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利用系综理论的一般原理,我们推导了变质量粒子系统的统计热力学公式。我们发现,由于粒子的质量艰密度相关,压强的表达式中将比通常的形式多出一项。然而,该项并不在能量的表达式中出现。应用新的热力学公式,我们计算奇异夸克物质的态方程,得到十分合理的结果。  相似文献   
The development of online and virtual teaching and learning environments to augment formal face-to-face environments raises questions about the way the new communication and information technologies (CITs) are being incorporated into the on-campus environment. More importantly, this development challenges the meaning of the on-campus student learning experience. The new CITs require institutions, teachers and researchers to reconsider the relationship of the physical setting to the student learning experience. This paper highlights examples of recent developments of new learning environments which have been enhanced by the contribution of educational developers at several Australian universities. It also proposes a set of pedagogically informed principles to guide the development of on-campus teaching and learning environments which may feature the use of CITs.  相似文献   
Reciprocal paired qualitative formative peer assessment of academic writing was undertaken by 12 postgraduate students of educational psychology. Overall, staff and peer assessments showed a very similar balance between positive and negative statements, but this varied according to assessment criterion. However, only half of all detailed formative assessment statements made showed some degree of correspondence between staff and peers. Nevertheless, there was very little evidence of conflict between the views of staff and peers-rather, they focused on different details. Subjective feedback from students indicated that most found the process time consuming, intellectually challenging and socially uncomfortable, but effective in improving the quality of their own subsequent written work and developing other transferable skills. The reliability and validity of this type of peer assessment thus appeared adequate, and the partiality of overlap in detail between staff and peer assessments suggested that the triangulation peer assessment offers is likely to add value. However, caution is indicated regarding the generalisation of this finding. Implications for action are outlined.  相似文献   
A semi-structured interview was individually administered to 33 children aged 5-6. The interview raised questions about the shapes of the Sun and the Earth as well as the cause of the day/night cycle. A teaching intervention designed to teach pre-school age children these concepts was then implemented with groups of 6-7 children. The intervention's effectiveness was consequently evaluated (after 2 weeks) using an interview similar to that conducted prior to the intervention. The results of the study showed that the majority of children readily accepted certain aspects of the scientific explanations of the day/night cycle. Specifically, the majority accepted that the Sun and the Earth are separate spherical objects, but fewer children attributed the day/night cycle to rotation of the Earth on its axis. Most seemed puzzled by the simultaneous movements of the Earth around the Sun and around its axis. Educational and research implications are discussed. Une semi-directive interview individuelle etait administree a 33 enfants de 5 a 6 ans. L'interview contenait des questions sur le scheme du soleil et de la terre et aussi sur la cause du cercle 'jour-nuit'. Une intervention didactique etait apres introduite aux groups de 6-7 enfants et ses resultats etaient finalement evalues, en utilisant la meme interview, deux semaines apres l'intervention. Les resultats de cet etude montrent que la majorite d'enfants ont accepte certains aspects des points de vue scientifiques concernant le cercle 'jour-nuit'. Plus specifiquement, la plupart d'enfants ont accepte que les schemes du soleil et de la terre ressemblaient a une sphere, mais moins d'enfants ont attribue le cercle 'jour-nuit' a la rotation de la terre autour du soi-meme. Quelques enfants n'ont pas developpe les correctes conceptions et c'etait apparent qu'ils avaient des difficultes a comprendre les mouvements simultanes de la terre autour du soleil et du soi-meme. Se administro individualmente una entrevista semiestructurada a 33 ninos de edades comprendidas entre los 5 y 6 anos. La entrevista incluja cuestiones sobre formas del sol y de la tierra y tambien la causa del ciclo dia/noche. Luego se introdujo una intervencion didactica a grupos de 6-7 ninos de edad preescolar para ensenarles estos conceptos. La efectividad de la intervencion file evaluada 2 semanas mas tarde, con una entrevista parecida a la realizada antes de la intervencion. Los resultados del estudjo mostraron que la mayoria de los ninos aceptaban facilmente ciertos aspectos de las explicaciones cientificas del ciclo dia/noche. Mas especialmente, la mayoria aceptaba que el sol y la tierra eran objetos esfericos diferentes, pero menos ninos atribuian el hecho de que el ciclo dia/noche se relacionara con la rotacion de la tierra alrededor de sil eje. Muchos parecian sorprenderse con los movimientos simultaneos de la tierra alrededor del sol y alrededor de si misma. Se discuten las implicaciones educativas y de investigacion.  相似文献   
夏清华  乐毅 《科研管理》2021,42(7):189-199
风险投资对企业技术创新作用的研究结果呈现出多样化特征。本文选取2009-2018年间在中国创业板上市的708家企业为样本,从创新投入和创新产出视角,构建创新生产模型研究风险投资对中国企业技术创新的作用。研究发现:风险投资背景对企业创新投入和创新产出没有显著的促进作用;风险投资机构的数量对企业创新投入和创新产出有显著影响;风险投资机构的持股比例对企业创新投入和创新产出有负向作用;风险投资金额对企业创新投入有显著的促进作用,对企业创新产出则没有影响。进一步的检验揭示了研发投入对于风险投资机构数量和创新产出之间的中介效应,企业创新产出主要源于风险投资机构数量累积效应下的企业研发投入实现。研究结果表明,风险投资对中国企业的技术创新同时具有促进效应和抑制效应。  相似文献   
介绍了从长期的工作实践中总结出的录音机、投影仪的日常维护与修理方法。  相似文献   
文化是人类在社会实践过程中所获得和创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。文化既是一种社会现象,又是一种历史现象,是一个民族赖以生存和发展的主要动力。近年来,我国文化事业发展繁荣兴盛,文化软实力不断增强。但随着社会开放度和包容度的提高,受文化商业化的影响,出现了娱乐至上的理念。文化泛娱乐化冲击着大学生的理想信念,弱化了大学生的政治取向,使大学生对历史产生误解,产生了消极的思想和行为,误导了大学生的价值取向。我们必须高度警惕文化过度娱乐化,保护好我们的精神家园,守护好大学生的理想信念。高校必须坚守住思想阵地,强化思想政治教育功能,积极应对文化泛娱乐化产生的问题,这是当前思想政治教育需要高度关注的事。  相似文献   
The earliest ovules in the Late Devonian (Famennian) are surrounded by a cupule that is involved in both protection and pollination, and generally have free integumentary lobes. Here we report a new taxon from the Famennian of China, Guazia dongzhiensis gen. et sp. nov. The terminally borne ovule is apparently acupulate (without cupule) and has four radially arranged wing-like integumentary lobes that are extensively fused, and folded lengthwise and inwards. Guazia provides evidence that not all Devonian seeds possess a cupule and it increases their diversity in integumentary lobes. This genus also suggests that the integuments develop new functions, probably including wind dispersal at the expense of the cupules.  相似文献   
在传统家文化的影响下,中国家族企业是一种特殊的经济现象和文化现象。我国家族企业大部分形成了以家族式管理为特色的血缘文化或者是由企业家个人说了算的独裁式企业文化。随着企业内外环境的变化,这种文化的弊端也充分暴露出来,制约家族企业的发展和壮大。家族企业必须通过加强对企业文化的认识并将其上升到决策和战略上、以人为本、冲破血缘和家族观念等演化路径,以发展和壮大家族企业。  相似文献   
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