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消费者市场是现代市场营销理论研究的主要对象.成功的市场营销者是那些能够有效地发展对消费者有价值的产品,并运用富有吸引力和说服力的方法将产品有效地呈现给消费者的企业和个人.文章认为,研究影响消费者购买行为的主要因素及其购买决策过程,对于开展有效的市场营销活动至关重要.  相似文献   
为全面系统掌握河北省老年人体质与健康状况和变化规律,对河北省老年人的身体形态、机能和素质指标进行了统计分析。依据国家体育总局研制的国民体质健康监测标准,对河北省所属的13个地市的60-69岁老年人群采用分层抽样的方法,共抽取4045人进行测试并将测试结果进行对比分析,找出河北省老年人体质在城乡方面存在的差异和体质的变化趋势,从而能够有针对性地制定老年人健身措施。  相似文献   
对比分析蒙古语的 bilig、bo¨ lo¨ g、keseg和突厥语的 bil-、b l-、kes-以及相关的其他一些词 ,补充了一些语言材料 ,提出对于黏着语言而言 ,词根分析法是有效的 ,但它并不是万能的。如果没有充分掌握所比较研究的相关语言的可靠而丰富的材料 ,就使用词根分析法 ,其结论常常事与愿违 ,往往是不可靠的。所以在使用词根分析法时应充分掌握相关语言的可靠且丰富的语言材料作为先决条件才是  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there is an age-specific incidence of hospitalized cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) that has similar properties to the previously reported "normal crying curve," as a form of indirect evidence that crying is an important stimulus for SBS. DESIGN AND SETTING: The study analyzed cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome by age at hospitalization from hospital discharge data for California hospitals from October 1996 through December 2000. PATIENTS: All cases of children less than 18 months (78 weeks) of age for whom the diagnostic code for Shaken Baby Syndrome (995.55) in the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Edition, Clinical Modification was assigned. RESULTS: There were 273 hospitalizations for SBS. Like the "normal crying curve," the curve of age-specific incidence starts at 2-3 weeks, has a clear peak, and declines to baseline by about 36 weeks of age. In contrast to the normal crying curve that peaks at 5-6 weeks, the peak of SBS hospitalizations occurs at 10-13 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: The age-specific incidence curve of hospitalized SBS cases has a similar starting point and shape to the previously reported normal crying curve but the peak occurs about 4-6 weeks later. Of the likely predisposing causes, this pattern is only consistent with the properties of early crying. There are numerous explanations for the lag in the peaks between crying and SBS hospitalizations, including the possibility of repeat shakings prior to hospitalization. The importance of crying as a stimulus to SBS may provide an opportunity for preventive intervention.  相似文献   
一丝灯光悄然渗过门缝, 落到地板上。我听见隔壁房间里有些许的动静,于是开始热切地企盼,这一次真的能见到母亲或是父亲。我悄悄地从床上爬起来,光着脚丫走到门边, 伸手够到门把。刺眼的灯光霎时间倾泻在我的房间里,一个女人的声音在我面前响起:“宝贝,快回去睡吧。”那不是母亲的声音,而是这座房子里的阿姨。我认识她,却从来不知道她  相似文献   
夜里星光灿烂,格外温暖。特别是黎明时分,我走到台阶上,我所听见的,只是一滴水从屋檐滴到地上的声音。晨光初露时,晓雾缭绕,我们来到一望无际的湖的岸边。从晨光熹微到旭日东升这一段时间,是最神秘最珍贵的时间,片叶不留的树木的图案,在这时才显露出来。小白桦从上到下地被梳理  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Photonic crystals (PhCs) are increasingly at- tracting attention due to their ability of controlling light propagation on a wavelength scale, by which a fascinating platform for a new generation of inte- grated optical devices and components can be pro- vided. Many studies on PhCs however, focused on new means of tailoring the emission and propagation of light using the photonic band gap (PBG) property whereby the photon density of states is zero. A PhC with a full PBG re…  相似文献   
时间消失了打赌,你能使时间消失试一试你需要一副偏光太阳镜和一块有液晶显示的手表。戴上眼镜,观察手表的显示。慢慢地旋转手表,显示时间的数字不可思议地消失了!继续旋转,它们会重新出现。有甜味的彩虹透过装有糖浆的玻璃杯你能看到彩虹的所有颜色!试一试做这个小游戏时你需要从一副偏光眼镜上卸下两个镜片(这需要事先征求主人的同意)。你还需要一个透明玻璃杯、大麦糖浆、光源和一个助手。在一个眼睛片上放上玻璃杯,再放上另一个眼镜片,直到一片漆黑。在你助手向杯中慢慢倒入糖浆的同时,你继续观察。蓝色最先出现,然后一个接一个地,光谱…  相似文献   
我的菜畦靠近一条芦苇丛生的荒凉小溪.溪岸上杂草之间凌乱地长着菖蒲,在菖蒲长得又高又密的地方,有几处汩汩作响的清泉.纯净的水顺着弯弯曲曲的狭窄沟渠流入浑浊的河湾.随时可以看到,小鱼成群结队逆流而上,有时静止不动,不停地扇动着鱼翅.  相似文献   
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