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We compared the professional and curricular conceptions of two samples of secondary education science teachers in Spain, who differed in their years of teaching experience and in whether or not they had participated in a long‐duration scientific‐pedagogical refresher course. Using the data from their responses to a questionnaire, we analysed aspects of their professionalism as teachers (motivation and work satisfaction) and aspects of the curriculum related to content, teaching methods and evaluation. The results show a broader professionalism and a higher level of satisfaction in the case of the teachers with more experience and a higher level of professional training. We found significant differences in whether the pupils' ideas were regarded as erroneous, and in whether laboratory practical work was used to test theory. We conclude by setting out a series of reflections with the aim of working towards improving teachers' ‘professional development’.

Dans cet article, nous comparons les représentations professionnelles et curriculaires de deux échantillons de professeurs de Sciences de l'Enseignement Secondaire en Espagne, selon leur ancienneté et leur éventuelle participation à un cours de remise à niveau scientifique et pédagogique de longue durée. À partir des réponses à un questionnaire, nous avons analysé certains aspects professionnels, tels que la motivation et le degré de satisfaction dans l'exercice de la profession, de même que certains aspects curriculaires touchant les contenus, la méthodologie et l'évaluation. Les résultats démontrent un professionalisme plus important et un plus haut degré de satisfaction chez les professeurs les plus expérimentés et les mieux formés. Nous avons également trouvé des différences significatives en ce qui concerne la prise en compte des idées fausses des élèves ou la mise en place de travaux pratiques en laboratoire pour vérifier la théorie. Il en découle une série de réflexions dans le but d'améliorer le ‘parcours professionnel’ des enseignants.

En este artículo se comparan las concepciones profesionales y curriculares de dos muestras de profesores de Ciencias de Educación Secundaria españoles que difieren en los años de docencia y en la realización o no de un curso de actualización científico‐pedagógica de larga duración. Con los datos de un cuestionario, se analizaron aspectos de la profesionalidad docente, como la motivación y satisfacción en el ejercicio de la profesión, y aspectos curriculares, relacionados con los contenidos, la metodología de enseñanza y la evaluación. Los resultados revelan una profesionalidad más extensa y un mayor nivel de satisfacción en el caso de los profesores con más experiencia y mejor formados. Asimismo, se han encontrado diferencias significativas en asuntos tales como la consideración de las ideas de los alumnos como errores o la realización de prácticas de laboratorio para comprobar la teoría. A partir de ello se plantean una serie de reflexiones que buscan mejorar el ‘desarrollo profesional’ del profesorado.

In disem Artikel werden die Ansichten zu Beruf und Lehrerinhalten von zwei Gruppen von spanischen Erziehungwissenschaftern verglichen, die Pädagogik für den Unterricht an Sekundarschulen lehren und sich darin unterscheiden, dass sie eine unterschiedliche lange Berufserfahrung haben und einige sich wissenschaftlich in zeitlich länger befristeten Kursen fortgebildet haben, andere aber nicht. Die Ergebnisse eines Fragebogens wurden ausgewertet, um bestimmte Aspekte zu untersuchen, die die Arbeit der Dozenten betrifft, so zum Beispiel die Motivation und Zufriedenkeit bei der Ausübung des Berufs sowie Aspekte des Lehrplans, die Unterrichtinhalte, die Methodologie und Fragen der Evaluation betreffen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Dozenten mit größerer erfahrung und besser wissenschaftlicher Ausbildung vielseitiger in profesioneller Hinsicht sind und einen höheren grad an Zufriedenkeit aufweisen. Des weiteren konnten wesentliche unterschiede in Punkten wie der Bewertung von Schülerfelehrn oder bei der Durchführung von Praxisstunden im Labor, die der Anwendung der gelernten Theorie dienen, gefunden werden. An diesen Ergebnisse schlieben sich Reflexionen darüber an, wie die berufliche ‘Entwicklung und Fortbildung’ der Dozenten verbessert werden kann.  相似文献   

