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无线电运动应走入高校   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
无线电运动是很有价值的运动,由于其科技含量很高,导致了此项运动不易开展。本文根据高校的具体情况和无线电运动的特点,提出在高校内开展无线电运动的设想。  相似文献   
信息技术及其在旅游业中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了旅游管理信息系统、旅游电子商务和地理信息系统等信息技术基本功能,论述了旅游业中信息与信息技术的基本概念和应用途径,强调了旅游信息资源的重要性。  相似文献   
孙业红  闵庆文  刘某承 《资源科学》2013,35(7):1526-1534
旅游发展是农业文化遗产动态保护和适应管理的重要举措,有针对性地、科学地掌握其旅游资源利用特征是成功发展旅游的前提和基础.本文以技术型(浙江青田)、景观型(云南红河)和遗址型(江西万年)农业文化遗产地为例,开展了农业文化遗产地旅游资源利用特征对比研究.研究建立了以主体旅游资源特征、辅助旅游资源特征、外部因素特征以及客源与市场特征为内容的农业文化遗产地旅游资源利用特征评价体系,构建了农业文化遗产地旅游资源可持续利用模式分析的“优势—劣势-状态-响应”概念模型,提出技术型农业文化遗产地旅游资源可持续利用采用“市场带动资源模式”,景观型采用“资源带动市场模式”,遗址型采用“节事活动带动模式”,可为案例区及其它相似区域农业文化遗产旅游资源持续利用提供参考.  相似文献   
人们景仰的文学巨匠巴金先生,走完了他101年的人生历程。他留下的是激励人们的激流三部曲《家》、《春》、《秋》;爱情三部曲《雾》、《雨》、《电》和《寒夜》、《火》、《憩园》、《第四病室》等长篇巨著,《英雄故事》等多部短篇小说集。是什么使他一生笔耕不辍,写下了那么多中国现代文学史上的扛鼎之作?答案就是两个字——追求。  相似文献   
角色游戏是幼儿按照自己的意愿,以模仿和想象,借助真实或代替的材料,通过扮演角色,用语言、动作、表情等,创造性地再现周围社会生活的一种游戏.它对幼儿的社会性发展、认知发展、语言发展等有着重要的促进作用.幼儿是游戏的主人.每次游戏前,我们总是给予幼儿自主选择游戏区的权利.每个游戏主题的确定,虽然我们都是严格按照幼儿的年龄特点、生活经验、兴趣、需要等来进行的,但是在幼儿自主选择游戏区的过程中还是常常会发现很多幼儿争相抢着玩几个游戏区(如娃娃家),而有些游戏区(如超市)则经常处于受冷落的状态--热门游戏区的幼儿通常忙得不亦乐乎.而冷门游戏区的幼儿则很"悠闲".  相似文献   
This study investigated the effectiveness of e-learning by comparing the learning outcomes in conventional face-to-face lectures and e-learning methods. Two video-based e-learning contents were developed based on the rapid prototyping model and loaded onto the learning management system (LMS), which was available at http://www.greenehrd.com. Eighty-five Korean agricultural high school students were randomly assigned into the two groups: face-to-face lecture (control group), and video-based e-learning (experimental group). The students of the experimental group logged onto the LMS in the school computer lab and completed each e-learning module. All students were required to take a pretest and posttest before and after learning under the direction of the subject teachers. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine any difference between the two groups in terms of learning outcomes. One-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was also administered to verify whether there was any difference between the two groups after controlling for the covariate variable: pretest score. According to the results, e-learning resulted in better learning outcomes than face-to-face lecturing. These findings suggest that the use of well designed and appropriately applied e-learning could be worthy even in agricultural education, which stresses hands-on experience and lab activities. Further research should focus on a different e-learning content type in different agricultural subject fields and its relationship with learning outcome.  相似文献   
Obtaining consumer data has become an essential practice of Web proprietors. This is because, compared with ‘brick and mortar’ retail stores, it is much more difficult for Web proprietors to build one-on-one or face-to-face relationships with customers. The collection of personal information online boosts customized services for consumers, but at the same time it increases concerns about privacy infringement. Using a content analysis of the most visited Web sites in Korea and the United States, this study compares the amount and breadth of information requested by Web proprietors and examines the relationship between the information requests and privacy policies of Web sites. This study found that Korea-based Web sites present stronger privacy policies than do US-based Web sites. Ironically, they also request a greater amount and variety of information from consumers than do US-based Web sites during registration processes. When narrowing the focus to US sites only, this study also revealed that the stronger the privacy policies presented by US Web sites, the more information the US Web sites request from consumers.  相似文献   
The study of international relations purports to explain how nation-states and individuals interact around the globe. Yet one major area of such interaction – international sport – remains exceedingly understudied. This in spite of the fact that countries have gone to war over sport, fought for sovereign recognition through sport, and that citizens around the world have it as a daily part of their lives. Indeed it is astounding that a phenomenon that matters so much has been so little studied by a field that purports to explain relations between states and humans around the world. These deficiencies became more apparent in 2008 when we witnessed the world's biggest country hosting the world's biggest sporting event. The Beijing Olympics, though entertaining and exciting, showed how little we have thought about the link between sport and international politics. This article introduces a framework for understanding the link between sport and politics. Its point of entry is to argue that many of the questions about how China portrayed itself during the Olympics and whether the Games marked China's rise as a responsible power cannot be answered without first understanding how sport in general is related to a country's political development, and its sense of nationhood. My arguments do not represent new breakthroughs in political science, rather I attempt merely to offer a systematic way of thinking about how sports and the Olympics matter in world politics through three inter-related causal pathways relating to a country's sense of self, its diplomacy, and its capacity for change.  相似文献   
最近,中央对第二批深入学习实践科学发展观活动进行了部署,高校的学习实践活动即将开始。我们有理由相信,在科学发展观的指导下,我校的各项工作会更加进步。因为,通过科学发展观的学习与实践,我们的思路和工作会更加贴近规律,符合规则。  相似文献   
稻鱼共生系统与水稻单作系统的能值对比   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了从能量流动的角度揭示稻鱼共生系统和水稻单作系统在资源利用效率及环境压力上的差异,应用能值分析方法对贵州省从江县小黄村糯禾—鱼、糯禾单作、杂交稻—鱼、杂交稻单作两个系统、4个处理的农业资源投入的能值流及构建的能值指标进行了对比分析。结果表明:稻鱼共生系统与水稻单作系统农业资源投入结构相似,均以不可更新工业辅助资源投入为主,可更新资源投入不足,不利于系统的长期稳定。但与水稻单作系统相比,稻鱼共生系统的优势表现为:①太阳能转化效率较高;②转化单位自然资源投入购买能值较少;③受市场影响较小;④能值投资回报率较高;⑤对环境压力较小;⑥系统富有活力和发展潜力。可见,稻田养鱼的确是我国传统农业可持续发展的典型模式之一。如何既发挥稻鱼共生系统在资源利用效率方面的优势,同时又加强其在市场经济中的竞争力,是贵州省从江县乃至其他地区稻鱼共生系统可持续发展需要解决的重要问题。  相似文献   
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