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Objective: To observe the effect of Yangxueqingnao particles on rat vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation induced by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Methods: The amount of3H-TdR (3H-thymidine) admixed in cultured rat VSMC was measured and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity and lipid peroxidation end product malondialdehyde (MDA)content of the VSMC were assayed. Results: 1×10-9, 1×10-8, 1×10-7 mol/L LPA in a concentration dependent manner, induced the amount of 3H-TdR admixed, MAP kinase activity, and MDA content of the cultured rat VSMC to increase. However, 5%, 10%,and 15% Yangxueqingnao serum preincubation resulted in a decrease of 23.0%, 42.0%, and 52.0% (P<0.01) respectively in the amount of 3H-TdR admixed, a decline in VSMC MAP kinase activity of 13.9% (P<0.05), 29.6% (P<0.01), and 48.9% (P<0.01)respectively, and also, a decrease in MDA content of VSMC of 19.4%, 24.7%, and 43.2% (P<0.01) respectively, in the 1×10-7mol/L LPA-treated VSMC. Conclusions: LPA activates the proliferation and lipid peroxidation of VSMC in a concentration dependent manner. The LPA-induced VSMC proliferation is related to the activity of MAP kinases, enzymes involved in an intracellular signalling pathway. The results of the present study showed that Yangxueqingnao particles can effectively inhibit LPA-induced VSMC proliferation, MAP kinase activation, and reduce lipid peroxidative lesion.  相似文献   
The genetic and environmental etiologies of diverse aspects of language ability and disability, including articulation, phonology, grammar, vocabulary, and verbal memory, were investigated in a U.K. sample of 787 pairs of 4.5-year-old same-sex and opposite-sex twins. Moderate genetic influence was found for all aspects of language in the normal range. A similar pattern was found at the low end of the distribution with the exception of two receptive measures. Environmental influence was mainly due to nonshared factors, unique to the individual, with little influence from shared environment for most measures. Genetic and environmental influences on language ability and disability are quantitatively and qualitatively similar for males and females.  相似文献   
“竹林七贤”轶事拾趣《世说新语·任诞》云:“陈留阮籍、谯国嵇康、河内山涛,三人年皆相比,康年少亚之。预此契者,沛国刘伶、陈留阮咸、河内向秀、琅邪王戎,七人常集于竹林之下,肆意酣畅,故世谓竹林七贤。”。“竹林七贤”是魏晋时期的七位名士,他们不仅在哲学、文学、音乐等方面多有建树,而且各个特立独行,“越名教而任自然”,轶事繁多,构成了魏晋文化的一道独特景观。  相似文献   
教学的魅力往往来自教师的魅力,教师的成功往往始于学生的成功。教师要善于抓住机会,在课堂上制造焦点。学生在欣赏教师、崇拜教师中,亲近教师,亲近数学,享受数学。师生情感产生共鸣、撞击和生发,共同感受课堂中生命的涌动和成长,形成“天光云影共徘徊”的教学效果。  相似文献   
1如果一只篮球的重量是350克加上它本身重量的一半,那么它的重量是多少? A 184克B 525克 C 70()克D 1000克2“1 was put to bedwhenever 1 did somethingwrong when 1 wasachilcl.”这句话中,“puttobed”是表示英美父母对孩子的: A宽容B惩罚3巾灯淘旱梨形的理由是 第1题有圈套  相似文献   
5月31日,北京市房山团区委、区教委、区少工委隆重举行了“房山区庆祝六一国际儿童节暨体验龙乡精神、做龙乡小主人”大型主题队会。会议  相似文献   
青春期的男孩女孩,由于正处在身体生长发育的“第二个高峰期”(从十一二岁到十七八岁),身体开始发生巨大的变化,显现出各自鲜明的性别特征。除了身高、体重这些易被父母观察到的变化外,少男少女们如何掌握那些悄悄发生在自己身体上的变化呢?对于男孩子来说,一般在12岁左右睾丸开始增长,18岁左右已接近成人睾丸的容积。睾丸发育,容积增大,是青春期生长、发育的重要反映。一般来说,男孩在13岁左右会开始出现遗精,会做性梦,阴茎常会勃起,这些都是由于睾丸的间质细胞分泌的雄性激素(睾丸酮)所致。同时,随着雄性激素在血浆中的浓度不断增加,生殖…  相似文献   
像小女孩追着龙猫掉入奇幻世界一般,我甚至来不及思考,就被一阵旋风卷入了Blog的世界,于是,我的地球部落生活开始了。一开始总是小心翼翼,生怕触及那些神秘的代码,只是安份地添加些心情日记。突然有一天,打开Blog的页子发现了新的留言:“很喜欢你的文字,继续加油!”看到这里,不由欣喜万分,连忙搜索留言者的博客地址,点击进一看,才发现别人的小窝里也别有洞天:有时下流行新款服饰,引人入胜的悬念小说,精美绝伦的桌面壁纸,简单实用的饮食介绍,不乏风趣幽默的心情随笔。不仅内容丰富,版面设计也极其美观,鼠标所移指出还有金鱼图案在移动。“哇…  相似文献   
Who comes first?Mercury comes first.Who comes second?Venus comes second.Who comes third?Earth comes third.Who comes fourth?Mars comes fourth.Who comes fifth?Jupiter comes fifth.Who comes sixth?  相似文献   
小Q 《现代语文》2004,(7):45-45
南京某大医院一个从事医疗工作20多年的“老”医生“爆料”——“抗生素是当前医药市场的‘暴利之最’,通常利润率为20倍。有些医生拿回扣的数目惊人,重点科室的重点医生每月仅拿回扣就超过2万元……上述费用最终都得由患者‘埋单’。如此利益驱动,光凭一纸规定,别说有效遏制抗生素滥用,恐怕医生手里的处方笺便先走了样。”大众言论  相似文献   
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