This study investigates the perceived role of psychological factors in achieving excellence in scientific research. Six outstanding scientists aged 33–42 were interviewed. Data were analyzed inductively resulting in three main dimensions: personality traits and characteristics, psychological skills and processes, and task-specific strategies. Researchers highlighted the importance of emotional factors and motivational processes to achieve and sustain scientific excellence. Flexible coping, emotion regulation, and goal setting were emphasized and described as particularly important in dealing with rejections, setbacks, and team management issues. Persistence and adaptive perfectionism were key individual characteristics which helped participants in nurturing and sustaining motivation. This study suggests that the specific impact of emotional, motivational, and other psychological skills at different stages of excellence development is relevant; yet, further investigation is needed.  相似文献   
For the past 20 years, researchers worldwide have shared a consensus that tracking leads to failure in school. But educational systems continue to use this practice for many reasons. One argument used to support the practice is that students who enter the vocational track early in their careers tend to enter the labour market more quickly. Data show, however, that when these people are in their 40s, they become the most vulnerable to poverty, especially during periods of economic recession. In addition to moving towards more comprehensive educational systems as the best long-term way to improve the chances of all future adults, our research demonstrates that schools can play a key role in preventing and reversing the risk of unemployment and poverty of low educated youth. The INCLUD-ED project has analysed effective actions in eight European countries (Slovenia, United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Romania, Belgium, Finland, and Spain) that respond to the educational needs of those who have experienced tracking. These effective alternatives are vocational programmes that include an academic-type of curriculum and allow students to move to higher education, as well as adult education programmes in schools which meet families' training needs, improving their opportunities in the labour market.  相似文献   
In this paper we present the relevance ranking algorithm named PolarityRank. This algorithm is inspired in PageRank, the webpage relevance calculus method used by Google, and generalizes it to deal with graphs having not only positive but also negative weighted arcs. Besides the definition of our algorithm, this paper includes the algebraic justification, the convergence demonstration and an empirical study in which PolarityRank is applied to two unrelated tasks where a graph with positive and negative weights can be built: the calculation of word semantic orientation and instance selection from a learning dataset.  相似文献   
Diversity is a cornerstone of the library profession and the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has recently announced a renewed emphasis on diversity and inclusion. In response to this initiative, this paper will review the current academic literature relating to diversity initiatives in academic libraries. Specifically, it will discuss diversity as it pertains to staffing, culture, collections, services and programming. These five areas are good starting points for libraries to reflect on the current state of diversity at their institutions and plan for meaningful change.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a light levels survey conducted at the Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture in Washington DC. The museum space is shared by the National Portrait Gallery and the Smithsonian American Art Museum. After six years of extensive renovations, the building reopened to the public in July 1, 2006. The structure was not originally designed to house a museum collection since it contains numerous openings such as windows, doors and skylights, which provide a path for natural radiation to enter the building and come in contact with the artworks. From a preventive conservation standpoint, this is an important problem since sensitive works of art in the collection may be subjected to damage caused by light exposure. Environmental data loggers installed throughout the museum were programmed to take successive measurements every 10 min for 24 h a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year. This light levels assessment started in November 1, 2007 and finished in October 31, 2008. This study presents a new method for determining natural radiation exposures registered in exhibition spaces that rely on both electric lighting and natural lighting, considering the growing trend of using daylight illumination in museums.  相似文献   
This article provides support to academics who are committed to engaging in scholarly activities in ways that promote an explicit social justice focus. Moreover, this article provides a broad overview of how to pursue social justice purposes in the field of education throughout the process of scholarly production and dissemination.  相似文献   
In this study we compare the distribution of parental educational styles and the scores reported both by parents and students for various family characteristics (acceptance, control, involvement, and expectations) and socio‐demographic factors (socio‐economic status, family structure, number of children, and order of birth of the children) in a group of adolescents with normal achievement (n?=?105) and in a group which present low achievement (n?=?205). Likewise, we examine which variables best predict academic achievement in the two groups and of adolescents. The results indicate differences in the distribution of parental styles in the two groups for the majority of the variables analysed. We also observed a differential pattern in the prediction of academic success. In the group of adolescents with normal academic achievement, socio‐demographic variables better predict achievement; for students with low achievement, family variables play a more important role in predicting achievement.  相似文献   
The current paper draws on data generated through group interviews with students who were involved in a larger ethnographic research project performed in three science classrooms. The purpose of the study from which this data was generated, was to understand science teachers’ assessment practices in an upper-secondary school in Sweden. During group interviews students were asked about their conceptions of what were the assessment priority of teachers, why the students were silent during lecturing and their experiences regarding peer- and self-assessments. The research design and analysis of the findings derives from what students told us about their assessments and learning sciences experiences. Students related that besides the results of the written test, they do not know what else teachers assessed and used to determine their grades. It was also found that students did not participate in the discussion on science because of peer-pressure and a fear of disappointing their peers. Student silence is also linked with student conceptions of science learning and student experiences with methodologies of teaching and learning sciences.  相似文献   
The research self-efficacy and motivation of foreign language (FL) faculty in periphery countries is under-researched, yet there is a need to understand the impact of public policies that drive such faculty to conduct research. This paper reports a qualitative case study investigating research self-efficacy and research motivation in a group of Mexican FL professors. Interview data show variation in self-efficacy levels connected with academic degree, motivation types and strategic behaviors. Professors with doctorates, intrinsic motivation and use of strategies showed the highest self-efficacy. Professors with master's degrees and low motivation show the lowest self-efficacy. Previous experience and mentoring are influential sources of self-efficacy. Policies such as forced collaboration, financial rewards and the threat of employment termination seem to exert some effect on self-efficacy. It is recommended that policies be enacted to recognize and promote mentoring formally.  相似文献   
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