三本小说了(《亮剑》、《血色黄昏》、《狼烟北平》),得算是个作家。什么叫“一炮走红”,都梁就是。《亮剑》中的李云龙横空出世,那就是大家心目中的战争年代的英雄,“拎一口磨得飞快的鬼头刀,皮带上插着张着机头的驳壳枪”。从《平原枪声》、《林海雪原》之后,像李向阳、杨子荣那样的让我们难以忘记的英雄,这半个世纪来,你说还有么?别看是电视剧让观众喜欢上了李云龙,其实小说更好看,只是现在人们更认电视罢了。后来,都梁在四年后闷出一本《血色浪漫》,其实一点都不浪漫。那些生于斯时长于斯地的少年,如今已经鬓发斑白,这故事一下子让他们找回了旧日的真诚、骄傲、荣耀、浪漫,也有几分任性、矫情、跋扈。故事好看,最爱看的肯定是书中那一代人。但是从疯狂年代的风华正茂回到现实,他们陶醉感一下子逝如退潮。破落的绝望;得意的惆怅;暴富的无聊;得势的感伤,谁都知道时光回不去了,所以血色残酷,浪漫不了。那群“文革”中不是红卫兵就是狗崽子的年轻人,不就是李云龙的后代么!都梁笔下的钟跃民们就少了李云龙的英武,多了玩世不恭掩藏的迷惘,就是豁出命的厮杀,也没有父辈的坚定,虽然有时候看似有思想,挺深沉,却少不了八旗子弟的虚张声势。要按这个推算,李...  相似文献   
主要探讨赣语泰和方言中的三个常用动词,考察它们的本字以及它们在古今汉语中的使用面貌.  相似文献   
以电气控制与PLC课程为研究对象,针对目前授课模式单一、教学组织形式有限、考核体系陈旧、学生动手实践少、考核体系不科学等弊端,提出了线上线下混合式教学模式和基于泛雅平台构建考核体系.阐述了混合式教学的教学方法和考核体系的改革方案.  相似文献   
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic was partially due to the challenge of identifying asymptomatic and presymptomatic carriers of the virus, and thus highlights a strong motivation for diagnostics with high sensitivity that can be rapidly deployed. On the other hand, several concerning SARS-CoV-2 variants, including Omicron, are required to be identified as soon as the samples are identified as ‘positive’. Unfortunately, a traditional PCR test does not allow their specific identification. Herein, for the first time, we have developed MOPCS (Methodologies of Photonic CRISPR Sensing), which combines an optical sensing technology-surface plasmon resonance (SPR) with the ‘gene scissors’ clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) technique to achieve both high sensitivity and specificity when it comes to measurement of viral variants. MOPCS is a low-cost, CRISPR/Cas12a-system-empowered SPR gene-detecting platform that can analyze viral RNA, without the need for amplification, within 38 min from sample input to results output, and achieve a limit of detection of 15 fM. MOPCS achieves a highly sensitive analysis of SARS-CoV-2, and mutations appear in variants B.1.617.2 (Delta), B.1.1.529 (Omicron) and BA.1 (a subtype of Omicron). This platform was also used to analyze some recently collected patient samples from a local outbreak in China, identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This innovative CRISPR-empowered SPR platform will further contribute to the fast, sensitive and accurate detection of target nucleic acid sequences with single-base mutations.  相似文献   
Deep-ultraviolet (DUV) nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals that can extend the output range of coherent light below 200 nm are pivotal materials for solid-state lasers. To date, KBe2BO3F2 (KBBF) is the only usable crystal that can generate DUV coherent light by direct second harmonic generation (SHG), but the layered growth habit and toxic ingredients limit its application. Herein, we report a new fluoroborophosphate, (NH4)3B11PO19F3 (ABPF), containing four different functional units: [BO3], [BO4], [BO3F] and [PO4]. ABPF exhibits a KBBF-like structure while eliminating the limitations of KBBF crystal. The unique [B5PO10F] layers enhance ABPF’s performance; for example, it has a large SHG response (1.2 × KDP) and a sufficient birefringence (0.088 at 1064 nm) that enables the shortest phase-matching wavelength to reach the DUV region. Meanwhile, the introduction of strong B-O-P covalent bonds decreases the layered growth habit. These findings will enrich the structural chemistry of fluoroborophosphate and contribute to the discovery of more excellent DUV NLO crystals.  相似文献   
<正>为学习贯彻习近平总书记给人教社老同志重要回信精神,用心打造培根铸魂、启智增慧的精品教材,2020年12月12日,人民教育出版社成功举办第二届中小学教材论坛。本届论坛以"人教70年:我国中小学教材建设的历程与成就"为主题,以专业化、高层次、混合式、大规模为特色。温儒敏等12位专家莅临论坛并发表演讲。来自全国大中小学的150名代表现场参加论坛,近3万人次在线参加论坛。与会专家围绕统编三科教材编写与教学、新中国教材研究与治理、课程教材的改革历程与经验总结、在教材建设中贡献学会力量、高水平科研支撑高品质教材、中小学教材数字化变革等主题展开了深层次、多角度、全方位探讨;参会代表在论文交流中就新时代教材的理论、编写、使用、管理等议题呈现了专业思考。  相似文献   
从教育哲学角度看,文化自觉是继承和发展民族文化的时代主题,也是赋予课程价值生成的时代心声。在多元文化博弈格局下,理性审视文化自觉的实然样态,发现不同程度地存在文化认同迷茫、文化信仰缺失和文化价值观错位等问题,这些问题导致我国课程价值生成缺乏中国表达。当前,课程价值生成应从文化认同的内在机理上找准引领力,从文化信仰的实践策略上形成公信力,从文化会通的实践路径上构建共生力,全方位诠释课程价值生成的中国表达,以期增强课程改革的真正生命力。  相似文献   
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