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新冠肺炎暴发后,全国人民齐心协力抗疫,特别是一线的医护人员,他们夜以继日冒着被传染的危险救治病人,脸上被护目镜和口罩勒出了一道道深深的印痕。看到这一切,我真心疼他们,想为他们设计相对舒适的医用防护头盔,以代替护目镜和口罩。医用防护头盔整体采用轻质材料,颈脖处采用柔软且可伸缩的材料;上面装有雾气自动清理感应器,能自动清理呼吸产生的雾气。  相似文献   
一、问题的由来新化白溪豆腐色泽洁白、质地细嫩、久煮不散、鲜美可口,享有"走遍天下路,白溪水豆腐"的美誉。去年国庆节,我们参观白溪镇最大的豆腐制作工厂,观看了豆腐的制作过程,品尝了滑嫩爽口、味道鲜美的白溪豆腐。为什么新化白溪豆腐口感这么好?难道是因为新化的黄豆和水质不同于其他地方吗?豆腐生产技术经理告诉我们:"豆腐的品质好坏主要取决于三个因素:一是黄豆的蛋白质含量,二是水体中微生物含量,三是水体中阴阳离子含量。"  相似文献   
一、发现问题去年暑假的一天,妈妈带我去外婆家玩,我看见外婆家地坪里晒满了稻谷,许多黑色的虫子在上面爬,有的直往房间里爬。我问妈妈:“那是什么虫子,为什么直往家里爬?”妈妈告诉我:“那是谷牛,它们喜欢阴暗、潮湿的地方,外婆正用太阳暴晒的方法除掉它们。”  相似文献   
问题串是一种常见的课堂提问形式,也是培养学生数学学习能力的重要手段,在初中数学教学中,教师灵活巧妙地设计问题串,不仅能够让学生循序渐进地学习数学概念与数学定理,了解数学知识本质特征,有效利用所学的知识,而且可以训练学生创造创新思维与数学思维,提升学生思维深度.基于此,文章就针对初中数学教学中问题串运用策略进行深入分析与研究.  相似文献   
In science, gravity refers to the universal force of attraction acting on and between all matter. No one on earth can escape the force of gravity. In a similar vein, the stringent requirements of publications, research grants, and research output in the academic world can be metaphorically described as “academic gravity,” the force of which pushes university academics to struggle and strive in pursuit of excellence just to survive in the changing landscape of higher education governed by neo-liberalism and managerialism. This article describes the journey of a junior academic staff member in an Asian university as he coped with various difficulties in establishing a collaborative culture in his department (i.e., the Faculty of Education). Working with a senior colleague (Sunshine-mother hereafter) in the same department, Author 1 began to recognize the importance of collegial collaboration in teacher education generally and in his academic life specifically. However, although he tried his utmost to develop a culture of collaboration amongst his colleagues, he struggled to cope with the tension and stress exerted by academic gravity (i.e., publication production and the pursuit of tenure). Drawing on data collected from a teaching development project and adopting a reflective autobiographic approach, this article delineates the collaborative relationship between Author 1 and Sunshine-mother, exemplifying the important roles that coaching and a free rein (i.e., weightlessness) play in the development of junior teacher-educators under the strong pressure of academic gravity.  相似文献   
法国和加拿大医师培养的差异及其社会历史原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法国和加拿大在经济、政治、尤其是卫生保健体系等诸多领域有许多相似之处,但在医学教育体制上则有较为显著的差异,其主要原因可归结为两国的历史发展进程及民族价值观各不相同。从不同国家的社会、政治、历史的角度来分析比较其医学教育体制及教育过程的异同,对医学教育的国际合作、医学教育改革等有着非常重要的参考与借鉴作用。  相似文献   
本文介绍了有关设定医科毕业生能力国际标准研究的目的、方法和程序,包括MCQ、OSCE和教师观测的国际标准设定,为进行医科毕业生的国际评价和比较提供了初步依据。  相似文献   
所谓早春,在这长江流域各地区大体时间是公历2月初至3月上旬,约40天左右时间为早春。早春温低水冷鱼难钓,这是不可否认的事实,但并不代表钓不到鱼。  相似文献   
蓬铁权 《新体育》2020,(1):86-88
这些世界冠军和体育明星的画像是用钢笔在A4普通白纸上画出来的。落笔后把画稿发到电脑里,添加彩色背景和标题文字。人到了耄耋之年,大多数愿意回忆过去,做自己爱做的事。我退休二十多年,回首往事,酸甜苦辣,各有滋味。为了调整心情,我曾经写过这么几句:“有过激情与迷茫,有过坎坷和辉煌,无论湍流,无论激浪,都将平静地流入海洋。别在意秋风的凄凉,去享受那原野的金黄,去欣赏那美丽的霞光……”  相似文献   
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