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本文从建设设计的潮流、建筑材料、建筑建造技术、建筑服务设施与建筑智能化等方面对世界建筑技术的发展趋向进行了探讨,力图使人们对建筑技术发展的现状与未来有一个系统的了解。  相似文献   
运用信息技术优化高中语文阅读教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术多媒体形象直观图文并茂,色彩逼真,声像丰富,表现力很强,如果运用到语文阅读教学中,就会从形、色、声、情等方面激发学生学习语文的兴趣,对语文阅读教学的各个环节都能起到一定的促进作用,可以有效地提高语文教学效果。  相似文献   
Oil spills may considerably damage sensitive coastal wetlands. The phytoremediation potential and restoration of a dominant coastal marsh plant, Cyperus rotundus, for diesel pollutant and its phytoremediation effectiveness were investigated in this open-air pot experiment. Cyperus rotundus was transplanted into soil contaminated with diesel at concentrations of 1 000, 5 000, 10 000, 15 000, 20 000 mg/kg. In order to better elucidate the biochemical and physiological responses to diesel pollutants, activity of the antioxidant enzymes peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbic acid oxidase (AAO) were determined in the plant tissue after 50 d treatment at the levels mentioned above. The results showed that CAT and AAO of stem and leaf exhibited peak enzyme activities on 15 000 mg/kg soil and 10 000 mg/kg soil respectively, and declined at higher concentrations. Additionally, the increment of biomass and the content of soluble protein, as well as chlorophyll content were affected by diesel. The highest restoration effectiveness appeared at the level of 5 000 mg/kg. Collectively, Cyperus rotundus is a potential plant which can be used for restoring the diesel-contaminated soil.  相似文献   
Daqing Wetland was contaminated by heavy metals for holding lots of industrial and domestic waste water. Due to their high stability and non-degradation, heavy metals are possible to gather in human body through the food chain and then threaten health. Water samples were collected from Longfeng Wetland and lake marshes in the vicinity of Daqing City. The contents of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni) were determined, and the contamination degrees were evaluated simultaneously. The results indicate that heavy metals of Zn, Ni, Cd, Cr and Pd have contaminated the Longfeng Wetland severely. In addition the concentrations of Cr and Cd in some lakes around oil wells are excessively high, and have overrun the grade V based on the threshold values of surface water given by the National Environmental Protection Agency of China. Some measures have to be taken to tackle heavy metal contamination of Longfeng Wetland and lake marshes in Daqing City.  相似文献   
关于书和读书,古往今来的许多.人谈过,在我们这一次的读书漫谈中,也有意识地展现了一些见解、认识和感受。我们来聆听一些各国大师对于读书的意见吧。  相似文献   
如果有人想用很小的空间,譬如一间屋子,来最大限度地容纳悠久浩瀚的人类精神的历史,那他大概可以想出这么一个办法:为这间屋子精心挑选书籍。不过,把书放在自己的屋子里,并不等于拥有了这些书。拥有  相似文献   
如果有人想用很小的空间,譬如一间屋子,来最大限度地容纳悠久章瀚的人类精神的历史,那他大概可以想出这么一个办法:为这间屋子精心挑选书籍。  相似文献   
提示中国现代意识的思想资源并非只能来自于西方或主要地依赖于西方,中国现代意识的产生有赖于切实汲取民族自身的化资源,以中国自身的现实和实践为依托。章太炎先生即身体力行地作出一个极端性的思想实验——通过“复古”的途径来达到和展露其个人的现代思想意识和化认同。  相似文献   
在贾先生的书房兼客厅里,你不知道会碰上怎样的人和事。有一阵,大概九十年代初的那两三年.我常在贾先生家里蹭饭,经常碰见高晓声。高晓声呢.印象里也多是在吃饭的时候来,背着个包。路过上海。不必事先打招呼,就进家了。  相似文献   
【苇月的话】动物居住在丛林里,在那里学习生存,学会生活;我们也居住在丛林里——在学校丛林里学习,在城市丛林里生活。这是两个完全不同的世界,但都遵循“物竞天择,适者生存”的自然规律发展着。而吉卜林认为,动物居住的丛林更美好,更纯真,于是在一种原始的想象力的鼓舞下,他创作出了《丛林书》这部励志童话,为我们讲述了一个经典的狼孩故事。故事发生在印度。当主人公毛格利还在蹒跚学步的时候,就被老虎谢尔可汗从人居住的村庄叼到了丛林里,是狼爸爸和狼妈妈把他从虎口中救出来,黑豹巴赫拉用自己捕获的一头公牛向老虎赎买了他,使他免于成为老虎的美餐。于是毛格利进入狼群,成为吃狼奶长大的人之子。他跟着狼爸爸熟悉丛林里温柔夜空的每一阵呼吸、头顶上猫头鹰的每一声啼叫、水塘里小鱼跳跃时的每一下溅水声,跟着黑豹巴赫拉学习爬树,跟着老棕熊巴鲁学习丛林法律。在弱肉强食、优胜劣汰的丛林里,在狼性和人性之间,他学会了坚强、勇敢、思考和爱,从而长大成人。下面请大家欣赏“毛格利进入村庄”和“毛格利成了放牛娃”两个片段,这是毛格利被逐出狼群后返回村庄,回到人的活动范围内的经历和遭遇。很多在我们看起来非常简单的事,对这个在丛林中长大的孩子来说却很困难,但他仍然努...  相似文献   
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