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在延坪岛上一座简陋的房屋里,56岁得居民郑长宽颤抖地拾起一个烧黑了的落地摆钟,钟面指针停在2时45分,那是朝鲜的炮弹击穿他家屋顶的时间。他叹息而又不敢相信地摇摇头说:我们就像孤魂野鬼,也许早就离开人世了,但我至今也解释不清,为什么炮弹穿透屋顶却没有爆炸,而让我捡回一条命。延坪岛——驱不散的战争阴霾延坪岛位于朝韩南北分界线附近,尽管目前在韩国的实际管辖下,但朝鲜  相似文献   
越来越有钱,却感觉越来越糟糕,这就是奥地利富翁拉贝德尔的心声.在重新审视了自己的生活和内心之后,他明白了一个道理:快乐和金钱没有必然的联系. 捐出所有,从富翁变回穷人 奥地利蒂罗尔州的小镇泰尔夫斯,卡尔·拉贝德尔面对摄像机镜头,一跃而起,兴奋之情溢于言表."我感觉自由了."这个百万富翁笑着说.  相似文献   
今天我与大家交流美国国家档案馆(NARA)在保存历史和开放档案中面临的挑战以及我们正在通过怎样的方式将美国公众与他们的档案建立起联系。一、政务公开对档案工作的影响奥巴马总统在就职第一天就发表了关于政务公开倡议的演讲,他在最近发表的  相似文献   
第二天,杰克和小程带两只狗去公园。 恐狗狗忽然停止游戏,站着一动也不动。它在听什么声音。杰克和小程也在听。  相似文献   
This paper examines a controversial research programme aimed at the production of transgenic cows in New Zealand. It emphasizes the contested representation of the research, in its promotion, in its governance, and in the opposition sparked amongst environmentallanti-genetic modification groups and within the Māori community. The paper contends that the case of New Zealand's genetically modified cows certainly reveals some unique features of the prevailing economic, geographical and cultural context, but nonetheless has salience for the broader understanding of the promotion, public reception and governance of genetic modification.  相似文献   
Ensuring quality of laboratory services is the need of the hour in the field of health care. Keeping in mind the revolution ushered by six sigma concept in corporate world, health care sector may reap the benefits of the same. Six sigma provides a general methodology to describe performance on sigma scale. We aimed to gauge our laboratory performance by sigma metrics. Internal quality control (QC) data was analyzed retrospectively over a period of 6 months from July 2009 to December 2009. Laboratory mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation were calculated for all the parameters. Sigma was calculated for both the levels of internal QC. Satisfactory sigma values (>6) were elicited for creatinine, triglycerides, SGOT, CPK-Total and Amylase. Blood urea performed poorly on the sigma scale with sigma <3. The findings of our exercise emphasize the need for detailed evaluation and adoption of ameliorative measures in order to effectuate six sigma standards for all the analytical processes.  相似文献   
在都市奇谈中,有一种说法是人们有时候能通过牙齿听到广播。虽然这种故事常常被认为是异想天开虚构出来的,但美国牙科协会说,那些年,几乎每个月都有人向他们咨询这个问题,从此类似传闻就接连不断,屡屡出现。  相似文献   
我小时候,家住在村头。我很喜欢睡在房顶上,在这里什么都可以听得见,还可以看得很远。村子左边是一片光秃秃的荒沙地;右边和后面都是果园;正面是一条很深的山沟,山沟里奔流着—道溪水。 一天,天还不亮流水声就把我唤醒了。我望着外面,忽然发现山沟那边有什么东西闪了一下。  相似文献   
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