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验证"同种电荷互相排斥,异种电荷互相吸引"的实验是初中物理电学的重要实验。但受南方气候条件限制,实验效果有时并不理想。笔者通过长期教学积累和反复实验,探索出了利用饮料吸管、乒乓球等材料制作"电荷相互作用仪器"。该方法在课堂上应用于学生自主探究,教学效果很好。  相似文献   
申论考试是人事部从2000年开始在中央国家行政机关公务员考试中尝试增加的一项考试科目。本文主要阐述如何在大学中培养学生的各种能力以适应申论考试的需要。  相似文献   
Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is a condition with complex etiologies, to which both genetic and environmental factors may contribute. During the last decade, studies indicated that the expression patterns of the prokineticin receptor (PKR1 and PKR2) are closely related to early pregnancy. However, there are few studies on the role of PKR1 and PKR2 in RPL. In this study, we purpose to investigate the association between polymorphisms of the prokineticin receptor (PKR1 rs4627609 and PKR2 rs6053283) and RPL on a group of 93 RPL cases and 169 healthy controls. Genotyping of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was performed using a Sequenom MassARRAY iPLEX system. The results revealed a significant association between PKR2 rs6053283 polymorphism and RPL (P=0.003), whereas no association was observed between PKR1 rs4627609 polymorphism and RPL (P=0.929) in the Chinese Han population.  相似文献   
易地扶贫搬迁是"十三五"期间精准扶贫、脱贫致富的一项重大工程,搬迁群众在心理适应方面或多或少存在着一些问题,单从国家、政府及搬迁群众个人三个角度来看,都存在着封闭心理、排斥心理、抵触心理、不信任心理等困境.结合精准扶贫及易地搬迁相关政策,从国家、政府及搬迁群众个人三个维度来调适存在的心理困境,确保搬迁群众"稳得住"不返迁不另迁、"能致富",实现可持续发展.  相似文献   
刘兰芝是汉乐府诗<孔雀东南飞>的女主人公,知书识礼温柔贤淑,婆婆却耿耿于怀百般刁难.刘兰芝不堪其辱,毅然"回家",再嫁前"自尽",千百年以来,人们视为封建压迫下的"殉情"行为.文章以人性为切入点,从心理学角度审视,刘兰芝的"自诉离婚、同意再嫁、毁婚自杀"等行为,对"阶级论"和"殉情说"的历史定论提出了质疑.  相似文献   
法律英语有着不同于其他英语的语用特征,正确使用与了解这些语用特征,对解决与处理现实中出现的法律问题有很大的意义。  相似文献   
培训理念误区VS对策 在培训的理念上,很多企业片面强调高层培训,严重忽视中层培训.目前我国企业正在兴起培训热潮,不重视培训的企业越来越少.特别是在大中型企业,培训已被提上工作日程,越来越多的企业做出了培训预算,建成了培训体系.这是由于多年的市场竞争洗礼,企业认识到转变观念、接受新知的必要性和迫切性.但是,企业往往将培训预算放在高层管理者培训上,而忽视对中层管理者的正式培训.高层管理者热衷于参加各种总裁(CEO)研讨班、高级论坛、花费颇多.但对中层培训却吝于投资.其原因有三:一是经费限制;二是用管理代替培训,以为只要决策者观念和决策正确,令中层管理者执行即可;三是担心中层管理者技能提高,不安于现状.  相似文献   
《金锁记》自问世以来就受到读者和批评家的普遍关注.人们对作品中主人公曹七巧的评价也逐渐达成了共识,即曹七巧是人性恶的典型,而她对金钱的贪婪是造成其悲剧的主要原因,本文对此说提出质疑,认为曹七巧是一位融人性的普恶美丑于一体且具丰富内蕴的艺术典型。她的悲剧,既是家族制度的悲剧,又是生存和人性的悲剧。  相似文献   
To study the relationship between gastrointestinal dysfunction and motilin in patients with hypothyroidism. The plasma motilin concentration was measured by radiommunoassay (RIA) in 30 patients with hypothyroidism and also in 30 controls. At the same time, the electrogastroenterogram was also taken. Among the hypothyroidism patients, 56.6% had decreased gastric motility, especially in gastric body and greater gastric curvature; 86.6% had decreased colonic motility, especially in the left half of the colon. There were no significant differences of plasma motilin concentration between patients with hypothyroidism and controls (P>0.05). There were also no differences between pre-treatment and post-treatment individuals, but significant differences were observed in the electrogastroenterogram. We conclude that the plasma motilin concertration in hypothyroidism patients was the same as that in normal patients, and that electrogastroenterogram studies in patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction may be valuable.  相似文献   
人类在改造自然的过程中,一方而为自己创造了一个适宜于人类生存、享受和发展的“人的世界”,另一方面由于受狭隘的功利主义价值观的驱使,对自然界实施了野蛮的榨取行为,破坏了人与自然界和谐、协调的关系。人类要真正求得良性的发展,可持续发展是人类活动唯一正确的选择。可持续发展观警示人们,必须把改造自然与保护自然、环境权利与环境责任有机地统一起来,这样才能真正保持经济、社会和文化等各种因素的全面、健康的发展。  相似文献   
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