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本文将为教育研究领域介绍一种认知动机理论,即期望理论。它包括目标的概念化、获取目标的策略(即途径)以及追求目标的动机(即动因)。在一次长达六年的研究中,我们发现,在控制入学考试分数的方差后,高期望(由期望量表测量而得)的大学新生往往取得更好的总平均成绩。并且,与低期望的学生相比,高期望的学生更有可能在这六年的时间里专心致志地求学,直到最后毕业离校,而很少有中途辍学的。我们将要讨论大学生的学业以及期望理论在教育研究与应用领域中的贡献。  相似文献   
西方对浦东新区人力资源规划的看法DavidL.Angus1988年4月18日中国总理李鹏宣布建立浦东经济开发区,对此西方有过怀疑。疑问涉及税收政策、劳动法规、进出口法规,但最重要的是有关基础设施硬件的情况。可是,随着时间的推移和一批关键性项目的提前竣...  相似文献   
多年以来,在电子监听所及的范围之内,科学家们一直都在留神等着听外星人可能给人类传来的微弱的信号。现在,一些研究者终于听到了几乎是同样令人激动的声音——锤子断断续续的敲击声、弧焊的劈啪声,以及建造设备的轰鸣声——这些声音预示着要建造新型望远镜,以帮助人们探解一个古老的问题——我们是银河系中唯一的居民吗?  相似文献   
从通常意义上说,大学是社会发展、进步的先导,即使非洲的高等教育发展落后,并且面临着严重的问题。为了改变这种落后的状况,非洲国家提出了很多积极的应对措施,包括NEPAD计划,即为非洲发展寻找新的合作伙伴。确定一个领域,比如说信息技术的发展,这是在国际社会上非常需要的。计算机网络为非洲以及其他地区的不同机构的高等教育,提供了大量的共享资源的机会。  相似文献   
《龟航》是一部职场小说,同时也是一部代表了特定人群的小说,在这个大时代下,境遇变迁,冲击着每一个人。海归的遭遇更能折射出现实的意义。本刊现独家连载这部原创作品,您从作者清新幽默的文笔下读到的奖是新世纪《围城》的深刻和感同身受。[编者按]  相似文献   
Disruptive behavior, including aggression, defiance, and temper tantrums, typically peaks in early toddlerhood and decreases by school entry; however, some children do not show this normative decline. The current study examined disruptive behavior in 318 boys and girls at 2, 4, and 5 years of age and frustration reactivity, physiological regulation, and maternal behavior in the laboratory at 2 years of age. A latent profile analysis resulted in 4 longitudinal profiles of disruptive behavior, which were differentiated by interactions between reactivity, regulation, and maternal behavior. A high profile was associated with high reactivity combined with high maternal control or low regulation combined with low maternal control. Results are discussed from a developmental psychopathology perspective.  相似文献   
查理去医院探望他太太。“你觉得怎样?”他坐在床边,问道。身旁的多莉微笑地看着他,一头黑发铺在白色的枕头上。“我很好。”多莉平静地说。在查理看来,她显得苍老无力;脸色如死一般的苍白,眼睛下面垂着黑色的眼袋。“你好像很累,”查理说。“没有睡觉吗?”“昨晚我有点睡不着。”多莉没有提到她的病痛——她不想让丈夫担心。  相似文献   
有的人对搬家很抵触,觉得搬家给人一种流浪的 感觉。一些离家在外的人提起自己的住处,有时也有几 分迟疑——那个窝算不算“家”?但对我来说,搬家, 并不是值得深恶痛绝的一件事。大学毕业后,自己也搬 过两次家。除了累,搬家其实是很美妙的体验——在一 个陌生的地方慢慢寻找它与心灵的契合点,寻找平静。  相似文献   
e.e.卡明斯(1894-1962)是20世纪美国现代诗坛的名诗人、画家、小说家、戏剧家。在本诗中,卡明斯把春天比成“一只或许的手”,新颖、独特、不落俗套。春天本是自然界的一个抽象而静止的自然现象,诗人却把它比成创造的、呈动态性的、具体的“手”。诗人基本不用标点符号,故意把连贯的句子移入下面一段,造成强烈的切分效果,增强了力度美。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To examine family risk factors associated with dissociative symptoms among homeless and runaway youth. METHOD: Three hundred and twenty-eight homeless and runaway youth were interviewed using a systematic sampling strategy in metropolitan Seattle. Homeless young people were interviewed on the streets and in shelters by outreach workers in youth service agencies. RESULTS: The current study revealed widespread prevalence of dissociative symptoms among these young people. Multivariate analyses revealed that sexual abuse, physical abuse, and family mental health problems were all positively associated with dissociative symptoms. No gender differences were found for any of the models. CONCLUSIONS: Dissociative behavior is widespread among these youth and may pose a serious mental health concern. Some young people experience numerous stressors, and with few resources and little support available, many may invoke maladaptive strategies such as dissociative behavior to handle such situations, which may in turn be detrimental to their mental health. Unless youth are provided with programs and intervention, the cycle of abuse that they have experienced at home is likely to continue on the street.  相似文献   
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